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Stress measurement methods using neutron and X‐ray diffraction were examined by comparing the surface stresses with internal stresses in the continuous tungsten‐fiber reinforced copper‐matrix composite. Surface stresses were measured by X‐ray stress measurement with the sin2ψ method. Furthermore, the sin2ψ method and the most common triaxal measurement method using Hooke's equation were employed for internal stress measurement by neutron diffraction. On the other hand, microstress distributions developed by the difference in the thermal expansion coefficients between these two phases were calculated by FEM. The weighted average strains and stresses were compared with the experimental results. The FEM results agreed with the experimental results qualitatively and confirmed the importance of the triaxial stress analysis in the neutron stress measurement.  相似文献   
This paper deals with a new boundary element method for analysis of the quasistatic problems in coupled thermoelasticity. Through some mathematical manipulation of the Navier equation in elasticity, the heat conduction equation is transformed into a simpler form, similar to the uncoupled-type equation with the modified thermal conductivity which shows the coupling effects. This procedure enables us to treat the coupled thermoelastic problems as an uncoupled one, A few examples are computed by the proposed BEM, and the results obtained are compared with the analytical ones available in the literature, whereby the accuracy and versatility of the proposed method are demonstrated.  相似文献   
Measurement of the flow stress of high density polyethylene (HDPE) and nylon 66 at strain rates of 103 s?1 using a split Hopkinson pressure bar technique is discussed. The flow stress at a strain of 10% has been determined for both polymers at 20°C. The intrinsic errors involved in this technique are briefly reviewed. The results indicate that the flow stress of HDPE and nylon 66 were 50MPa and 150MPa, respectively, at strain rates of about 103s?1.  相似文献   
Compression-after-impact (CAI) tests have been conducted for quasi-isotropic thick plates with 48 plies by using the NASA method and on plates with 32 plies by using the SACMA method. Specimens are made of CF/PEEK (APC-2) and conventional CF/epoxy for the NASA plates and CF/epoxy for the SACMA plates. In the NASA CAI tests, the sequence of delamination buckling and its propagation is clearly revealed through various experimental techniques. One major technique is moiré topography, and the other is thermo-mechanical stress analysis with a high-accuracy infrared sensor. The arrest of delamination propagation just before catastrophic failure due to high fracture toughness is clearly captured by the moiré camera. This behavior provides good CAI values of CF/PEEK. The initial buckling properties of the delaminated region by the impact are then extensively discussed. Numerical predictions of initial buckling stress have been obtained by modelled geometry of the delaminated region simplified from its precise structure clarified by ultrasonic C-scanning. They agree fairly well with the experimental results. The in-plane stress distribution in the delaminated region before initial buckling is measured by an infrared stress graphic system. This compared favorably with finite element predictions. Two types of symmetric buckling modes with respect to the central plate surface, twin and single peak ones, are experimentally captured.  相似文献   
The paper considers the set-theoretical approach to the joint decomposition of systems of Boolean functions of variables specified in different representation forms. The approach is based on the method of q-partitions of conjuncterms and concept of decomposition clones. Theorems on joint decomposition of a system of full and partial functions are formulated. The approach is illustrated by examples. Parts I and II of this article are published in No. 5 (2001) and No. 1 (2002). __________ Translated from Kibernetika i Sistemnyi Analiz, No. 2, pp. 39–58, March–April 2007.  相似文献   
Transport phenomena studies on single phase “model” fluids are of limited value in biochemical engineering if they cannot be translated to the heterogeneous systems encountered in real fermentation processes. In this paper we discuss the utility of polymer solutions as models of filamentous fermentation broths for evaluation of: pipeline friction factors and impeller power numbers (turbine and helical ribbon). To a first approximation, polymer solutions can serve as suitable models for the prediction of laminar flow pressure drop in pipelines and turbulent power consumption in stirred tanks. However, results obtained on polymer solutions do not directly apply to filamentous fermentation broths for predictions of laminar flow impeller power consumption and the transition point for turbulent flow in stirred tanks. These discrepancies are believed to result from the existence of a time dependent yield stress in filamentous fermentation broths.  相似文献   
Mine overburden dumps have posed significant safety issues in the operations of various unit operations of open pit min-ing especially the external dumps. The external dumps are composed of a mixture of fragmented rocks and loose soil. Their charac-teristic is comparable to heavily discontinuous solid mass. The conventional approach of limit equilibrium methods provide safety factors for the slope but nothing about the stress-strain characteristics of the large dump mass. The designs of dump location and their respective geometry are integrated for the know-how of the stability characteristics of these dumps. The discrete element method uses a circular disk to represent the granular solid mass and their interactions are described by the Newton's third law of motion. The displacement is described by the sliding of the circular disk. This work is focused on the modeling efficiency of the discrete element methods to represent the behaviour of mine dump masses with the specified joint plane for the limit equilibrium method. The advantage of the work lies on the ease of information retrieval at any point at the dump mass concerning the stress and strain histories, displacement, failures etc. which when integrated produces a better understanding of the stability of the dump masses.  相似文献   
With the models of stress corrosion and pressure solution, by Yasuhara et al., two computation conditions were designed for a hypothetical nuclear waste repository in an unsaturated dual-porosity rock mass: (i) the fracture apertures are changed with the stress corrosion and pressure solution (the porosity of rock matrix is also a function of stress); (ii) the fracture apertures and the porosity of rock matrix are constants. Then the corresponding two-dimensional FEM analyses for the coupled thermohydro-mec...  相似文献   
因子分析法和熵值法在高校科技创新评价中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在已有研究的基础上总结出了一套科学合理并具有可行性的高校科技创新评价指标体系,并把因子分析法和熵值法应用于高校科技创新评价.首先对高校科技创新评价体系的5个一级指标分别进行因子分析,然后运用熵值法对其确定权重.分析结果表明两种方法的结合使用能够简化分析对象的结构,使评价结果更具科学性、客观性.  相似文献   
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