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The orientation effect of sepiolite natural clay, a needle-shaped nanoparticle, in a polymer matrix was investigated. Uniaxial drawing was performed on polymer-based nanocomposites containing organo-modified sepiolite, achieving uniform dispersion in the crystalline polymer by modifying the surface with organic molecular chains. Fluorinated polymer was used as the matrix, and sepiolite was modified using fluorinated chains. High-temperature drawing was conducted to increase the density of amorphous chains in the fluoropolymer. Observations confirmed the orientation of the nanofiller in the drawing direction. When the filler content was intentionally increased, it was as if it were a nanosized mille-feuille. As a result of 5× drawing, a 20% improvement in crystallinity was calculated. Small-angle X-ray scattering (SAXS) analysis showed a 32 Å increase in long-period values. When high-drawing was conducted, some amorphous parts transformed into crystals, and the difference in electron densities between the two regions widened, increasing the long-period value while decreasing the SAXS intensity. The crystallization temperature increased by 1.8°C, and the Young's modulus calculated from the strain-stress curve showed a nearly 4× increase. The mechanical strength doubled when the neat fluoropolymer was drawn five times. This provides a clear understanding of the enhancement behavior of the structural and physical properties of a uniform dispersible polymer/needle nanoparticle nanocomposite using uniaxially oriented nanofillers.  相似文献   
Arterial characterization of healthy descending thoracic aorta (DTA) is indispensable in determining stressdistributions across wall thickness and different regions that may be responsible for aorta inhomogeneous dilation,rupture, and dissection when aneurysm occurs. Few studies have shown the inhomogeneity of DTA along the aortatree considering changes in circumferential direction. The present study aims to clarify the circumferential regionalcharacterization of DTA. Porcine DTA tissues were tested according to region and orientation using uniaxial tension.For axial test, results show that the difference in circumferential direction was mainly in collagen fiber modulus, wherethe anterior collagen fiber modulus was significantly lower than the posterior quadrant. For circumferential test, thedifference in circumferential direction was mainly in the recruitment parameter, where the circumferential stiffness issignificantly higher in the posterior region at physiological maximum stress. The proximal posterior quadrant and leftquadrant showed significantly lower axial collagen fiber stiffness than the right and anterior quadrants, which may bea factor in aneurysm development. Furthermore, the constitutive parameters for similar detailed regions can be usedby biomedical engineers to investigate improved therapies and thoroughly understand the initial stage of aneurysmdevelopment. The regional collagen fiber modulus can help improve our understanding of the mechanisms of arterialdilation and aortic dissection.  相似文献   
河冰单轴压缩破坏过程细观数值仿真   总被引:5,自引:5,他引:0  
邓宇  王娟  李志军 《水利学报》2018,49(11):1339-1345
为了解并认知河冰材料的内在属性,对黄河封冻期的河冰进行了现场取样观测并开展了单轴抗压破坏过程的物理试验,依据物理试验结果,在细观层面将河冰看成由晶粒、晶界、初始缺陷构成的非均质材料,给出了随机缺陷界面弹簧元模型模拟河冰单轴压缩强度的数值方法,模拟了河冰在单轴受压荷载作用下的开裂破坏过程,分析了初始缺陷分布和含量、晶粒尺寸等各相组分对河冰力学性能的影响。结果表明:随着初始缺陷含量的增加,河冰单轴压缩强度呈下降趋势,但下降幅度逐渐变缓;随着晶粒尺寸的增加,河冰单轴压缩强度呈降低趋势,且与晶粒尺寸d-1/2呈线性相关关系。与物理试验对比发现,该计算模型能较好地模拟黄河冰的单轴压缩强度和开裂过程。  相似文献   
Uniaxial stress is a powerful tool for tuning exciton emitting wavelength, polarization, fine-structure splitting (FSS), and the symmetry of quantum dots (QDs). Here, we present a technique for applying uniaxial stress, which enables us in situ to tune exciton optical properties at low temperature down to 15 K with high tuning precision. The design and operation of the device are described in detail. This technique provides a simple and convenient approach to tune QD structural symmetry, exciton energy and biexciton binding energy. It can be utilized for generating entangled and indistinguishable photons. Moreover, this device can be employed for tuning optical properties of thin film materials at low temperature.  相似文献   
基于统计损伤理论及宏观试验现象,该文建立了考虑硫酸盐侵蚀影响的混凝土单轴、双轴压缩统计损伤本构模型。混凝土变形破坏被理解为细观断裂、屈服两种损伤模式的连续累积演化过程。硫酸盐侵蚀效应改变了混凝土微结构的组成成分和力学特征,进而改变了微裂纹萌生、扩展的形态以及损伤的累积演化过程,可通过改变断裂和屈服两种细观损伤机制演化过程的概率分布形态来模拟。分析结果表明:在硫酸盐侵蚀环境下,侵蚀程度的加深显著改变了混凝土细观损伤累积演化过程,最终导致混凝土宏观力学性能呈现先“强化”后“弱化”的现象。在此过程中,细观损伤演化过程呈现出明显地规律性,可由统计损伤模型中5个特征参数的变化规律表征。该文模型为复杂环境下侵蚀混凝土细观损伤过程预测和分析提供了新的方法和工具。  相似文献   
在传统的辊锻工艺中,坯料轴向处于自由状态,在辊锻过程中因必然产生坯料的前滑后移,而且无法控制温度和摩擦的影响等,致使辊锻不能精成形,这是连续局部塑性成形研究领域所关注的重要难题。作者根据自己的发明专利,研制出一种新型精成形辊锻机,该机综合了辊锻与闭式模锻的优点,为辊锻精成形创造了可行的设备。实践证明,该精成形辊锻机,整机结构紧凑,运行可靠,便于实现自动化,造价低。  相似文献   
单压下多裂隙类岩材料的破坏特征及其影响因素(英文)   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在伺服控制单轴加载试验机上,对采用养护前期拔出预埋金属插片方式制作的闭合多裂隙类岩试件进行压缩实验,研究裂隙倾角及裂隙分布密度对裂隙体破坏特征的影响机制。结果表明:裂隙倾角是影响裂隙体破坏模式的主要因素,受裂隙倾角的影响,裂隙尖端微裂纹呈现出不同的发育形态;而裂隙分布密度对裂隙体破坏模式的影响是通过影响裂隙贯通方式实现的。滑动裂纹模型表明:裂隙面上的有效剪力是裂隙面相对错动的驱动力,它是裂隙倾角与裂隙面摩擦因数的函数,这与实验所得结论相吻合。基于相同实验条件下类岩石材料的力学参数,建立了裂隙体的应变软化模型,并对实验结果的可靠性进行了验证。  相似文献   
从金属塑性理论出发,结合拼焊板成形特点,推导出同材差厚拼焊板试件单向拉伸情况下缩颈时焊缝两侧薄厚板变形量公式。并基于垂直于拉伸方向居中焊缝的拼焊板单向拉伸实验,将实验结果与公式推导结果比较,初步验证了公式的合理性。进而进行了不同焊缝位置(焊缝垂直于拉伸方向,薄厚板厚度比例不同)情况下的拼焊板试件单向拉伸有限元模拟,进一步验证了所推导公式是正确的。另外,分析了单向拉伸状态下焊缝两侧薄厚板变形的非均匀特性,利用文章所提出的公式,可以定量地预测单向拉伸状态下拼焊板试件焊缝两侧材料非均匀性变形量,从而为提高焊缝两侧材料的匹配性以减小拼焊板变形的非均匀性提供了参考依据。  相似文献   
以石膏-石英砂类相似材料为研究对象,采用室内实验分析了7种因素对该类相似材料强度指标的影响规律。结果表明,养护温度和材料密度与材料强度指标呈正相关,养护湿度、砂胶比、灰膏比、细粒级石英砂含量、含水量等与材料强度指标呈负相关。计算了不同影响因素的敏感度指标,其中材料强度对养护温度的敏感性仅4.5%,而对砂胶比的敏感性达到了104.9%。对于单轴抗压强度,温度、含水量、密度、湿度、灰膏比、细粒级石英砂含量和砂胶比的敏感度依次增大; 对于抗拉强度,砂胶比、灰膏比、密度、湿度、含水量、细粒级石英砂含量和温度的敏感度依次降低。  相似文献   
原位胶结充填体质量评价通常采用单轴抗压强度作为表征指标,由于在现场工程中无法快速、准确获取充填体的强度值,因此需要建立一种参数易于获取且准确的原位胶结充填体强度预测模型。基于胶结充填体物理力学参数的内在联系,从量纲平衡的角度探索了胶结充填体单轴抗压强度与P波模量的关系。根据C矿和I矿两种原位胶结充填体的密度、P波速度及取芯强度的测试数据,采用线性拟合的方法获得了基于P波模量的原位胶结充填体强度预测模型。通过对C矿和I矿的强度预测模型拟合效果分析可知,P波模量与取芯强度呈正相关性,且拟合效果较好,证明原位胶结充填体强度预测模型精度高,具有很强的实用性。  相似文献   
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