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Diffusive behavior of strontium and certain kinds of divalent cations in Inada granite were studied by a through-diffusion method. In order to examine the effect of sorption onto overall diffusive behavior, two kinds of solutions were used: 0.1M KCl solution and deionized water. The effective diffusion coefficient (De ) and rock capacity factor (a) were (2.0–3.6) xl0–13 m2/s and less than 0.022 in 0.1M KCl solution and (0.32–1.7) x 10 ?13m2/s and 1.5–2.4 in deionized water respectively. The De , and α in deionized water were much larger than those in 0.1M KCl solution. These results are well explained by taking into account the diffusion of sorbed ion or the surface diffusion. In support of this mechanism, most De , values of Sr reported for various rocks are found proportional to the sorptivity ( ρRd )-In the case that the sorptivity is low, De of Sr depends on porosity like that of nonsorbed iodide. The effective diffusion coefficient of Sr in rocks was well explained by taking into account pore and surface diffusion and was expressed as De=2.1 xl0?10 ? 1.3+3.5xl0″?12 ρRd . The effective diffusion coefficient of divalent cations in the granite was found proportional to their diffusion coefficients in bulk solution.  相似文献   
The subsidence prediction theory under the condition of grouting into bedseparated was developed. Reducing ground subsidence by grouting was carried out on eight fully-mechanized top-coal caving faces, by using the continuous grouting in multiple-layer to obtain experiment results of reducing subsidence under fully mining. The similar material model that can be dismantled under the condition of constant temperature and constant humidity was developed. The model was used to simulate the evolution of overburden bed-separated under such constraints of temperature and humidity, at the same time, and to test the hardening process of similar materials.  相似文献   
原油标准体积管结蜡造成的后果及解决方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
探讨了原油动态计量中标准体积管结蜡所引起的误差、原因分析和经济损失,提出了解决问题的办法。  相似文献   
混凝土盐冻破坏机理(Ⅰ)——毛细管饱水度和结冰压   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
研究了NaCl浓度对混凝土内部毛细管吸水饱水度、溶液结冰膨胀率和结冰压的影响,继而对混凝土盐冻破坏机理进行了分析.结果表明,随着NaCl浓度的增加,溶液结冰膨胀率和结冰压显著降低,这是最有利于降低混凝土盐冻破坏的因素;另一方面,混凝土内部毛细管吸水饱水度和吸水速度随NaCl浓度的增加而显著提高,这是最不利于降低混凝土盐冻破坏的因素.基于这些实测数据,经计算证明了浓度为2%~6%(质量分数)的NaCl溶液将产生最大的结冰压,从而形成最严重的混凝土盐冻破坏.  相似文献   
This study investigates the relationship between the hotspot-ridge interaction and the formation of oceanic plateaus and seamounts in the Southwest Indian Ocean.We first calculated the relative distance between the Southwest Indian Ridge (SWIR) and relevant hotspots on the basis of models of plate reconstruction,and then calculated the corresponding excess magmatic anomalies of the hotspots on the basis of residual bathymetry and Airy isostasy.The results reveal that the activities of the Marion hotspot can...  相似文献   
饱水石灰岩骨架和流体弹性参数的估算   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文利用Niu等提出的基于临界孔隙度模型的组分弹性参数数值计算方法,把测试岩石样品的孔隙度、整体密度、纵波速度和横波速度作为数值计算的输入数据,运用双线性数值计算方法反演求出临界点、流体和骨架的12个弹性参数。具体做法是:基于临界孔隙度模型,给出三组线性关系,即密度—孔隙度,整体剪切模量—孔隙度,整体纵波模量—孔隙度,上述每组线性关系分别以孔隙度作为自变量和因变量得到两个线性方程,再把两个方程计算的结果进行加权平均得到相关的弹性参数估算值,并结合饱水石灰岩样品数据实现了弹性参数估算。数值计算结果表明,由数值计算得到的弹性参数与测试弹性参数的均值和方差相差甚微,特别是密度数据的偏差均值更小,说明文中的数值计算结果是可靠的。  相似文献   
This paper presents the computational study of fluid/structure interaction (FSI) analysis in the molding process using the Mesh-based parallel Code Coupling Interface (MpCCI) method with finite volume coding (FLUENT 6.3) and finite element coding (ABAQUS 6.9). The FSI analysis is implemented on the molded package during the encapsulation process with different inlet pressures. Real-time flow visualization, deformation and stress of the silicon die during the encapsulation process are presented in this paper. A fluctuation phenomenon of the silicon die is found in the encapsulation process when the inlet pressure increases. The maximum deformation during the process is determined at different locations on the silicon die, calculated during the final stage of the filling process. The deformation and stress of the die is exponentially increased with increasing inlet pressure. The maximum stress on the solder bump is concentrated near to the inlet gate. Thus, the present FSI analysis approach is expected to be a guideline or reference and provides better understanding of the encapsulation process for package design in the microelectronic industry.  相似文献   
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