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The present article summarizes simulations of turbulent flow generated by a Rushton turbine (six blades with disc) and a downflow pitched blade turbine (four blades, 45° inclined) using a computational snapshot approach. The computational snapshot approach proposed by Ranade and Dommeti was extended and generalized to suit impellers of any shape. The approach was implemented using a commercial CFD code, FLUENT (Fluent Inc., USA). Mean flow and turbulence characteristics were computed by solving the Reynolds averaged Navier-Stokes equations combined with the standard k - l turbulence model. The QUICK discretization scheme (with SUPERBEE limiter function) was used to discretize all the governing equations. Preliminary numerical experiments were carried out to identify adequate grid resolution. The predicted results were compared with the comprehensive data set available in the literature. Simulated results show a pair of trailing vortex behind the blades of a turbine. The results were also compared quantitatively in the near-impeller region with the published experimental data and published simulated results using other approaches. The simulations have captured most of the key features of near-impeller flows with sufficient accuracy. The results and conclusions drawn from this study will have important implications for extending the applicability of CFD models to simulate complex stirred reactors.  相似文献   
The fluid catalytic cracking (FCC) technology is one of the pillars of the modern petroleum industry which converts the crude oil fractions into many commodity fuels and platform chemicals, such as gasoline. Although the FCC field is quite mature, the research scope is still enormous due to changing FCC feedstock, gradual shifts in market demands and evolved unit operations. In this review, we have described the current status of FCC technology, such as variation in the present day feedstocks and catalysts, and particularly, great attention is paid to the effects of various contaminants of the FCC catalysts of which the latter part has not been sufficiently documented and analyzed in the literature yet. Deposition of various contaminants on cracking catalyst during FCC process, including metals, sulfur, nitrogen and coke originated from feedstocks or generated during FCC reaction constitutes a source of concern to the petroleum refiners from both economic and technological perspectives. It causes not only undesirable effects on the catalysts themselves, but also reduction in catalytic activity and changes in product distribution of the FCC reactions, translating into economic losses. The metal contaminants (vanadium (V), nickel (Ni), iron (Fe) and sodium (Na)) have the most adverse effects that can seriously influence the catalyst structure and performance. Although nitrogen and sulfur are considered less harmful compared to the metal contaminants, it is shown that pore blockage by the coking effect of sulfur and acid sites neutralization by nitrogen are serious problems too. Most recent studies on the deactivation of FCC catalysts at single particle level have provided an in-depth understanding of the deactivation mechanisms. This work will provide the readers with a comprehensive understanding of the current status, related problems and most recent progress made in the FCC technology, and also will deepen insights into the catalyst deactivation mechanisms caused by contaminants and the possible technical approaches to controlling catalyst deactivation problems.  相似文献   
水平定向钻穿越施工,在我国已有20多年的历史,克服了传统管道穿越道路、河流等地形时带来的交通阻塞、出行不便、城市绿化等一系列的问题。水平定向钻穿越以其众多优势在天然气等相关线路施工中独占鳌头。然而,现阶段水平定向钻穿越技术还有很多不足,常常因为一些技术上的因素导致整个穿越过程的失败。扩孔过程是定向钻穿越的重要部分,通过研究岩石本构关系、岩石弹塑性力学、岩石损伤以及断裂力学,运用ABAQUS软件对扩孔过程进行仿真,在计算结果中输出扩孔过程经过软硬交界面处其扩孔轨迹的变化情况,使施工人员事先了解扩孔轨迹,并加以控制,避免因扩孔失败而导致整过穿越过程的失败,为顺利铺管提供指导。  相似文献   
An analysis of three‐dimensional computational fluid dynamics (CFD) is conducted to investigate the coupled cooling process involved in fluid flow and heat transfer between the solid plate and the coolant flow for optimization of the cooling design of a fuel cell stack. A conception of IUT (Index of Uniform Temperature) across the entire area is presented to evaluate the degree of uniform temperature profile across the cooling plates. Six cooling modes, including three serpentine‐type modes and another three parallel‐type modes, are presented and analyzed for optimization of the cooling mode of fuel cells. The prediction finds that the cooling effect of serpentine‐type cooling modes could be better than that of parallel‐type cooling modes.  相似文献   
In the study a 3D/2D hybrid model for ribbon mixers, for a laminar range of mixing was verified. Distributions of the experimental and model values of velocity components and the experimental and model values of mixing power for this type of mixers were compared. Further on, based on the model solutions the optimum parameters of ribbon agitators due to the time of homogenization were established.  相似文献   
The main difficulty still encountered in the elaboration of polymer/silica nanocomposites is the control of the nanoparticles dispersion homogeneity and the stability of the nanoparticle dispersion in the surrounding substance. The innovative point of this work is the elaboration of hybrid networks in aqueous solution performed with ASE (alkali swellable emulsion) thickeners grafted with silica nanoparticles. The thickening ability of the polymer should favour silica nanoparticles dispersion in fluid matrices. Two ASE copolymers were realised by copolymerisation in emulsion of MA (methacrylic acid) and EA (ethyl acrylate) and/or TFEM (trifluoroethyl methacrylate). The substitution of a part of EA by TFEM gave fluorinated ASE copolymers. Their free acid functions were then coupled with different ratio of amine functionalized silica nanoparticles to afford nanocomposites. The amounts of silica nanoparticles in the copolymers were determined by thermogravimetric experiments. Depending on the silica nanoparticles/copolymer ratio in basic aqueous solutions we achieved stable translucent gel like aqueous suspensions of silica nanoparticles containing 1 wt.% of the polymer/SiO2 nanocomposite.  相似文献   
In this paper a new method for cleaning of filter media is presented, and the cleanability with different textures and surface finishes is compared. With the method described, it is possible to evaluate the quality of the cleaning process. According to the German VDMA standard cleaning test, riboflavin and malt extract are applied as model contaminants for evaluation of the cleaning results. To compare the cleanability of filter media with different properties and geometries the results are adapted to the law of mass transfer and to the Sherwood number, a dimensionless parameter describing the quality of a cleaning process.  相似文献   
The agglomeration mechanism of SiO2, TiO2, and ZnO nanoparticles by adding coarse fluid catalytic cracking (FCC) particles is studied. The core‐shell structure of agglomerates is revealed on the basis of experimental analyses. Nanoparticles can be fluidized by forming agglomerates of the core‐shell structure with coarse FCC particles. The porosity of core‐shell structure agglomerates and the average roundness value were found to be distinctly lower than those of pure nanoparticle agglomerates. In addition, the cohesion of the core‐shell structure agglomerates is far less than that of the agglomerates formed by pure nanoparticles. Due to the smaller porosity, irregular shape, and relatively low cohesion, the fluidization behavior of core‐shell structure agglomerates is better than that of pure nanoparticle agglomerates.  相似文献   
对小苏打生产母液的处理进行了研究,在理论分析与试验的基础上设计了三效蒸发回收氯化铵和氯化钠的工艺。该工艺母液循环蒸发,无废液排放。氯化铵回收率达到46.24%,氯化钠回收率达到72.27%,所得氯化铵产品均达到合格以上。  相似文献   
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