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本文对生产高纯度丁烯-1的Alphabntol工艺进行了技术经济评价,认为该工艺条件简单、反应条件温和,而且投资少,所以很适合事在发展中国家应用。  相似文献   
With the models of stress corrosion and pressure solution, by Yasuhara et al., two computation conditions were designed for a hypothetical nuclear waste repository in an unsaturated dual-porosity rock mass: (i) the fracture apertures are changed with the stress corrosion and pressure solution (the porosity of rock matrix is also a function of stress); (ii) the fracture apertures and the porosity of rock matrix are constants. Then the corresponding two-dimensional FEM analyses for the coupled thermohydro-mec...  相似文献   
Cristiani  C.  Grossale  A.  Forzatti  P. 《Topics in Catalysis》2007,42(1-4):455-459
Dispersions of a totally dispersible AlOOH powder have been studied. The effect of the initial composition has been studied to outline the reactions that determine the final rheological behaviour of the dispersions. The final viscosity and viscoelastic properties of the dispersions are determined by the sol–gel phenomena occurring during the ageing treatment. Gel formation is favoured by low water and high acid contents, while it is disfavoured by prolonged stirring. Gelling time from 48 h to 4 months has been observed depending on the initial composition.  相似文献   
Device-to-Device (D2D) communication can reduce the mobile devices' energy consumption and increase the spectral efficiency in D2D underlaid cellular networks. However, D2D users will interfere with co-channel cellular users, which can lead to cellular communication access failures. There are two reasons for cellular communication access failures: (1)D2D interference and (2)insufficient spectrum resources. To address the absence of research on the performance of cellular services' access in D2D underlaid cellular networks, this paper defines the new services' access failure probability and handoff services' access failure probability to evaluate the effect of both D2D interference and limited resources on cellular communication access. Based on the stochastic geometry and stochastic process, a random network model is presented to estimate the access failure probabilities, which can provide guidelines for network design to ensure cellular services' access. The accuracy of the estimated access failure probability is validated through extensive simulations.  相似文献   
Due to the complexity of the machine tool structure and the cutting process, the dynamics of machining processes are still not completely understood. This is especially true due to the demand of high-speed machining to increase productivity. In order to model and control these complex processes, new approaches, which can represent complex phenomenon combined with learning ability, are needed. The combined neural–fuzzy approach appears to be ideally suited for this purpose. In this paper, the recently developed fuzzy adaptive network (FAN) is used to model surface roughness in turning operations. The FAN network has both the learning ability of neural network and linguistic representation of complex, not well-understood, vague phenomenon. Furthermore, it can continuously improve the initially obtained rough model based on the daily operating data. To illustrate this approach, a model representing the influences of machining parameters on surface roughness is established and then the model is verified by the use of the results of pilot experiments. Finally, a comparison with the results based on statistical regression is provided.  相似文献   
令军科 《铸造技术》2003,24(5):413-414
原砂加入2.5%水溶性酚醛树脂,固化剂为甲酸甲脂,加入量占树脂的30%~40%。先把甲酸甲脂在气体发生器中气化,然后再与40%的压缩空气混合,吹气硬化制芯,最高抗拉强度1.2MPa,抗压强度0.32MPa,发气量12mL/g。生产浇注试验表明:砂芯表面光洁,轮廓清晰,尺寸精确,铸件缺陷少,无毒或低毒,和一般冷硬树脂砂比较,成本降低30%。  相似文献   
串联法氧化铝生产中的合流脱硅   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
韩安玲 《轻金属》2006,(5):24-26
合流脱硅是简化联合法生产流程、降低能耗的有效措施。因此。国内外业界做了大量卓有成效的工作。串联法的工艺特点,更宜于采用合流脱硅。试验结果表明,串联法采用常压合流脱硅流程可以达到所需要的硅量指数。文中还对合流脱硅的硅量指数、合流点、合流脱硅温度、赤泥种子和添加石灰乳等问题进行了讨论。  相似文献   
根据风力发电技术产业的特点,构建改进层次分析与模糊一致矩阵相结合的方案决策数学模型,该模型既可以减少确定判断矩阵的盲目性,又可以避开评价体系中各等级间的隶属度确定问题,使评价结果更加可靠,适合于信息尚不完整、受主观因素影响较强的评价。实例验证了这一模型的合理性、可行性和有效性,具有实用价值。  相似文献   
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