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We studied underground pressure and its mechanism during back-gully mining in a shallow coal seam under a bedrock gully slope, by means of physical simulation, numerical modeling and field monitoring.The results show that the intensity of underground pressure is related to its relative position at the coalface. The underground pressure is intensive and the support resistance reaches a maximum when the coalface is at the bottom of the gully, whereas the underground pressure is moderate and decreases gradually when the coalface passes the gully. The mechanism of these changes is analyzed when the slope rotated in a reversed direction to the slope dip during back-gully mining and form an unstable, multilateral block hinged structure, due to slipping. The subsidence of multilateral blocks is considerable when the block fragmentation is small, resulting in enormous changes in the underground pressure. With an increase in the mass of the block body, the block displacement will be reduced in conjunction with an increased clamp effect by both the unbroken rocks and broken rocks in the goaf, resulting in a decrease of the underground pressure.  相似文献   
蒋家沟流域非泥石流活动期的输沙特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
实测2008—2009年间蒋家沟非泥石流时期推移质和悬移质的总量,分析非泥石流时期蒋家沟的输沙特征,结果表明:非泥石流活动期推移质含量极大,年输沙量达3.6万t,相当于一次中等规模泥石流的固体物质总量;泥石流对推移质和悬移质含量影响很大,泥石流之后,河道内悬移质和推移质含量呈衰减趋势,其中悬移质呈负幂指数衰减y=y0exp(-bx),推移质衰减速度大于悬移质;推移质粒径范围雨季和旱季差别较大,悬移质则相对一致,悬移质和推移质粒径分布均满足对数高斯分布y=aexp(-(x-b)2/c2);悬移质具有良好的分形特征,能得到其分维值范围,并确定悬移质分形的无标度区的界限,即划分床沙质和冲泻质的临界粒径为16μm,大于和小于该粒径的颗粒组成均具有较好的分形特征。  相似文献   
蒋家沟泥石流沟道年际冲淤变化特征分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了分析泥石流对沟道冲淤的累积影响效应,根据蒋家沟1999—2014年泥石流沟道断面测量数据对沟道年际冲淤变化特征及影响因素进行了分析。结果表明蒋家沟泥石流沟道断面形态变化主要表现为断面展宽、断面淤积抬高或冲刷降低;沟道宽度变化主要发生于1999—2009年,2009年后沟道宽度相对稳定,沟道冲淤速率逐渐减缓;沟道整体纵剖面曲线呈现下凹型,下凹度不断减小,2009年后下凹度在1.1左右波动,纵剖面整体比降不断增大,2009年后比降增加速率减缓;泥石流输沙规模减小、泥深及流速减小、支沟泥石流汇入、沟道下游排导工程是影响蒋家沟泥石流沟道冲淤的主要因素。研究成果可为泥石流流通及堆积区的防治提供参考。  相似文献   
针对融雪、降雨融雪等条件诱发的冰川泥石流形成过程,为了更好的认识藏东南地区冰川泥石流形成条件,选取藏东南地区天摩沟为研究对象,根据研究区流域特征、冰川覆盖面积以及气温等条件,在热化学、土力学以及流体力学等理论基础上,分析得到藏东南地区冰川泥石流在融雪条件下的起动流深阀值。结果表明:由于藏东南地区冰川泥石流沟分布高程影响,使得冰川泥石流沟所处的大气压为41. 0×103~54. 0×103kPa,使得雪线位置的冰川熔点上升至0. 352~0. 45℃;天摩沟冰川泥石流沟道冰碛物表层有效粒径(d10=10 mm)起动的临界流深为0. 04 m;天摩沟冰川泥石流沟道冰碛物发生冲蚀剪切破坏时的临界地表流深为其侵蚀厚度的3. 17倍;当天摩沟的降雨强度大于10. 22mm/h时可诱发冰川泥石流过程。研究成果为藏东南地区冰川泥石流的防治提供一定的参考。  相似文献   
结合渭北黄土高原沟壑区的地形地貌和人文特征,根据陕西长武县5个村落的实地调研,分析传统村落所面临的现实矛盾,提出生态环境脆弱村落逐步向塬面搬迁,恢复山体自然植被、延续传统村落的空间布局特色,通过调整产业建立自我更新的发展体系等发展策略和途径。  相似文献   
This study proposes a novel approach to study stress field distribution and overlying ground pressure behavior in shallow seam mining in gully terrain.This approach combines numerical simulations and field tests based on the conditions of gully terrain in the Chuancao Gedan Mine.The effects of gully terrain on the in situ stress field of coal beds can be identified by the ratio of self-weight stress to vertical stress(η) at the location corresponding to the maximum vertical stress.Based on the function η =j(h),the effect of gully terrain on the stress field of overlying strata of the entire field can be characterized as a significantly affected area,moderately affected area,or non-affected area.Working face 6106 in the Chuancao Gedan Mine had a coal bed Jepth 80 m and was located in what was identified as a significantly affected area.Hence,mining may cause sliding of the gully slope and increased loading(including significant dynamic loading) on the roof strata.Field tests suggest that significant dynamic pressures were observed at the body and foot of the gully slope,and that dynamic loadings were observed upslope of the working face expansion,provided that the expanding direction of the working face is parallel to the gully.  相似文献   
汶川地震后,由于地震作用,大量的潜在泥石流沟被激活成活动性泥石流沟,这些泥石流沟将在今后较长一段时间内处于活跃期,泥石流暴发规模和频率显著增加,威胁灾区人民生命财产安全,影响灾区重建工作的顺利开展。以岷江上游关山沟为例,初步探讨地震触发潜在性泥石流的成因、起动方式、危害等问题。通过对关山沟震前遥感影像、震后航空影像的解译,结合野外考察、访问,该沟可定性为地震触发的典型潜在性泥石流沟。关山沟由潜在性泥石流而转变成活动性、高频泥石流沟,其成因主要是地震引起了流域内大量的崩塌、滑坡,为泥石流提供了丰富的物源条件。通过估算,关山沟由于地震震动导致流域内发育2处滑坡、21处崩塌,松散固体物质储量为122×104 m3。关山沟泥石流的起动方式为在一定的降水条件下,流域上游的滑坡转变成泥石流,沿途接纳两侧山坡表层径流冲刷下来的物质,同时强烈冲刷沟床中松散固体物质以增大泥石流规模,从而形成危害性泥石流。关山沟在P=1%、2%的暴雨频率下,泥石流造成堵河的可能性较大。泥石流一旦堵塞主河,其堵塞回水和溃决洪水将严重威胁到沟口上下游人民生命财产的安全,同时也威胁到“213国道”的安全通行。  相似文献   
通过对油藏类型、成藏模式及储层的岩石特征、物性、含油性的研究,结合区域沉积背景及实际生产情况,将西柳10油藏油水关系,特别是高水低油现象产生的原因进行了分析归纳。在成因分析的基础上,得出了西柳10断块油藏高水低油的单井成因模式。  相似文献   
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