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This paper describes a database model based on the original rough sets theory. Its rough relations permit the representation of a rough set of tuples not definable in terms of the elementary classes, except through use of lower and upper approximations. The rough relational database model also incorporates indiscernibility in the representation and in all the operators of the rough relational algebra. This indiscernibility is based strictly on equivalence classes which must be defined for every attribute domain. There are several obvious applications for which the rough relational database model can more accurately model an enterprise than does the standard relational model. These include systems involving ambiguous, imprecise, or uncertain data. Retrieval over mismatched domains caused by the merging of one or more applications can be facilitated by the use of indiscernibility, and naive system users can achieve greater recall with the rough relational database. In addition, applications inherently “rough” could be more easily implemented and maintained in the rough relational database.  相似文献   
介绍了Kynar-500涂料的涂装工艺,并对涂层的性能作了试验与分析。  相似文献   
介绍了新桥硫铁矿二步骤回采工艺,并从技术经济角度对该矿所采用的充填料及充填系统进行了探讨。  相似文献   
文章采用模糊规划的方法证明了期望放出体在放矿中的合理性,从而使放矿这个复杂的过程能方便地采用数学手段来处理。同时说明了如何在崩落法矿山利用期望体来解决实际生产中的放矿问题。  相似文献   
介绍了国产HS2000分布式控制系统首次在山东禹城化工总厂尿素装置上成功应用的情况。  相似文献   
近年来,高职院校都比较注重特色专业的建设。其中,特色专业建设的监控体系也受到了高职院校的重视,并取得了一定的效果,同时,也给其他院校提供了有价值的参考和借鉴。但由于在认识水平、管理水平和教学水平等方面仍有一些问题,导致在监控过程和措施实施方面还存在许多疏漏,有待完善。  相似文献   
The use of colorimetry within industry has grown extensively in the last few decades. Central to many of today's instruments is the CIE system, established in 1931. Many have questioned the validity of the assumptions made by Wright1 and Guild,2 some suggesting that the 1931 color‐matching functions are not the best representation of the human visual system's cone responses. A computational analysis was performed using metameric data to evaluate the CIE 1931 color‐matching functions as compared to with other responsivity functions. The underlying assumption was that an optimal set of responsivity functions would yield minimal color‐difference error between pairs of visually matched metamers. The difference of average color differences found in the six chosen sets of responsivity functions was small. The CIE 1931 2° color‐matching functions on average yielded the largest color difference, 4.56 ΔE. The best performance came from the CIE 1964 10° color‐matching functions, which yielded an average color difference of 4.02 ΔE. An optimization was then performed to derive a new set of color‐matching functions that were visually matched using metameric pairs of spectral data. If all pairs were to be optimized to globally minimize the average color difference, it is expected that this would produce an optimal set of responsivity functions. The optimum solution was to use a weighted combination of each set of responsivity functions. The optimized set, called the Shaw and Fairchild responsivity functions, was able to reduce the average color difference to 3.92 ΔE. In the final part of this study a computer‐based simulation of the color differences between the sets of responsivity functions was built. This simulation allowed a user to load a spectral radiance or a spectral reflectance data file and display the tristimulus match predicted by each of the seven sets of responsivity functions. © 2002 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Col Res Appl, 27, 316–329, 2002; Published online in Wiley InterScience (www.interscience.wiley.com). DOI 10.1002/col.10077  相似文献   
从提高学生职业能力理念出发,以高素质技能型人才培养为目标,教学改革和课程体系设计为先导,整合信息安全课程体系并进行优化,构建人才培养新方案,对教学内容进行有效探索,以期提高信息安全专业人才培养质量.  相似文献   
On basis of adopting polygeneration systems for power and alternative fuels,capturing CO2 with near zero energy penalties,and storing CO2 on sites,a new kind of Energy Network can integrate energy utilization,CO2 capture,transportation and storage synthetically.Techno-economic analysis of this solution focusing on Inner Mongolia and the Yangtze River Delta districts had been carried with comparison to the chain method for energy utilization and CO2 sequestration.This solution can save 21.5% of energy,and re...  相似文献   
The existing equivalent methods usually only deal with static load models and neglect the dynamic characteristics of loads such as induction motors.This paper presents a dynamic equivalent method which considers motor dynamics.At first,the clustering criterion of motor loads is given.The motors with similar dynamic characteristics are classified into one group.Then,reduction of motors in the same group is carried out.Finally,parameters of the equivalent motor are calculated and the equivalent system is thus...  相似文献   
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