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排序方式: 共有10000条查询结果,搜索用时 9 毫秒
本文首先介绍了抖动的基本概念以及SDH系统指针调整引入抖动的机理;接着着重讨论了降低SDH网络指针调整引入抖动的原理并给出PLL型去同步器和两种新型去同步器;最后指出采用上述原理的去同步器,在其SDH系统中高达4.6ppm时钟频漂情况下可使输出抖动降至0.6UI以下。  相似文献   
周英 《数字通信》1996,23(2):26-28,60
本文介绍了一种智能网络软件工厂,一个软件工厂实际上是软件生产过程的集成,这种工厂能业务的设计数据,基本数据,实时数据表格,屏幕和SSP呼和以及业务应用的结构、程序、模块和它们的逻辑连接,有了这样软件工厂就能快速地建立、开发、修改和测试各种业务。  相似文献   
邱大均 《数字通信》1996,23(2):41-44
本文介绍了SDH,PDH监控系统的概况,讨论了传输网(长途传输网)中的PDH/SDH在混合状况下的管理监控问题,并提出了一些补救措施及方案,便于顺利实现向电信管理网TMN的过渡。  相似文献   
Naphtha is the feedstock for steam cracking and catalytic reforming of aromatics. Based on the molecular library and 42 groups of practical data including the properties of density, potential aromatic content, the weight fractions of PNA and carbon number distribution, a molecular reconstruction model for naphtha was established by maximum information entropy method. The content of 451 components for naphtha were estimated. The molecular composition generated by the simulation is in good agreement with the practical data. The model can provide the referential value for the steam cracking and catalytic reforming of aromatics processes at molecular level.  相似文献   
提升格式:多项式拟合的预测方法   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文研究提升格式中预测算子的设计问题,目前大多数预测算子,就其本质而言,属于插值预测的范畴,比数据的插值曲线更能代表数据包络线的低频成分,因此在某个局部,数据减去它的拟合预测值(而不是插值预测值),更能体现提升格式的预测过程应该是局域高通滤波的设计原则,本文提供了四点二次,六点二次和六点三次多项式拟合的计算实例。  相似文献   
为了在海难事故发生后,在最短时间内确定遇难人员的漂移方向和位置,对海上落水人员进行受力分析,量化影响目标漂移的因素,建立海上落水人员漂移模型,并在假设初始位置误差为0以及相同的风压模型的前提下,对流场数据进行线性插值计算,增大流场数据在时间上的精确度,减小目标漂流轨迹预测的误差值.  相似文献   
随着各类新型显示设备、新型电视广播格式的发展,原有的隔行扫描视频信号已无法满足人们对图像质量的需求,因此需要通过去隔行技术将隔行视频信号转化为逐行视频信号.对现有的去隔行技术进行了介绍,给出了该领域的主要申请人申请量分布图以及重点专利被引用次数排行表,并重点介绍了索尼和三星公司在去隔行领域的专利申请状况.  相似文献   
已有的基于Stoer-Bulirsch有理函数插值的自适应频率采样算法往往对插值间隔、收敛精度等参数非常敏感,算法稳定性差,甚至会出现伪收敛等问题.针对已有算法的上述缺陷,通过采用极点判断、插值区域二分、参数变换和多次收敛性检验等措施,提出了一种逐一增加采样点的自适应策略.形成了一种通用性强、稳定性好的自适应频率采样算法,可以用较少的采样点插值重构未知函数响应.并结合多层快速多极子方法,对宽频带目标电磁散射进行计算分析,实现采样频点的自适应选取,减少了计算量极大的精确数值计算的次数,提高了仿真效率.  相似文献   
The rate budget constraint and the available instantaneous signal-to-noise ratio of the best relay selection in cooperative systems can dramatically impact the system performance and complexity of video applications, since they determine the video distortion. By taking into account these constrained factors, we first outline the signal model and formulate the system optimization problem. Next, we propose a new approach to cross-layer optimization for 3-D video transmission over cooperative relay systems. We propose procedures for estimation of the end-to-end instantaneous signal-to-noise ratio using an estimate of the available instantaneous signal-to-noise ratios between the source–destination, and source–relay–destination before starting to send the video signal to the best relay and destination. A novel approach using Lagrange multipliers is developed to solve the optimum bit allocation problem. Based on the rate budget constraint and the estimated the end-to-end instantaneous signal-to-noise ratio, the proposed joint source–channel coding (JSCC) algorithm simultaneously assigns source code rates for the application layer, the number of high and low priority packets for the network layer, and channel code rates for the physical layer based on criteria that maximize the quality of video, whilst minimizing the complexity of the system. Finally, we investigate the impact of the estimated the end-to-end instantaneous signal-to-noise ratio on the video system performance and complexity. Experimental results show that the proposed JSCC algorithm outperforms existing algorithms in terms of peak signal-to-noise ratio. Moreover, the proposed JSCC algorithm is found to be computationally more efficient since it can minimize the overall video distortion in a few iterations.  相似文献   
容宝祺  周军 《信息技术》2008,32(5):74-78
针对无线信道传输过程中可能出现的单个或连续宏块丢失现象,提出了一种有效的空-域差错掩盖算法.算法根据丢失像素点中是否含有边界,把丢失的像素点分为平稳点和非平稳点.对于不含有边缘的平稳点,采用线性插值的算法;对于含有边界的非平稳点,建立最小二乘滤波器(LS)模型,通过多方向的扫描方式得出预测值.实验结果表明,算法能够获得优秀的图像质量,在降低了复杂度的同时,适用于视频图像的实时传输.  相似文献   
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