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研究了辽宁省1 9 8 0-2 0 1 2年城镇居民人均收入增长指数数据、 农村居民人均收入增长指数数据与 辽宁省GDP 增长指数数据之间的关系, 从整体与局部的角度和相关系数得出了三者之间的关联特征, 并进一步建 立了变量间的向量自回归模型, 通过脉冲响应函数探讨了三者之间的动态联系。研究结果表明, 辽宁省GDP 增长 率与城镇居民人均收入增长率、 农村居民人均收入增长率之间具有密切的相关性, 但变化趋势存在不同步性; 从三 者之间的动态联系来看, 辽宁省GDP 增长率对城镇居民人均收入和农村居民人均收入的增长有明显的促进作用, 而城镇居民人均收入和农村居民人均收入的增长率对GDP 增长率的冲击不大。应采取有效措施, 缩小城乡居民人 均收入差距, 努力实现城乡居民人均收入与GDP 的同步增长。  相似文献   
叙述了内径为50m m 试验发动机的标准化在固体推进剂研究中的重要性,并将标准发动机的设计思想进行了说明,用试验数据说明所设计的标准发动机具有高的可靠性和稳定性。  相似文献   
Young’s modulus and damping of partially sintered and almost fully dense zirconia ceramics (tetragonal zirconia polycrystals with 3 mol.% yttria), obtained by firing to different temperatures (range 1000–1400°C), have been determined via impulse excitation, and the evolution of Young’s modulus and damping of partially sintered zirconia with temperature has been monitored from room temperature to 1400°C and back to room temperature. The room-temperature Young’s modulus of the partially sintered materials obeys the Pabst-Gregorová exponential prediction, which is relatively unusual for partially sintered materials. With increasing temperature Young’s modulus decreases, until the original firing temperature is exceeded and sintering (densification) continues, resulting in a steep Young’s modulus increase. During heating and cooling the temperature dependence obeys a master curve with a typical inflection point at approximately 200 °C, the temperature where damping (internal friction) exhibits a maximum. The reasons for this characteristic behavior of doped zirconia are recalled.  相似文献   
This paper investigates the relationship between China’s fuel ethanol promotion plan and food security based on the interactions between the crude oil market, the fuel ethanol market and the grain market. Based on the US West Texas Intermediate (WTI) crude oil spot price and Chinese corn prices from January 2008 to May 2018, this paper applies Granger causality testing and a generalized impulse response function to explore the relationship between world crude oil prices and Chinese corn prices. The results show that crude oil prices are not the Granger cause of China’s corn prices, but changes in world crude oil prices will have a long-term positive impact on Chinese corn prices. Therefore, the Chinese government should pay attention to changes in crude oil prices when promoting fuel ethanol. Considering the conduction effect between fuel ethanol and the food market, the government should also take some measures to ensure food security.  相似文献   


A new denoising framework based on deep convolutional neural network for suppressing impulse noise in color images is proposed in this paper. The proposed framework consists of two modules: noise detection and image reconstruction, both of which are implemented by a deep convolutional neural network. First, a noise classifier network is trained to detect random-valued impulse noise in a color image, which not only can detect the noisy color vector pixels but also can further identify the corrupted channels of each noisy color pixel. Then, a sparse clean color image is computed by replacing the values of noisy channels with 0 and keeping other noise-free channels unchanged. Finally, the sparse clean color image is fed to another denoiser network to reconstruct the denoised image. Experimental results show that the proposed denoiser outperforms other state-of-the-art methods clearly in both performance measure and visual evaluation.  相似文献   
在星载SAR系统的高分辨率宽测绘带成像应用中,为了增大接收增益,提高回波的信噪比,可利用数字波束形成(DBF)技术实现俯仰向多通道接收并处理回波信号。该文分析并推导出了俯仰向通道的响应函数。基于这一结果,提出了一种时变加权与FIR滤波相结合的DBF处理方法,并且给出了系统实现框图。与其它DBF方法相比,该方法能在不增加系统实现复杂度的前提下,实现对长脉冲的接收增益最大化与系统性能最优化。仿真结果表明,该方法能够近似达到理论上的系统性能最优值。  相似文献   
基于超宽带冲激脉冲的信号特征,提出了超宽带正交解调接收机系统中脉冲信号的反射模型与校正算法。通过时域瞬态传输线模型、信号流图模型分析,指出整个系统可等效为一个延时滤波网络。最后提出了拟合该等效延时滤波网络,求解其补偿网络的具体校正算法。在实际系统目标探测的外场试验中,也验证了模型分析与校正算法的正确性和有效性。  相似文献   
压缩感知理论为IR-UWB信号的低速采样接收提供了新的思路,但现有的低速率压缩采样架构大都理想化了量化过程。该文充分考虑量化噪声的实际影响,拟设计出抗噪性强的IR-UWB接收信号重构方法。基于对压缩采样值中噪声分布特性的分析,修正了信号重构模型,并通过仿真对比了DS (Dantzig-Selector)法求解和传统重构算法求解的性能差异。在此基础上,提出了一种在DS和SP (Subspace Pursuit)算法中自适应选择的信号重构方法(联合DS-SP)。仿真结果表明,联合DS-SP以折中于DS和SP之间的复杂度在不同噪声情形下获得了最优的重构性能,且相对经典重构算法有较大的性能提升,为压缩感知框架下的IR-UWB接收机数字后端提供了一种新的信号重构策略。  相似文献   
田妮莉  喻莉 《电子与信息学报》2008,30(10):2499-2502
该文提出了一种基于小波变换和FIR神经网络的广域网网络流量预测模型,首先采用小波分解把网络流量数据分解成小波系数和尺度系数,即高频系数和低频系数,将这些不同频率成分的系数单支重构为高频流量分量和低频流量分量,利用FIR神经网络对这些分量分别进行预测,将合成之后的结果作为原始网络流量的预测。实验结果表明:采用该模型对实际的广域网网络流量数据进行预测,不仅可以得到较快的收敛效果,而且预测性能比现有的小波神经网络和FIR神经网络要好得多。  相似文献   
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