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基于博弈模型的互联网低俗内容监管可行性研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
宋强  李钢 《电信科学》2011,27(7):52-58
运用博弈工具分析我国互联网低俗内容监管,是为了从理论上真正搞清楚这样一个问题,即通过监管是否能够防止低俗内容在互联网上广泛传播。以博弈的视角对低俗内容的来源——内容提供商、平台服务提供商及以政府为主导的监管方的相关行为进行分析,在三者之间建立博弈模型,通过对其均衡解的分析揭示互联网内容监管的可行性。结论是肯定的,即互联网低俗内容监管机构与内容平台提供商之间能够实现(不检查,不违规)这一理想均衡状态,同时还可以采取措施避免另外两种均衡(不检查,违规)和(检查,违规)的出现。尽管我国互联网低俗内容监管的现状并不如此,但通过多样化的监管措施,防止互联网服务商违规是可实现的。  相似文献   
以导电石墨粉、低熔无铅玻璃和乙基纤维素松油醇溶液制备了无铅石墨导电浆料。分析了浆料中玻璃粉含量对烧结膜表面电阻、威氏硬度和附着力的影响,给出了石墨导电浆料的配方。研究了浆料的流变性、触变性和粘弹性。用玻璃转变温度为476℃的无铅低熔玻璃配制的浆料在520~580℃烧结后,外观致密光洁;当烧结膜厚度为(25±3)μm时,方阻为80~135?/□,硬度为12.3 N/mm2,附着力为45.6 N。  相似文献   
为解决IPTV系统中因用户数量增加引起的网络拥塞、响应速度慢、边缘缓存容量不足等问题,文中针对RS(RollingStream)系统提出一种基于节目热门程度统计的媒体内容调度策略.通过统计节目热门度,对节目进行分级,不同级别的节目根据不同的策略进行存储分发或删除处理.此策略不仅提高了系统的服务质量,而且在很大程度上提高了系统资源的利用率,优化了系统性能.  相似文献   
The main object of this study is to determine the drying behaviour and conditions of shelled and unshelled pistachio samples using both solar assisted and open sun drying. For each drying experiment, 100 g each of unshelled and shelled pistachio were used. The least‐squares method was applied to find the drying curve equation of pistachio. During the experiments, shelf temperatures, weight loss of pistachio, moisture content of air, and distribution of solar radiation were measured; and presented depending on the drying time. Also, the mass shrinkage ratios of shelled and unshelled pistachio samples were determined, and the experimental uncertainty ratio was calculated as 15–16.5 per cent based on the experimental results. It was deduced that the shelled and unshelled pistachio samples in the solar assisted forced convection dryer were perfectly dried at temperatures of 50±10°C in the time period of 6 h. Whereas, the samples in the open sun drying were not sufficiently dried at temperatures of 28±4°C in the same time period. Hence, it is suggested that the pistachio samples with approximately 29.0 per cent of moisture are dried in the solar assisted convection dryer at 50±10°C of temperature in the time period of approximately 6 h in order to protect from the negative climatic and environmental effects. However, it is not desirable to dry the pistachio samples in the open sun because of greater drying time, dirt, dust and harmful insects. Copyright © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
土体含水量是影响高边坡稳定的重要因素。本文对宝鸡峡灌区总干98km高边坡变形破坏原因进行了探讨,并提出高边坡治理设计坡型。  相似文献   
针对目前国内外对凝析水结垢规律认识不清的问题,采用自研的高温高压凝析水结垢量测试实验装置,通过正交实验方法,测试了高温高压条件下凝析水发生结垢反应前后成垢离子含量变化,研究了地层条件下凝析水离子变化规律以及CO2对凝析水结垢的影响.实验结果表明:凝析水的蒸发导致凝析水中离子含量总体上升,随温度升高,非成垢离子含量升高,...  相似文献   
历史时期黄土高原的植被及其变迁   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
王守春 《人民黄河》1994,17(2):9-12
距今3000-2000年前,黄土高原六盘山以东,吕梁山以西,长城以南地区显域生境植被为疏林灌丛草原,并存在一定的区域差异唐宋时期,黄土高原的植被表现出显著的变化,主要是草原带的南移和某些耐旱植物分布范围的扩大。自北宋以后,人类活动对植被的破坏越来越强烈。掩盖了植被由于自然原因发生的变化。  相似文献   
The purpose of this new study was to determine the types and levels of major phytochemicals (non-nutrients) and nutrients in the different tissues from vegetative and flowering Moringa oleifera L. an important multipurpose crop. Rhamnose and acetyl-rhamnose-substituted glucosinolates were found in all of the M. oleifera tissues with different profiles depending on the tissue. In addition the tissues of M. oleifera had a relatively complex flavonoid profile consisting of glucosides, rutinosides, malonylglucosides and traces of acetylglucosides of kaempferol, quercetin and isorhamnetin. Fatty acid profiling of the different tissues showed that leaves were rich in palmitic (16:0) and linolenic (18:3) acid whereas seeds were predominated by oleic acid (18:1). Roots were rich in palmitic and oleic acid, whereas stems and twigs predominately contained palmitic acid. Potassium, magnesium and calcium were the predominant minerals in all of the tissues. Low levels of selenium were detected only in whole seeds.  相似文献   
Farmed giant catfish (Pangasianodon gigas) muscles (dorsal and ventral sites) were stored in a refrigerator (at 4 °C) for 14 days to determine the effect of refrigerated storage on biochemical and physical changes. The analyses were carried out at 0, 2, 4, 7, 10 and 14 days of storage. At day 14, Ca2+ ‐ATPase activity markedly decreased when compared to its value at day 1 (>90%), while a small decrease was observed for surface hydrophobicity and reactive sulfhydryls content. Total volatile basic nitrogen and trichloroacetic‐soluble peptide content gradually increased when the storage period was extended. The myosin heavy chain decreased slightly on SDS‐PAGE for both meat cuts with increased storage time. Expressible drip and cooking loss were highest during the first day of storage and slightly decreased with storage time. Instrumental hardness was significantly higher in the ventral compared to the dorsal muscle, while the toughness was the highest at the second day of storage. The muscle bundles with scanning electron microscopy were less attached, resulting in the observed big gaps over increasing storage time. Results indicated that changes of proteins have detrimental effects on the quality attributes of farmed giant catfish muscles during refrigerated storage, particularly physical and biochemical properties.  相似文献   
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