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受2019年台风"利奇马"的影响,地处黄河下游的大汶河流域普降暴雨,支流柴汶河、牟汶河水位迅猛上涨,水库水位超限,台风暴雨影响造成经济损失严重。本文根据大汶河流域56个雨量站、水文站等多年水文资料,从降雨特征、洪水特性、水工程调度、地下水等方面予以分析探讨,旨在为进一步完善大汶河流域防洪减灾预案提供科学依据。  相似文献   
Highly productive floodplain rivers in Brazil and elsewhere provide livelihood and recreational fishing for millions of people around the world, but damming and controlled water discharge are a threat to these valuable ecosystems. Supplemental water releases (SWRs) at a dam are increasingly used for restoring fisheries productivity in many floodplain rivers. We proposed a conceptual model for a hypothetical water release to enhance fisheries using Três Marias Reservoir (TMR) on the São Francisco River (SFR), Brazil. The information needed by the model follows: (i) Biologically, what is the best release date? (ii) How much water will be released? (iii) What is the pattern of impoundment and how much impounded water will be released? (iv) What is the lost revenue to the power plant associated with SWR? (v) What is the relationship between river discharge and the area of floodplain that is flooded? (vi) What is the relationship between SWR and fisheries value? Ichthyoplankton studies in the SFR showed a clear positive relationship between fish density and water level (WL). While the relationship between WL and floodplain area flooded and recruitment is not known, we concluded the best date for release is when there is a natural flood, which naturally triggers fish spawning and the SWR will add to the natural flood and cover a greater floodplain area. The released volume will range from 0.302 km3 to 2.192 km3, depending on SWR duration. In most years from 1976 to 2003, TMR impounded enough water for SWR only in the second half of the fish‐spawning season (January–March). Lost revenue at TMR depended on release volume and ranged from US$ 0.493 million to US$ 3.452 million for the actual power rate. However, SWR could increase commercial fisheries income an estimated US$ 4.468 million. We forecast that SWR can bring fisheries benefits that surpass the lost revenue. Published in 2007 by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
民国时期海河流域水患频仍,原因是多方面的。其中,以太行山区森林破坏、水土流失和海河平原湖泊淤废为特征的生态环境恶化是主要原因。同时,海河流域水患频繁、堤溃河决又加剧了生态环境的恶化。  相似文献   
In southeastern Coastal Plain streams, wood debris can be very abundant and is recruited from extensive forested floodplains. Despite importance of wood debris, there have been few opportunities to examine recruitment and redistribution of wood in an undisturbed setting, particularly in the southeastern Coastal Plain. Following extensive flooding in 1994, measurements of individual downed trees (species, dbh, orientation, distance from base‐flow channel and condition) were made across replicated riparian landforms in a Gulf Coastal Plain 5th‐order stream. Annually, the fate of these trees was determined and newly recruited trees were noted. More than 300 downed trees have been recorded. Recruitment varied across landforms with more constrained reaches having greatest mortality. Total tree mortality varied substantially across years. Generally, tree recruitment was greatest in years with substantial floods (1994 and 1998). For each riparian landform type, tree mortality was correlated with the maximum daily flow during the period preceding annual debris surveys. This relationship was particularly strong for sand ridges (r2 = 0.942) and low terraces (r2 = 0.915), but was significant for floodplains (r2 = 0.413). Greatest rates of debris recruitment per maximum daily flow were observed for sand ridges followed by low terraces. Flood characteristics also influenced debris recruitment. The 1994 flood was caused by a tropical storm and resulted in a rapid rise in streamflow. Much of the debris recruited during this flood was from toppled trees and was oriented parallel to the stream channel. In contrast, the 1998 flood was preceded by a wetter than average winter with more gradually rising flows and there was no relationship between riparian landform and debris characteristics. These results indicate that wood recruitment dynamics in Coastal Plain streams are complex. Wood recruitment rates are controlled by cyclical variations in climate interacting with riparian geomorphology. Infrequent high flows appear critical in the maintenance of the instream debris pool. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
郝先虎 《煤炭技术》2008,27(6):151-153
快速治水方案,简便易行,使用较少的设备和人员,就可以把水量和治水费用控制为最低,同时可以有效的消除立井施工过程中水的影响,既能为井下工作人员创造出更好的施工环境,又能提高了井壁的表面质量,还能缩短井筒工程的工期。  相似文献   
Although most disasters are not entirely unexpected and therefore can, to varying degrees, be mitigated for, the UK construction sector does not play a sufficiently integrated role in disaster risk management. Research is reported on the development of a knowledge database and decision support framework to enable more effective disaster risk-management strategies from a construction perspective. A survey of UK professionals involved with disaster risk-management activities (i.e. emergency planning, constructing, urban planning, insurance) indicates that knowledge and awareness of integrated approaches is poor, and the construction sector as a key stakeholder and potential resource is not being used sufficiently. Key recommendations to improve the construction sector in the process are as follows: construction-related stakeholders need to become more involved in groups such as Local Resilience Teams and Forums; risk and hazard awareness training needs to be integrated systematically into the professional training of architects, planners, engineers, developers, etc.; and the construction sector should embrace and pre-empt regulatory changes regarding resilient construction requirements.

Bien que la plupart des catastrophes ne soient pas complètement inattendues et que, dans des proportions variables, elles puissent par conséquent être atténuées, l'industrie britannique du bâtiment ne s'implique pas suffisamment dans la gestion des risques de catastrophes. Il est rendu compte de recherches sur le développement d'une base de connaissances et d'un cadre de soutien à la prise de décision afin de rendre des stratégies de gestion des risques de catastrophes plus efficaces du point de vue de l'industrie du bâtiment. Une enquête auprès des professionnels britanniques impliqués dans les activités de gestion des risques de catastrophes (à savoir, planification des mesures d'urgence, construction, aménagement urbain, assurances) indique que le niveau de connaissances et de sensibilisation en matière d'approches intégrées est faible, et que le secteur du bâtiment en tant que partie prenante essentielle et ressource potentielle n'est pas suffisamment utilisé. Les principales recommandations pour améliorer le secteur du bâtiment sont les suivantes: il faut que les parties prenantes liées à l'industrie du bâtiment soient plus impliquées dans des groupes tels que les Equipes et les Forums Locaux de Résistance (Local Resilience Teams and Forums); il est nécessaire que les formations de sensibilisation aux risques et aux dangers soient systématiquement intégrées dans la formation professionnelle des architectes, des urbanistes, des ingénieurs, des promoteurs, etc., et le secteur du bâtiment devrait adopter facilement et anticiper les changements de réglementation relatifs aux obligations de résistance des constructions.

Mots clés: secteur du bâtiment, atténuation des catastrophes, plans en prévision des catastrophes, gestion des risques de catastrophes, inondations, risques naturels, résistance, Royaume-Uni  相似文献   
苏群 《冶金动力》2001,(4):53-54
主要介绍了马钢集团公司桃冲矿业公司水泥厂循环水工艺、厂区排洪,消防以及生活用水的设计与特点。  相似文献   
Many gravel bed rivers in the European Alpine area suffered different ranges and types of human pressure that modified their morphology and altered their processes. This work presents the case of the middle portion of the Brenta River, historically impacted by human activities such as floodplain occupations, bank protection, gravel mining, hydropower schemes and water diversion. Dam operation and gravel mining have produced considerable modifications in the natural sediment regime generating important morphological channel responses (narrowing and incision). Large areas of the former active channel have been colonized by riparian vegetation, both as islands and as marginal woodlands. Overall, the river changed its morphological pattern from braided to wandering. The present study analyses the timing and extent of the planform morphological changes that occurred over the last 30 years along the middle portion of the river (20 km long) through the examination of aerial photos, repeated topographic measurements and hydrological data. A series of recent aerial photos (1981, 1990, 1994, 1999, 2003, 2006, 2008, 2010 and 2011) have been used to assess the medium and short‐term morphological changes of the floodplains and the active channel area. As to the medium‐term modification, the recent changes in in‐channel gravel mining have determined a new trend of active channel widening through erosion of vegetated areas. The analysis has also allowed to assess the morphological effect of single flood events. Only floods with recurrence interval higher than 8–10 years appear to be able to determine substantial erosion of floodplain and island margins. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
朝阳区地处北京市排水尾闾,河湖水系众多,属于北京市排水规划格局"西蓄东排"的东排区,"7.21"大暴雨对区域内人民财产造成了严重的损失。在区委、区政府强有力的领导下,快速、有序、有力的救灾举措使强降雨对朝阳区造成的危害程度降到最低。在深入剖析本次强降雨对朝阳区影响的基础上,从工程建设、区域规划、体制机制等多方面提出措施,旨在提高区域防汛能力,保障社会快速稳定发展。  相似文献   
文章分析了旱涝频发的原因,提出了完善防洪抗旱减灾体系,水资源合理配置和高效利用体系、资源保护和河湖健康保障体系以及有利于水利科学发展的制度体系的措施。  相似文献   
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