The aim of this paper is to show the development of regional and urban studies in Spain, pointing out the main factors that have influenced such development, the topics analysed by the Spanish researchers and why Spain has today a remarkable position in the field of regional science. Regional problems have always taken up a very important place among the concerns of the Spanish society. This has been closely linked to longstanding historical and internal political conflicts. But, leaving aside some very interesting contributions and territorial projects developed in the past, the research on regional issues emerged really in the 1960s and the consolidation phase took place from 1975 to 2000, as explained in Sections 2 and 3. From the beginning of this century the field has received a clear thrust, supported by a new generation of economists and geographers. The increasing presence of Spanish researchers in international congresses, workshops and specialized journals enable to state that Spain has reached a similar level as in more advanced countries. Section 4 collects the most outstanding topics and innovative contributions made from 2000 to now. A short final note (section 5) points out some final remarks and why a positive continuity of the progress observed can be expected. 相似文献
Greek temples are made of overlapped heavy stone blocks shaped to form columns and entablatures. Preservation of these constructions requires specific structural engineering effort. Present conditions of remains basically reflect centuries of loads and environmental actions, but also undesired effects of former restorations. The latter, if not properly designed, may affect the value and life expectation of these monuments.
In the present paper, a novel interpretation of the jacketing technique for temporary interventions and the application to the Greek Temple C of the Selinunte’s (Sicily) archaeological site are presented. Purpose of jacketing is to avoid worsening of the crack pattern by light confinement of stone blocks. Titanium belts and elastomeric neoprene pads are combined to attain the above-mentioned performances. Simplified design model is proposed and a 3D finite elements analysis is performed to evaluate local effects of jacketing; finally information about in situ application are given. 相似文献
The market uptake of innovative, energy efficient concepts in the building sector is to a large extent influenced by the stimuli found in building regulations. The Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (EPBD) makes the application of an EPB regulation mandatory for new buildings and for major renovations. If one is obliged to make an assessment of buildings in terms of energy performance, it is clear that one should be able to assess all kinds of building designs and of technologies. However, the EPB regulations (present or under development) clearly not cover all possible technologies. Among the technologies that are typically not covered by the standard procedures are innovative ventilation concepts, e.g. hybrid ventilation in dwellings. This paper wants to highlight the need for the development of a coherent approach, based on a mixture of European measures and national actions. 相似文献
In the next 30 years, the number of senior citizens in the US will increase to become larger than any other single age group. How are cities starting to prepare for this huge expansion in the numbers of over-65s? Jerry Maltz and Christine Hunter of the Design for Aging Committee of the New York Chapter of the American Institute of Architects (AIANY), aided by Eric Cohen and Susan Wright , describe how New York and other US cities are laying the necessary groundwork through the World Health Organization's Age-Friendly Cities programme, while also setting up innovative centres for senior citizens, making much-needed modifications to the physical environment and developing new approaches to affordable housing. 相似文献
Since the innovative concept of CANDLE (Constant Axial shape of Neutron Flux, nuclide densities and power shape During Life of Energy producing reactor) burning strategy was proposed, intensive research works have been continuously conducted to evaluate the feasibility and the performance of the burning strategy on both fast and thermal reactors. We learned that one potential application of the burning strategy for thermal reactors is for the High Temperature Gas-Cooled Reactors (HTGR) with prismatic/block-type fuel elements. Several characteristics of CANDLE burning strategy such as constant reactor characteristics during burn-up, no need for burn-up reactivity control mechanism, proportionality of core height with core lifetime, sub-criticality of fresh fuel elements, etc. enable us to design small sized HTGR with a high degree of safety, easiness of operation and maintenance, and long core lifetime which are required for introducing the reactors into remote areas or developing countries with limited infrastructures and resources. In the present work, we report our evaluation results on small sized block-type HTGR designs with CANDLE burning strategy and compared with other existing small HTGR designs including the ones with pebble fuel elements, under both uranium and thorium fuel cycles. 相似文献
Today's nuclear power is in the state of an intrinsic conflict between economic and safety requirements. This fact makes difficult its sustainable development.
One of the ways of finding the solution to the problem can be the use of modular fast reactors SVBR-75/100 cooled by lead–bismuth coolant that has been mastered in conditions of operating reactors of Russian nuclear submarines.
The inherent self-protection and passive safety properties are peculiar to that reactor due to physical features of small power fast reactors (100 MWe), chemical inertness and high boiling point of lead–bismuth coolant, integral design of the pool type primary circuit equipment.
Due to small power of the reactor, it is possible to fabricate the whole reactor at the factory and to deliver it to the NPP site in practical readiness by using any kind of transport including the railway.
Substantiation of the high level of reactor safety, adaptability of the SVBR-75/100 reactor relative to the fuel type and fuel cycle, issues of non-proliferation of nuclear fissile materials, opportunities of multi-purpose usage of the standard SVBR-75/100 reactors have been viewed in the paper. 相似文献