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基于2003—2019年GRACE陆地水储量变化数据和全球陆地水文模型(global land data assimilation system,GLDAS)数据反演京津冀地下水储量变化,运用时空分析方法对地下水等效水高变化进行时空演变特征分析。在空间变化上,整个京津冀地下水等效水高变化速率约为-51.77 mm/a,其中:北京市变化速率最低,约为-38.15 mm/a;天津市变化速率最高,约为-62.85 mm/a;河北省变化速率与区域平均变化水平相当,约为-52.42 mm/a。基于Sen Slope和Mann-Kendall非参数检验法分析得出西部、西南部和中部地区地下水等效水高下降[JP]趋势最明显,东北部下降趋势最小。在时间变化上,地下水等效水高变化具有一定的季节性规律:夏季变化速率最大,约为-75.99 mm/a;冬季变化速率最小,约为-37.24 mm/a;春秋两季的变化速率大致相同,分别为-52.34 mm/a和-48.21 mm/a。在影响因素分析中,人类活动是引起京津冀地区地下水等效水高变化的主要因素。研究结果可为科学掌握京津冀地下水储量时空变化规律提供数据支撑。  相似文献   
The Congo Basin is the world's third largest in size (~ 3.7 million km2), and second only to the Amazon River in discharge (~ 40,200 m3 s− 1 annual average). However, the hydrological dynamics of seasonally flooded wetlands and floodplains remains poorly quantified. Here, we separate the Congo wetland into four 3° × 3° regions, and use remote sensing measurements (i.e., GRACE, satellite radar altimeter, GPCP, JERS-1, SRTM, and MODIS) to estimate the amounts of water filling and draining from the Congo wetland, and to determine the source of the water. We find that the amount of water annually filling and draining the Congo wetlands is 111 km3, which is about one-third the size of the water volumes found on the mainstem Amazon floodplain. Based on amplitude comparisons among the water volume changes and timing comparisons among their fluxes, we conclude that the local upland runoff is the main source of the Congo wetland water, not the fluvial process of river-floodplain water exchange as in the Amazon. Our hydraulic analysis using altimeter measurements also supports our conclusion by demonstrating that water surface elevations in the wetlands are consistently higher than the adjacent river water levels. Our research highlights differences in the hydrology and hydrodynamics between the Congo wetland and the mainstem Amazon floodplain.  相似文献   
在干旱—半干旱地区,陆地水是经济社会发展的重要水源。本文利用高斯平滑滤波处理的2002—2015年逐月GRACE卫星时变重力场数据,反演了西北地区陆地水储量变化。结果表明:在时间上,西北地区陆地水储量总体呈现下降趋势,每月减少0.014 cm,相当于每年减少53.5亿m3。在空间上,2002—2015年间陆地水储量减少区域约为224万km2,增加区域约为106万km2。各地区陆地水储量呈现明显的季节变化,7月达到年内最大值,陆地水储量处于盈余状态;冬、春季节为年内的低值区,陆地水储量处于亏损状态;陆地水储量的变化与降雨季节变化一致,表明西北地区降水是最重要的陆地水来源。  相似文献   
南水北调工程向华北输水与地下水压采的实施,一定程度改变了海河平原供用水格局,影响了海河平原的地下水储量。准确监测地下水储量变化是水安全保障和地下水战略储备的基础。本研究以水资源公报数据为基准,比较了重力卫星(GRACE)不同的信号处理方法和相关产品,反演了2003—2020年海河流域总水储量及其平原区地下水储量变化,分析了海河流域2000—2019年供用水结构变化和水量平衡关系,量化了总水储量变化对流域蒸散发估算的影响。结果表明:GRACE JPL Mascons数据反演的海河平原地下水储量变化与水资源公报数据的决定系数最高;2003—2020年海河平原地下水储量总体分3阶段呈下降趋势,2003—2011年、2012—2015年和2016—2020年的下降速率分别约为-23.9±1.3亿m3/a、-75.5±5.3亿m3/a、-37.3±2.6亿m3/a;在不考虑海河流域年总水储量变化条件下估算的2003—2019年多年平均蒸散量(521 mm/a),与考虑年总水储量变化的多年平均蒸散量(530 mm/a)相差约10 m...  相似文献   
基于GRACE重力卫星数据反演黄河流域2002-2013年陆地水储量变化,并通过GLDAS验证GRACE反演结果。在此基础上采用皮尔逊相关系数法进一步探究陆地水储量与降水、气温、蒸散和植被NDVI的关系。结果表明:基于GRACE数据能够较好地反演陆地水储量; 2002-2013年间黄河流域的水储量以0.56 cm/a的速度减少,且具有明显的季节特征,水储量在1-6月呈亏损状态,7-12月呈盈余状态;对黄河流域水储量变化与降水、气温、蒸散和NDVI进行滞后性分析,表明其与降水、蒸散、NDVI有两个月的滞后效应,与气温为3个月。  相似文献   
In the last 5 years, Lake Victoria water level has seen a dramatic fall that has caused alarm to water resource managers. Since the lake basin contributes about 20% of the lakes water in form of discharge, with 80% coming from direct rainfall, this study undertook a satellite analysis of the entire lake basin in an attempt to establish the cause of the decline. Gravity Recovery And Climate Experiment (GRACE), Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission (TRMM) and CHAllenging Minisatellite Payload (CHAMP) satellites were employed in the analysis. Using 45 months of data spanning a period of 4 years (2002–2006), GRACE satellite data are used to analyse the variation of the geoid (equipotential surface approximating the mean sea level) triggered by variation in the stored waters within the lake basin. TRMM Level 3 monthly data for the same period of time are used to compute mean rainfall for a spatial coverage of .25°×.25° (25×25 km) and the rainfall trend over the same period analyzed. To assess the effect of evaporation, 59 CHAMP satellite’s occultation for the period 2001 to 2006 are analyzed for tropopause warming. GRACE results indicate an annual fall in the geoid by 1.574 mm/year during the study period 2002–2006. This fall clearly demonstrates the basin losing water over these period. TRMM results on the other hand indicate the rainfall over the basin (and directly over the lake) to have been stable during this period. The CHAMP satellite results indicate the tropopause temperature to have fallen in 2002 by about 3.9 K and increased by 2.2 K in 2003 and remained above the 189.5 K value of 2002. The tropopause heights have shown a steady increase from a height of 16.72 m in 2001 and has remained above this value reaching a maximum of 17.59 km in 2005, an increase in height by 0.87 m. Though the basin discharge contributes only 20%, its decline has contributed to the fall in the lake waters. Since rainfall over the period remained stable, and temperatures did not increase drastically to cause massive evaporation, the remaining major contributor is the discharge from the expanded Owen Falls dam.  相似文献   
利用2005年至2010年6年的GRACE(Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment)数据反演,研究了青藏高原地区以及雅鲁藏布江流域的季节及年陆地水储量的变化情况.结果显示:在研究区,伴随着显著地季节性波动,年水储量均有明显的下降趋势.同时,流域GRACE数据反演结果和国际上几种模式的水文模拟结果比较表明,GRACE在两个流域上的反演结果与CPC水文模型模拟结果变化趋势较为一致,但水储量年、季变化幅度偏大,而与GLDAS发布的CLM与VIC模型的结果则相差甚远,主要原因归结为青藏高原地区气候条件复杂导致模型的不确定性及误差较大,而大多水文模型缺乏对地下水变化的模拟能力所致.  相似文献   
为分析西北地区地下水干旱时空演变趋势及对气象干旱的动态响应,利用GRACE和GLDAS数据定量评估地下水储量变化,构建地下水干旱指数GRACE-GDI分析地下水干旱的时空演变特征,并利用Pearson相关系数分析了地下水干旱对气象干旱的动态响应关系.结果表明:西北地区地下水储量总体上以0.25 cm/a的速率枯竭;河西...  相似文献   
GRACE卫星能反演区域地下水储量的月动态变化,而且数据免费,它为区域地下水管理提供了新的方法。首先总结了区域地下水管理、GRACE卫星在地下水储量和区域地下水管理中的应用现状;接着通过多个案例分析展示了GRACE卫星能成功应用于区域地下水储量动态评价,而且GRACE反演的地下水动态数据能用于区域地下水模型的参数识别,证实了GRACE卫星在区域地下水管理的应用潜力;最后指出GRACE卫星反演的数据在应用中的两大问题:该数据无法直接用于区域地下水资源评价和空间分辨率低。GRACE卫星如何有效用于区域地下水资源评价和如何提高GRACE卫星反演数据的空间分辨率是当前研究的发展方向。  相似文献   
We investigate the interannual variability over 2003-2008 of different hydrological parameters in the Amazon river basin: (1) vertically-integrated water storage from the GRACE space gravimetry mission, (2) surface water level of the Amazon River and its tributaries from in situ gauge stations, and (3) precipitation. We analyze the spatio-temporal evolution of total water storage from GRACE and in situ river level along the Amazon River and its main tributaries and note significant differences between the various parts of the basin. We also perform an Empirical Orthogonal Decomposition of total water storage, river level and precipitation over the whole basin. We find that the 2003-2008 period, is characterized by two major hydrological events: a temporary drought in late 2005 that affected the western and central parts of the basin and very wet conditions peaking in mid-2006, in the eastern, northern and southern regions of the basin. Derivative of basin-average water storage from GRACE is shown to be highly correlated with the Southern Oscillation Index (a proxy of ENSO — El Niño-Southern Oscillation), confirming that the spatio-temporal change in hydrology of the Amazon basin is at least partly driven by the ENSO phenomenon, as noticed in previous studies.  相似文献   
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