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Gallosilicate zeolites Ga-NaSOD, Ga-NaFAU, Ga-NaNAT, Ga-KNAT* (a mixture of Ga-KNAT and Ga-KTNU-2), Ga-KLTL and Ga-KTNU-1 have been synthesized and characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD), microprobe analysis, thermogravimetric analysis and differential scanning calorimetry (TG-DSC). Generally, the lattice parameters increase after Ga substitution for Al, except for Ga-KNAT*. The formation and dehydration enthalpies of these zeolites were measured by high temperature oxide melt solution calorimetry. Compared to the analogous aluminosilicate zeolite of similar Si/T 3+, the gallosilicate zeolite has similar dehydration enthalpy per mole of tetrahedra, but has less endothermic dehydration enthalpy per mole of water due to the larger number of H2O molecules in the enlarged unit cell of the Ga zeolite. The dehydration enthalpy per mole of water is a monotonic function of framework density while that per mole of tetrahedra is mainly influenced by cation type. The gallosilicate zeolites have less exothermic formation enthalpies from oxide components than the analogous aluminosilicate zeolites, confirming their lower stability. The formation enthalpies of hydrated and dehydrated gallosilicate zeolites are correlated with Ga/(Ga + Si) ratio and framework density (FD).  相似文献   
本文综合运用了地质、测井等资料,以现代沉积及岩相古地理学、高分辨率层序地层学、测井地质学及石油地质学为理论指导,通过测井-地质响应模型,对研究区进行了层序地层分析。在长4+5,长6油层组中识别出三种短期沉积旋回,为后期油田开发和研究提供了一定依据。  相似文献   
通过紫外分光光度法测定了阿斯匹林配体与萘普生在水溶液中,能够形成分子复合物,该复合物在25℃常压下的形成常数K11=117.55,从而说明了阿斯匹林对萘普生在水溶液中的增溶作用的本质原因。  相似文献   
High Efficiency Abrasive Tool for Honing   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Electroplated abrasive tools usually feature a high grain density, a limited grain protrusion and a stochastic grain distribution. These properties restrict the space for coolant supply as well as chip removal. A new technology has been developed to produce single layer abrasive tools in which the highly protruding grains are arranged in well defined patterns. This new method has been applied successfully to manufacture single stroke honing tools. Honing tests performed with these tools show a highly increased efficiency and a prolonged tool life. Compared with the state of the art they offer at least a tenfold tool life at twice the conventional feed rate.  相似文献   
利用多测井参数回归法和多矿物模型法,结合实测矿物含量数据,对泌阳凹陷深凹区核三上段页岩层矿物进行预测与分析。结果表明,该页岩层矿物含量变化较大,主要以石英和黏土矿物为主(其平均含量分别为24.2%和23.4%);斜长石、方解石、白云石、钾长石、黄铁矿含量依次降低,黄铁矿平均含量仅为3.1%;沸石、石膏等其他矿物只在少数样品中可见。通过实测数据校验,预测结果相关性好,其中多矿物模型预测精度更高,其相关性最高可达0.8。泌页HF1井矿物剖面分布以及核三上段页岩层脆性矿物平面分布显示,多矿物模型预测的结果能够较好地反映该区矿物分布规律及其变化趋势,其结果对页岩油甜点预测、储层矿物评价和页岩油开发都具有重要参考价值。  相似文献   
为弄清火烧山地区二叠系平地泉组低渗透储层原油成藏规律,在烃源岩评价和原油特征研究的基础上,进行储层物性对多期原油成藏控制作用分析。研究表明,火北和火烧山背斜烃源岩均处于低成熟阶段,沉积环境和成岩作用导致的储层物性差异是造成这两个地区原油性质不一致的重要因素。火北储层岩石颗粒细小,压实作用较强,孔隙度、渗透率较低,储层物性较差,其对应的原油成熟度低;火烧山背斜储层孔隙度较高,渗透率相对较好,原油成熟度高于火北地区,具有混源的特征。在此基础上建立了火烧山地区二叠系平地泉组致密油控藏模式:火烧山背斜储层物性较好,具“两期成藏”的特征,原地低成熟原油仅占据部分孔隙,后期还捕获了经断裂向上调整而来的火东向斜的成熟原油;而火北地区储层致密,孔隙空间大部分被自身源岩低成熟原油充注,表现出“自生自储  相似文献   
A better understanding of the controls on reservoir quality has become essential in the petroleum exploration in recent years. Determining the original composition of the sediment framework is important not only for paleogeographic reconstructions, but it is also vital for predicting the nature of physical and chemical diagenesis of the potential reservoirs. Depositional setting and diagenesis are important factors in controlling the type and quality of most siliciclastic reservoirs. We studied the Upper Triassic Chang 8 and 6 members, where the relationship between sediment provenance and diagenesis was examined. The study attempts to clarify sediment provenance and post-depositional diagenetic modifications of the sandstones through systematic analytical methods including petrographic macro- and microscopic analysis of grain and heavy mineral types, and measurements of the palaeocurrent direction of the Yanchang Formation sediments in the outcrops in order to determine the provenance of the studied sediments. Furthermore, the relationship between framework grains, pore types and diagenesis of the sediments was analyzed by thin section petrographic characterization using a polarizing microscope. Additionally, a JEOL JSM-T330 scanning electron microscope (SEM) equipped with a digital imaging system was used to investigate the habits and textural relationships of diagenetic minerals. On the basis of our results, we believe that sediment provenance is a significant factor which controls the type and degree of diagenesis which may be expected in sandstones. In the Chang 8 and 6 members, the formation of chlorite rims and laumontite cement was observed where volcanic rock fragments constitute a large part of the framework grains. Furthermore, high biotite content provides abundant iron and magnesium and enables the formation of chlorite rims due to biotite hydrolysis. In addition, ductile deformation of biotite leads to strong mechanical compaction of the sediments. Conversely, high feldspar content diminishes the degree of mechanical compaction, however the dissolution of feldspar minerals in sandstones is commonly observed. Apart from feldspars, quartz and other rigid framework grains highly control the degree of mechanical compaction during the initial stage of burial (0-2 km).  相似文献   
普光东洼陆相须家河组作为普光气田资源接替区,勘探潜力巨大。须家河组储层具有典型的低孔、超低渗、单层厚度薄、非均质性强的地质特征,储层定量识别难度大。为了进一步落实须家河组致密砂岩气藏储量与产能规模,需开展有效储层的精确评价。通过对测井曲线质控、地层综合解释、储层分类及弹性曲线拟合,确定本地区模型参数,建立了识别不同类别储层与非储层的岩石物理解释量版,为后续地震反演方法的优选及不同类别储层的定量解释提供了可靠依据。  相似文献   
以钻井资料为基础,采用宏观和微观相结合的方法,分析川中地区灯影组四段储层特征及主控因素。结果表明:该区主要发育台地边缘和局限台地沉积;储集岩石类型主要为颗粒云岩、晶粒云岩和藻云岩;储集空间以溶洞、溶孔为主,裂缝次之,孔隙类型为低孔低渗孔隙-裂缝-溶洞型储层。储层按其成因可分为丘滩相早期岩溶型储层、早期岩溶叠加后期表生岩溶型储层和其他因素改造型储层。研究区储层的发育主要受沉积相、层序界面、成岩作用和构造作用等因素控制。颗粒滩相和藻丘相发育的储层物性好,控制了储层的发育;层序界面控制着储层的分布;岩溶作用是灯四段储层形成的关键,提高了储层的质量;构造运动对储层渗透率的提高具有重要意义。  相似文献   
辽河东部地区梨树沟组页岩气富集条件及有利区优选   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
辽河东部地区中生界下白全统梨树沟组泥页岩地层厚度大,分布面积广,发育稳定;泥页岩有机碳质量分数高,热演化程度适中,干酪根类型主要为且型,生烃强度大,具备页岩气富集的基本条件;泥页岩孔隙类型以残余粒间孔、微孔及溶孔为主,孔渗性较好,石英、长石等脆性矿物质量分数高,有利于页岩气储集及后期的储层改造,具有与延长油田三叠系已发现的陆相页岩气相类似的地质和地化条件,页岩气富集潜力大。文中采用综合信息叠合法对该区下白全统梨树沟组页岩气富集有利区进行初步预侧,认为有利区主要沿营口一俘二堡断裂呈带状分布。  相似文献   
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