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经过技改后的三聚氰胺粉料后处理工艺,克服了以往采用螺旋输送机冷却和正压输送工艺所带来的工作环境恶劣、产品因温度较高而不易包装、机械故障频繁等许多难以解决的问题。改用吸送式气力输送后处理工艺后,既能输送,又能冷却、提纯三聚氰胺,实现自动化包装,并彻底改善工作环境。  相似文献   
介绍了粉末涂料的几种涂装方法及其原理、特点、应用范围和进展情况,重点介绍了静电粉末涂装方法。  相似文献   
熔体塔式造粒法生产尿基复混肥   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
汪家铭 《化肥工业》2007,34(1):32-34,44
化肥企业生产尿基复混肥对于农业科学施肥、提高肥料利用率、避免环境污染及促进企业产品结构调整都具有十分重要的意义。熔体塔式造粒法生产尿基复混肥较之其它方法优越性更为显著,笔者简要介绍该法的生产机理、工艺流程、技术特点、国内现状及产品市场前景等方面的一些情况。  相似文献   
介绍南京水泥工业设计研究院用预分解生产技术对山东水泥厂Φ4×60m预热器窑烧成系统进行的成功技术改造。技改设计指标为:熟料产量保证指标1500t/d,争取指标1700t/d,熟料热耗<3762kJ/kg,熟料28d抗压强度>60MPa。整个工程停产施工耗时仅用48d,烧成系统技改共耗资约3000万元。技改后一次点火投料成功,且点火当月即实现72h达标考核,所有设计指标均达标。  相似文献   
柳树沟磷矿开工时技术力量十分薄弱,以自己培养为主.广泛争取设计院等单位支持.基建工程严格按设计施工,并且建立健全各项规章制度,实行科学管理,安全生产文明生产,扩大生产规模,已由年产9万t扩大到20万t,企业经济效益、社会效益十分显著,成为乡镇矿山典范,磷矿企业的标兵.  相似文献   
This paper proposes an object placement planner for a grasped object during pick-and-place tasks. The proposed planner automatically determines the pose of an object that is stably placed near a user-assigned point on the environment surface. In our proposed method, first the polygon models of both the object and the environment are clustered, with each cluster being approximated by a planar region. The position/orientation of an object placed on the environment surface can be determined by selecting a pair of clusters: one from the object and the other from the environment. We furthermore conduct several tests to determine the position/orientation of the object, namely the Convexity Test, the Contact Test and the Stability Test. We demonstrate that, by using the polygon model of the environment that is obtained by means of conversion of the point cloud, we can determine the position/orientation of an object and can thereby realize a pick-and-place task.  相似文献   
A new color scale was developed from a broad data set of 1700 virgin olive oil samples over four crop seasons, which can be considered highly representative of the whole color range of virgin olive oils available in Spain. This color scale provides a new set of 60 color standards, improving the results achieved by the old 60-color standards proposed by the bromthymol blue method. Seeking the greatest possibility of including a near match between colors of virgin olive oils and proposed standards, we developed our new color scale using a recent uniform color space, with standards placed in a regular rhombohedral lattice like the one employed by the Uniform Color Scales of the Optical Society of America. The average color difference between each of the 1700 virgin olive oils and its nearest standard is reduced from 8.17 CIELAB units, using the bromthymol blue standards, to 3.99 CIELAB units using the new standards. Within a color tolerance of 7.0 CIELAB units, 93.2% of our virgin olive oils can be classified with the new standards, but only 59.1% with the bromthymol blue ones. In the interest of future adoption, the performance of the new color standards should be tested by industry and researchers.  相似文献   
A novel chelating resin containing sulfoxide and diethylene glycol, poly{4‐vinylbenzyl‐[2‐2‐(hydroxyethyl)ethoxyl]sulfoxide} (PVESO) was synthesized using chloromethylated polystyrene (PS‐Cl) as material. Its structure was characterized by elemental analysis, infrared spectra, and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The adsorption capacities of the resin for Hg2+, Ag+, Cu2+, Zn2+, and Pb2+ at various pH values were determined. The maximum adsorption capacities for Hg2+ and Ag+ were 1.56 and 0.75 mmol g?1 respectively. The resin had high selectivity for Hg2+ and Ag+ over the pH range 1.0–7.0. The adsorption capacities for Hg2+ and Ag+ under competitive condition were also determined by batch experiment method. In addition, the adsorption kinetics of the resin towards Hg2+ at different temperatures was also investigated. The results showed that the adsorption rate was governed by film diffusion at 20°C and 25°C, by particle diffusion at 30°C and 35°C. © 2006 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Appl Polym Sci 102: 6054–6059, 2006  相似文献   
在现代社会中,平板电脑、智能手机在人们日常生活的方方面面发挥着巨大的作用。通过分析电子产品在儿童和青少年的视力、身体发育、社交能力和学习能力等方面的负面影响,提出了加强亲子陪伴、合理引导控制等应对措施。  相似文献   
技工学校是以技术型人才培养为目的的学生能力养成和技能操作的教育基地,为确保人才培养质量,学校需要加强对市场形势的把握和教学改革的控制。行动导向教学法是目前广泛应用于技校和职校教学课堂的、有较好实际作用的教学方法,文章以行动导向教学法为重点,以配置交换机实现VLAN学习任务为案例,在教学方法和手段等几个方面讨论了行动导向教学法在网络架构课程教学改革中的研究与实践。  相似文献   
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