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Disclosing the current location of a person can seriously affect their privacy, but many apps request location information to provide location-based services. Simultaneously, these apps provide only crude controls for location privacy settings (sharing all or nothing). There is an ongoing discussion about rights of users regarding their location privacy (e.g. in the context of the General Data Protection Regulation – GDPR). GDPR requires data collectors to notify users about data collection and to provide them with opt-out options. To address these requirements, we propose a set of user interface (UI) controls for fine-grained management of location privacy settings based on privacy theory (Westin), privacy by design principles and general UI design principles. The UI notifies users about the state of location data sharing and provides controls for adjusting location sharing preferences. It addresses three key issues: whom to share location with, when to share it, and where to share it. Results of a user study (N=23) indicate that (1) the proposed interface led to a greater sense of control, that (2) it was usable and well received, and that (3) participants were keen on using it in real life. Our findings can inform the development of interfaces to manage location privacy.  相似文献   
Image inpainting has been widely applied to many applications, such as restoring corrupted old photos, erasing video logos, concealing errors in a digital video processing system, and so on. However, traditional geometric inpainting methods suffer low efficiency. To tackle this problem, this paper addresses an efficient transform based framework for geometric methods. Given an image, we firstly decompose it, then separately perform restoration process and finally employ Laplacian diffusion function to hold local texture coherence. Experimental results show that the proposed method not only speeds up and enhances the performances of geometric methods, but also obtains a better restoration results compared with the traditional texture and hybrid methods.  相似文献   
平面近远场变换的快速算法   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
基于考虑探头补偿的平面近远场变换理论 ,根据实际需要 ,提出了一种工程实用的平面近远场变换快速算法。通过该算法由近场测量数据变换得到的天线远场方向图 ,既能达到任意分辨率 ,又能节约计算内存和提高计算速度。  相似文献   
模糊控制技术中一种特殊的高维插值法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文介绍一种在模糊控制技术中高维插值方法的应用。这种方法可以由有限数据或经验规则,通过高维插获完整的全值表,从而克服了过去去多因素,多目标,非线性的复杂被控系统由于经验规则远远不足,无法得到完整的控制规则表听困难。为进一步设计模糊模糊控制器提供了可行的基础。  相似文献   
Periodic Green's function (PGF) of an infinite 1-D periodic array of line sources in planar multilayered media is calculated by the use of the of the 3-level discrete complex image method (DCIM) together with the surface wave pole (SWP) extraction. The Ewald's method is then applied to accelerate the evaluation of the PGF. The recipe to choose the Ewald's splitting parameter is also given. It is shown that the Ewald's transformation needs a few terms to approximate the PGF with high accuracy. The SWP contributions, which are extracted before the DCIM application, are added to this approximation. The spatial domain surface wave pole contributions are observed to be highly oscillatory and converge to zero. The numerical results are provided to demonstrate the efficiency and the accuracy of the procedure followed.  相似文献   
基于二维提升结构的SAR相干斑噪声抑制   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
针对SAR图像提出了一种新的二维提升变换斑点噪声抑制方法.这种方法利用提升结构构造的双正交小波所具有的良好的逼近和重构性能,以及平滑面区域的特性而实现.仿真时将阈值去噪环节加入变换中.仿真结果表明,本文提出的二维提升变换方法在充分抑制图像斑点噪声的同时,能很好地保持均匀区域内的辐射特性,图像中的边缘、细小特征和点目标,以及图像的纹理特征,克服了传统降噪方法的不足,具有较好的视觉效果.  相似文献   
无线传感器网络的应用一直受能量的制约,因此如何降低系统能耗始终是无线传感器网络的核心问题.研究了一类基于ZigBee的缓变数据监测系统中的数据处理问题,提出了一种改进的数据精简算法.该方法考虑了测量误差,通过综合数字滤波法及改进的数据精简算法,降低了数据通信量,延长无线传感器网络的生命周期.采用三次样条数据插值,对温度数据进行插值,实验结果表明通过该方法得到的温度曲线较为平滑,该方法具有可行性、实用性和推广价值.  相似文献   
Spiropyran SP1822 J-aggregate LB films show a non-linear photochromic response with a threshold against the incident light intensity of a CW dye laser. Using two laser beams operating below the threshold level intensity, the logic ‘AND’ function was found to be optically stored as an overlapping region of two incident patterns. We proposed the adoption of an LB film of spiropyran J-aggregates to store the memory matrix Tijkl as an overlapping region of learning input pattern Vij and multi-image input pattern Vkl in order to construct an optical neural network system based on Hopfield model.  相似文献   
从最佳动力性、最佳经济性换档规律的计算切入,同时指出基本换档规律存在的主要弊端,并针对这些弊端提出具体的驾驶员意图和上坡、下坡、低附着路面、拥挤市区等行驶环境的识别方法及相应的换档控制策略,以克服基本换档规律的不足,最后通过建立以驾驶员意图及行驶环境识别为基础的智能换档控制系统,实现汽车液力自动变速器的换档控制策略。  相似文献   
随着3G商用进程的不断加快,移动互联成为人们新的商务模式,通过移动终端获取信息产品和服务具有现实意义.文章通过对移动互联商务平台方案应用场景的描述,对用户行为模式的智能识别、智能搜索和二维码识别等技术方案进行了分析和研究,提出了针对用户建立个性化需求模型开发方案的设计,使用户以更快捷的方式找到自己需要的信息,同时为企业达到良好的商业推广效果.  相似文献   
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