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姚斯洋  林妙丽  陈诚  何梦男  崔桢  陈求稳 《水资源保护》2023,39(1):200-207, 242
采用水动力水质模型模拟了鄱阳湖在极端退水年(2016年)和一般退水年(2017年)两种退水工况下拟建鄱阳湖水利枢纽建设前后的水动力水质过程,并构建湖区水环境容量模型评估了鄱阳湖拟建水利枢纽对湖区水质和水环境容量的影响。模拟结果表明:枢纽建设运行能显著增加鄱阳湖的水体体积,每月最大可增加77%;在退水初期主要降低湖泊中部的TP质量浓度,在极端退水年的退水后期会导致闸上TP质量浓度升高,在一般退水年则会导致闸上TP质量浓度降低,但对CODMn和NH3-N质量浓度空间分布无明显影响;在极端退水年,枢纽建设运行会导致CODMn、NH3-N和TP质量浓度增大,而在一般退水年则会导致TP的质量浓度降低;枢纽建设运行能显著提升CODMn和NH3-N的水环境容量,在一般退水年会增大TP的水环境容量,但在极端退水年TP的水环境容量可能降低。  相似文献   
针对内陆湖泊水质及光谱特性空间差异性大、支流水系结构复杂而导致的遥感影像水体提取精度低的问题,提出了结合光谱主成分分析(PCA)及支持向量机(SVM)的PCA-SVM水体提取算法。基于GF-1卫星遥感影像,对原始影像光谱波段特征进行PCA降维,从中优选熵、方差、差异性纹理特征向量,结合原始波段及归一化差分水体指数(NDWI),构建了8维特征向量,并基于SVM算法提取湖泊水体。以巢湖洪水期与非洪水期影像为研究实例,分别采用NDWI法、传统SVM算法及PCA-SVM算法对水体进行提取,并进一步基于PCA-SVM算法对2020年汛期巢湖洪水期淹没演变过程进行反演和跟踪,定量解析特征向量组合及SVM惩罚系数C对水体提取性能的影响。结果表明:PCA-SVM算法提取的湖泊完整、支流连续,显著改善了含蓝藻水体漏提、建筑物误提等问题;洪水期和非洪水期提取结果的F1分数分别为95.08%和97.95%,虚警率分别为5.43%和1.13%,提取精度显著高于NDWI法和SVM算法。  相似文献   
After 45 years of stocking, lake trout in Lake Champlain have started to exhibit strong natural recruitment, suggesting a recent change in limiting factors such as prey availability or overwinter survival. The abundance of juvenile wild lake trout varies among regions of Lake Champlain which suggests the prey base, or foraging success, may vary geographically within the lake. One metric that can indicate differences in resources across regions is lake trout lipid content, which reflects the availability of food and serves as an important energy reserve for overwinter survival. We quantified total lipid content of stocked and wild age-0 to age-3 lake trout among lake regions and seasons. No spatial differences in lipid content were apparent, but wild fish had higher overall mean ± SE percent total lipid content (17.0 ± 0.7% of dry mass) than stocked fish (15.2 ± 0.7%). Lipids in fish stocked in November were high (35.1 ± 0.7% of dry mass) but dropped by spring (14.9 ± 1.3%) and continued to decline through autumn. Wild fish showed seasonal changes with winter depletion in lipids followed by summer increase, and a plateau in autumn. The lipid depletion in stocked fish poses two competing hypotheses: 1) the high lipid concentration is necessary for stocked age-0 fish to transition to foraging in the wild, or 2) the high lipid concentration is difficult to maintain on a wild diet and reduces survival in the first post-stocking year.  相似文献   
Surface sediments and three sediment cores from the western basin and one sediment core from the Sandusky basin were analyzed to document spatial and temporal changes in five phosphorus fractions and total phosphorus (TP). The areal distributions of the bioavailable fractions NaCl-Pi, NaBD-Pi, and NaOH-Pi and the refractory organic fraction Res-P were broadly consistent and contrasted with those of the detrital fraction HCl-Pi which showed that high concentrations occurred mostly in high-energy littoral zones and low concentrations largely in profundal depositional areas. The contrasting distributions were induced by interactions among tributary inputs, wave action, circulation, and biogeochemical cycling and transfer in the basin. As revealed by the Sandusky basin sediment record, the detrital fraction HCl-Pi was dominant (70% of TP) during European settlement and decreased rapidly by 28.0% in the early 1910s due largely to impoundments of the Maumee and Sandusky Rivers. While HCl-Pi has ever since remained relatively constant, NaCl-Pi, NaBD-Pi, and NaOH-Pi increased significantly between 1950 and 1970 in the two basins. However, the post-regulation sediment records differed considerably among these coring sites. There was a marked increase of TP in two cores, corresponding to recent return of eutrophication and massive harmful algal blooms but contrasting with a relatively constant, low loading into the lake. This signified the role of internal loading as derived partialy from legacy pollution. Furthermore, NaCl-Pi has increased progressively throughout all the records. We conclude that the increased levels of NaCl-Pi in surface sediments may have altered the internal loading and contributed to the resurgences of harmful algal blooms in Lake Erie.  相似文献   
Constructed and restored wetlands can be effective sinks for particulate and dissolved phosphorus (P) if properly managed, but identifying suitable P retention wetland locations remains challenging. From a landscape perspective, Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) models identify locations within target watersheds with high nutrient loads that exhibit appropriate site characteristics and hydrodynamics. However, soil properties vary at the field scale, dictating the capacity of wetland systems to remove P and ultimately determining if a given wetland will operate as a sink or source of P over time. Land ownership and site access further complicate identification of P retention wetland locations. As a result, optimization and identification of P retention wetland locations requires analysis at both 1) watershed and 2) field scales, and 3) public engagement. In response, a survey effort linked SWAT model results that identified locations with target watersheds with field soil P storage capacity data and interested landowners. Results suggest that several locations recommended for their high SWAT-predicted P loading and landowner interest were in fact not well suited for project implementation due to soil P saturation and legacy P constraints. These findings highlight the need to couple watershed models with field scale soils analysis to identify locations for P retention wetlands in order to avoid unintended P release. Additionally, increased collaboration with social scientists and others familiar with public engagement strategies is needed to improve outreach activities targeting regional water quality improvements. Practical applications for nutrient retention wetland site selection are also discussed.  相似文献   
由于特殊的自然地理条件,加之人类活动频繁,太湖及太浦河两岸地区的防洪、水资源和水环境等问题交织在一起,导致洪涝风险成因复杂,洪水风险长期存在。分析了该地区的洪涝风险特性,包括太湖水位易涨难消、太浦河两岸地区洪涝风险互相转化、上下游洪水风险转移,以及下垫面、引调水的变化而导致的洪水风险分布随之调整等;根据分析结果,对该地区的洪涝风险类型进行了识别。在此基础上,提出了科学精细调度水利工程、提升平原河网洪水风险分析技术、建立洪水风险实时分析系统以及探索"风险共担"的洪水管理模式等方面的建议。  相似文献   
基于南京水科院铁心桥实验基地的地形、下垫面条件等数据构建了SWMM,模拟了实验基地象目湖观景平台和水上餐厅两个监测点在不同降雨重现期、低影响开发措施、溢流孔设置和水泵强排条件下受淹情况。结果表明,初始水位较低(25.1 m)时,象目湖遭遇500年一遇的降雨事件时水位并未抬升至水上餐厅。初始水位较高(25.6 m)时,200年一遇和500年一遇的降雨事件中水上餐厅受淹持续时间分别为7 h和11 h。采用集水池、雨水花园和生物滞留池3种LID措施对象目湖水位峰值影响模拟结果显示,在5年或10年一遇的降雨事件中雨水花园和集水池可以分别降低象目湖峰值水位0.06 m和0.02 m,生物滞留池没有削减峰值水位。在降雨量为218.5 mm的20160707次降雨事件中LID措施削减象目湖水位效果不明显。水泵抽排流量越大,象目湖水位越早回落到观景平台以下。LID在应对造成城市内涝的低频次、短历时强降雨方面作用有限,铁心桥实验基地象目湖内涝防治应以加强水文气象预测和水位管理、加大溢流孔尺寸和采用水泵强排等措施为主。  相似文献   
为了提高博斯腾湖流域水资源管理水平,设计开发了针对该流域的水资源管理决策支持系统。系统基于Microsoft.NET平台,采用Visual Studio、SQL Server、ArcGIS工具集开发,在流域“地-云-空”一体化监测体系和系统架构的基础上,构建了地图要素管理、基本水文信息、流域生态流量等主要模块,实现了流域空间可视化查询、实时流量动态模拟、流域生态基流计算以及水资源管理配置等功能。结合博斯腾湖流域1956—2019年水文资料及目前数据获取情况,系统可为不同发展模式下水资源管理提供多方面参考信息和技术支撑,能有效提高水资源管理部门决策效率。  相似文献   
The Lake Basaka catchment (Ethiopia) has undergone a significant land use–land cover (LULC) change and lake level rise over the past five decades. Significant quantities of water and sediment flow annually into the lake through erosion processes. An appropriate method of estimating the surface run‐off from such ungauged and dynamic catchment is extremely important for delineating sensitive areas (based on run‐off responses) to be protected and for development of suitable measures to reduce run‐off and associated soil loss. Reliable prediction of run‐off, however, is very difficult and time‐consuming for catchments such as that of Lake Basaka. The present study estimated the dynamics of surface (direct) run‐off using the NRCS‐CN model in ArcGIS, assisted by remote sensing and ancillary data. The results indicated the Lake Basaka catchment experienced significant temporal and spatial variability in its run‐off responses, depending on the rainfall (amount and distribution) pattern and LULC changes. A significant run‐off increase occurred after 1973, consistent with significant LULC changes and lake level increments occurring after that period. A reduced vegetation cover also resulted in increased run‐off coefficient of the lake catchment from 0.11 in the 1970s to 0.23 in the 2000s, indicating the important need to consider possible future LULC evolution when forecasting the lake catchment run‐off behaviour.  相似文献   
Many large lake ecosystems are experiencing increasing eutrophication and persistent cyanobacteria‐dominated algal blooms affecting their water quality and ecosystem productivity because of widespread non‐point and point nutrient sources. Accordingly, the present study utilized data of July 2003 and January–February 2004, as well as previous measurements of nutrients and physico‐chemical variables (electrical conductivity, dissolved oxygen, temperature, pH, turbidity and chlorophyll‐a), to characterize the spatial and temporal trends, as a means of better understanding the factors influencing lake environmental conditions, as support tools for long‐term ecosystem management and for better understanding the long‐term trends and effects. Inshore gulf areas were found to represent zones of maximum nutrient concentrations, compared to the deep main lake zones, with significant inter‐parameter correlations. Phosphorus, silicon and chlorophyll‐a concentrations were significantly correlated. Water electrical conductivity was also significantly and positively correlated with soluble reactive silicon (SRSi), alkalinity hardness DO, while exhibiting a negative association with water transparency. Water turbidity and transparency, electrical conductivity, and SRSi concentrations clearly describe a gradient from the gulf into the main lake. For such a shallow gulf, these findings suggest primary productivity is influenced mainly by the availability of nutrients, light transparency and the extent of availability of resuspended nutrients. The increasing eutrophic state of Lake Victoria is a serious concern since it contributes to an increased potential of more frequent occurrences of cyanobacterial blooms, a potential public health risk to both humans and wildlife. Improved understanding of influences from previous fish species introductions and concomitant changes in indigenous fish species, increased lake basin population and anthropogenic activities, water hyacinth resurgences, sustainability of biodiversity, and current interests in cage farming, are among the major concerns and challenges facing the contemporary Lake Victoria. The trends regarding nutrients and physico‐chemical characteristics are intended to support better monitoring efforts and data to promote the lake's ecosystem services and the sustainable management of the lake ecosystem.  相似文献   
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