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Polyaniline-supported acid salts such as polyaniline-hydrochloride, polyaniline-sulfate and polyaniline-nitrate were prepared by oxidation of aniline using ammonium persulfate as oxidizing agents. Polyaniline salts were used as catalyst for the preparation of β-acetamido ketones. Polyaniline-sulfate salt was found to be the best catalyst for the preparation of β-acetamido ketones. Present methodology offers several advantages, such as cheaper process, easy synthesis of stable catalyst, simple work-up procedure, and excellent activity with less amount of catalyst and in addition, the catalyst can be easily recovered after completion of the reaction and reusable without affecting its activity.  相似文献   
季铵盐型抗菌纤维素纤维的辐射接枝聚合   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
固相表面接触抗菌材料应用于水的表面接触消毒是一项新的水处理技术,提高材料表面抗菌基团含量将有利于抗菌性能的提高。本研究采用直接辐射接枝和预辐射接枝两种方法,在纤维素纤维表面引入具有抗菌功能的季铵盐聚合物,详细探讨了两种辐射接枝聚合技术以及温度、时间、单体浓度、辐射剂量等具体辐射接枝聚合工艺参数对接枝聚合反应的影响。利用红外光谱(FTIR)、扫描电子显微镜(SEM)对接枝纤维素纤维进行了表征。结果表明,采用预辐射接枝技术可制得接枝率55%以上的高接枝率抗菌纤维素纤维。  相似文献   
将渗透汽化应用于醇/水体系的分离,具有诸多显著的优势。然而,目前的研究大都基于二元体系,而实际的应用体系是多元的,还包含少量无机盐和糖类等,它们的存在对膜的性能具有一定的影响。本文研究了NaCl、KCl和MgCl2 3种无机盐的加入对聚二甲基硅氧烷 (PDMS)/陶瓷复合膜渗透汽化性能的影响。结果表明,在313 K,无机盐的加入使复合膜的分离因子和通量均有所提高。其中二价盐MgCl2对渗透汽化性能的影响最为显著,分离因子最大提高到醇/水体系的2.8倍。而一价盐NaCl和KCl的加入,使分离因子分别提高为醇/水体系的2.5倍和2.4倍。同时借助于Setschenow扩展方程计算了乙醇活度,对实验结果进行了初步的解释。  相似文献   
BACKGROUND: Adsorption of puerarin on native resin polystyrene (PS) and oligo‐β‐cyclodextrin‐coupled matrix (PS‐CDP) was studied for interactions between the adsorbents and the adsorbates. The sorption mechanism on PS‐CDP was investigated using the isosteric heat approach and nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy. RESULTS: The equilibrium adsorption data of puerarin on the two matrices PS and PS‐CDP (polystyrene‐based matrix before and after coupling by oligo‐β‐cyclodextrin) in the temperature range 288–318 K were well fitted to the Freundlich adsorption isotherm model. The energetic heterogeneity of the media was observed based on the result that the values of isosteric enthalpy were quantitatively correlated with the fractional loading of puerarin adsorption. The more heterogeneous surface of PS‐CDP compared with PS was attributed to the complexation between puerarin and β‐cyclodextrin (β‐CD). NMR studies validated the formation of an inclusion complex puerarin/β‐CD. CONCLUSION: Thermodynamic and NMR studies confirmed that multi‐interaction cooperatively governed the isolation of puerarin from aqueous solution on PS‐CDP matrix. Copyright © 2009 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   
于潜  张丽华 《化工时刊》2009,23(10):56-59
废弃含能材料主要来源于退役武器和超过存储期弹药,是特殊性质的危险品,必须妥善处理。综述了废弃含能材料组分的提取技术,并介绍了改善方法(即加速溶剂萃取法和超临界流体萃取法)。当设计合理时溶剂萃取法可以做到处理过程安全、操作简单,所用溶剂可回收再利用,无三废排放,是一种处理和利用废弃含能材料的较优途径。  相似文献   
1-甲基-2,4,5-三硝基咪唑的合成新工艺   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
以N-甲基咪唑为原料,经过两步硝化反应得到1-甲基-2,4,5-三硝基咪唑(MTNI),并用红外光谱、核磁共振、元素分析对其结构进行了表征.研究了发烟硝酸与发烟硫酸的体积比、加料顺序、反应时间、温度对1-甲基-2,4-二硝基咪唑(2,4-MDNI)和MTNI收率的影响.结果表明,当一段硝化采用正加法加料,发烟硝酸与发烟硫酸的体积比1:2,二段硝化采用反加法加料,发烟硝酸与发烟硫酸的体积比1:4,反应时间2h,反应温度110~115℃时,产物得率较高.  相似文献   
LiF-YF3-Y2O3体系的电导率直接关系到熔盐电解法制备稀土钇合金过程的机理研究及节能增效。本研究在1173~1373 K下,使用CVCC法测定不同配比LiF-YF3、LiF-YF3(摩尔比1:1)-Y2O3体系的电导率,发现随着温度降低和熔盐中YF3、Y2O3含量的增加,熔盐电导率随之减小,这是由于大粒度络合离子的产生以及熔盐粘度的增加,导致了熔盐中小体积自由离子(如Li+和F-)的迁移阻力降低,使熔盐电导率下降。同时发现熔盐电导率随温度变化的规律符合Arrenius方程,并计算出熔盐的指前因子lna以及活化能E,通过拟合获得合理的二元和三元熔盐电导率与成分、温度之间的经验公式,来确定熔盐电导率的变化规律,为熔盐电解法制备钇合金奠定了坚实理论基础。  相似文献   
Road mitigation tunnels are increasingly deployed for amphibians but very little is known about chemical pollution in such schemes. We assessed pollution pressures associated with road runoff at a major great crested newt mitigation scheme in England. Sediments and waters in the mitigation system were analysed for major physico‐chemical parameters, trace metals and total petroleum hydrocarbons and compared to a nearby reference site. Seven out of eight tested metals including copper, zinc, lead and iron were in significantly greater concentrations in the tunnels than at a reference site and at environmentally significant concentrations. Water samples also exhibited elevated concentrations of aluminium and chromium and occasionally extreme alkaline pH associated with leaching of portlandite in tunnel cements. High conductivity values in waters and sediments corresponding with seasonal de‐icing salt application were also apparent. The study highlights the potential pollutant pressures for amphibians associated with large‐scale urban development and road mitigation schemes.  相似文献   
盐——中医学及现代医学的研究与验证   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
分析研究中医学和<本草纲目>中对盐的医疗作用的研究;介绍盐作中药的药理作用,盐对中药炮制作用;综合归纳传统中医学和现代医学中,盐的保健、治疗、强身、美容作用,通过现代医学药理实验,以口服外用两种手段,进行抗炎、镇痛实验,证明盐具有消炎、镇痛作用,为进一步开发"生活用盐"(保健、治疗、健身、美容用盐),提供医学实验依据.  相似文献   
以含不同环氧乙烷(EO)数的直链脂肪醇醚和琥珀酸酐为原料,通过一步法合成了非离子表面活性剂醇醚琥珀酸酯。将醇醚琥珀酸酯用NaOH溶液中和后得到离子型表面活性剂醇醚琥珀酸酯盐。该制备工艺环保无毒,符合绿色的可持续发展理念。同时还研究了醇醚琥珀酸酯/盐的静态表面张力、在石蜡膜上的接触角、动态表面张力以及润湿、乳化、泡沫、去污等应用性能。结果表明其展现出优异的性能,为今后的实际工业应用奠定了一定的基础。  相似文献   
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