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A survey undertaken in Italy (Emilia-Romagna region) has shown that Volatile Halogenated Organics (VHO) are present in many water samples; analysis has been performed by static head-space gas chromatographic technique.In drinking water samples low levels of pollution have become evident before any treatment, while after chlorination with sodium hypochlorite, or chlorine as a gas, VHO have appeared, almost exclusively as trihalomethanes (THM), sometimes at fairly high levels (max = 41.8 μg l−1).Surface water samples have been collected every other month in one year, and have shown different levels of contamination; in most cases VHO (mainly chlorinated solvents) appeared just as traces, seldom at high concentration (max = 263 μg l−1).Swimming pool samples have shown the high levels of contamination (max = 177.4 μg l−1), mainly due to THM, as a consequence of chlorination with sodium hypochlorite.As a matter of fact, it has become evident that VHO pollution is wide-spread in every kind of water; while contamination of surface waters can only involve environmental and aquatic life, contamination especially of drinking waters, and also of swimming pool waters must be controlled as it can directly act on human health.  相似文献   
A laboratory study of the effect of bicarbonate on the ozonation of organic halide precursors in fulvic acid solutions and in a raw drinking water was conducted. The experimental variables were bicarbonate concentration, ozone dose and pH of chlorination. Results are expressed in terms of trihalomethane (THM), total organic halide (TOX), trichloracetic acid, dichloroacetic acid, trichloroacetone and dichloroacetonitrile precursor concentrations. Kinetic studies showed that bicarbonate slowed the decomposition of ozone in the presence of fulvic acid, and thereby, led to a greater degree of destruction of u.v.-absorbing substances. Similarly, precursor destruction increased with increasing bicarbonate concentrations in the range of 10−4spd 10−2 M. Precursor destruction was greatest when chlorination was performed at low pH. At high pH's of chlorination, some precursor enhancement was noted, especially in the absence of bicarbonate. Results are interpreted both from a mechanistic standpoint and with respect to their applicability to water treatment practice.  相似文献   
A combination of microfiltration (MF) membrane with a high concentration (40 g/L of the reactor) of powdered activated carbon (PAC) efficiently and continuously removed trihalomethanes (THMs) and total organic carbon (TOC) from river water for a period of two months. Without PAC, the membrane reactor was able to remove less than 18% of THMs and less than 5% of TOC; with PAC, 65 to 95% of THMs and TOC were removed. Even though the THMs concentration in the influent was steadily increasing (reaching 50 μg/L), THMs concentration in the effluents from the reactors with PAC were consistently below 15 μg/L. While the MF membranes alone could not remove organics, PAC and microbial activity in the biofilm deposited on the PAC particles assured long term and continuous removal of THMs. No additional PAC was added into or removed from the reactors during the filtration period. Operational parameters such as the backwashing of the membrane, interval of the filtration cycle and biological pretreatment of the river water had a small effect on the extent of THMs removal, but they increased the filtration time prior to membrane cleaning and improved the overall performance of the reactors.  相似文献   
A double-tube separation system with an inner tube of microporous poly(tetrafluoroethylene) (PTFE) and an outer tube of PTFE, is proposed for the continuous determination of TTHMs (total trihalomethanes) in drinking water. The TTHMs in the sample after mixing sodium sulfite solution, are separated with the double-tube system at 50°C and are mixed with alkaline nicotinamide solution, and then heated to 98°C. After cooling in an ice bath, the reaction product is fed to a fluorometer and the fluorescence intensity excited at 372 nm is measured at 467 nm. There was no interference from unknown species existing in drinking water and river water by using the membrane separation system. A response was obtained within 8 min. The detection limit (S/N = 3) was 0.8 μg/1. The present method was applied to the determination of the TTHMs in drinking water.  相似文献   
二级处理出水中DOM在粉煤灰改性SAT系统中的去除   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为进一步改善土壤含水层处理(SAT)系统对城市污水处理厂二级处理出水中溶解性有机物(DOM)的去除效果,在传统SAT系统中以不同的混合比例及填充方式加入粉煤灰对其进行改性,并通过紫外254nm处吸光度(UV254)、溶解性有机碳(DOC)、比紫外吸收值(SUVA)及三维荧光光谱(EEM)技术对二级处理出水中三卤甲烷(THMs)前体物在粉煤灰改性SAT系统中的去除情况进行探讨.粉煤灰改性SAT系统对二级处理出水中的UV254、DOC、SUVA及三卤甲烷生成势(THMFP)的去除效果优于传统SAT系统.粉煤灰添加量的增加能大幅度提高SAT的处理效果,但会影响土壤中微生物的活性,故有效结合粉煤灰的吸附性与土壤层的生物降解作用可提高SAT的处理效果.量化的荧光强度数据表明,粉煤灰改性SAT系统可有效去除二级处理出水中以络氨酸类芳香性蛋白质、腐殖酸及富里酸类物质为主的THMs前体物.  相似文献   
综述了水样中三卤甲烷的测定方法,这些方法的主要区别是样品预处理方式不同,并分析了各个预处理方法的优缺点,同时也综述了色谱分析的新形势.  相似文献   
The concentrations of trihalomethanes and haloacetic acids, disinfection by‐products (DBPs) of chlorine, were measured in sandy bottom swimming areas to determine their potential impact on surface and ground water that are sources of drinking water. Total trihalomethanes and individual haloacetic acid concentrations in several swimming area samples were higher than the drinking water standards (current and proposed). Individual trihalomethanes (except bromoform) also exceeded ground and surface water release standards. No release standard exists for haloacetic acids. The DBPs, while exceeding standards, would be diluted by the ground water and microbially degraded prior to reaching the drinking water plant. So while DBPs from swimming areas contributed to groundwater concentrations, the current drinking water standards could still be met using source waters impacted by chlorinated swimming areas. It is suggested, though, that any release of chlorinated DBPs to surface and ground water be minimized to obtain the highest quality water sources for drinking water.  相似文献   
强化常规水处理工艺去除有机污染物探讨   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
介绍了水中有机污染物存在的状态,强化常规水处理工艺的基本原理,借助国内外强化常规水处理工艺的试验数据,探讨了去除和降低水中TOC、EUV、TTHMs的有关pH调整、絮凝剂剂量的控制问题,并建议水厂生产中将TOC,EUV列入常规水质检验工作,以求得TOC,EUV与TTHMs的关系,用以指导生产。  相似文献   
饮用水中三卤甲烷生成影响因素的初步研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
为研究饮用水中的三卤甲烷生成的影响因素.对苏州地区三水厂出厂水和部分管网水中三卤甲烷总量、高锰酸盐指数、水温等水质指标进行了检测.并考察了这些指标与三卤甲烷总量之间的相关性。结果表明出厂水中三卤甲烷总量与水温和高锰酸盐指数有非常显著关系.三水厂出厂水水温和三卤甲烷总量之间的回归方程相关系数均达0.90以上;三水厂出厂水高锰酸盐指数以及和三卤甲烷总量之间回归方程的相关系数分别为0.5615,0.5961,0.6346,均大于显著性水平为0.01时的临界值:三水厂加氯量和出厂水三卤甲烷总量之间也存在显著性关系:而管网水中三卤甲烷总量随配水管网长度的增加呈明显上升趋势。  相似文献   
An investigation into the speciation and occurrence of nine haloacetic acids (HAAs) was conducted during the period of April 2007 to March 2008 and involved three drinking water supply systems in England, which were chosen to represent a range of source water conditions; these were an upland surface water, a lowland surface water and a groundwater. Samples were collected seasonally from the water treatment plants and at different locations in the distribution systems. The highest HAA concentrations occurred in the upland surface water system, with an average total HAA concentration of 21.3 μg/L. The lowest HAA levels were observed in the groundwater source, with a mean concentration of 0.6 μg/L. Seasonal variations were significant in the HAA concentrations; the highest total HAA concentrations were found during the autumn, when the concentrations were approximately two times higher than in winter and spring. HAA speciation varied among the water sources, with dichloroacetic acid and trichloroacetic acid dominant in the lowland surface water system and brominated species dominant in the upland surface water system. There was a strong correlation between trihalomethanes and HAAs when considering all samples from the three systems in the same data set (r 2=0.88); however, the correlation was poor/moderate when considering each system independently.  相似文献   
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