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In this paper, we investigate the effect of heating or cooling from below on the stability of a suspension of motile gravitactic microorganisms in a shallow fluid layer. The linear perturbation theory is used to obtain the stability diagram and the critical conditions for the onset of convection. It is found that the thermo-effects may either stabilize or destabilize the suspension, and decrease or increase the wavelength of the bioconvective pattern.  相似文献   
Solar PV arrays made of interconnected modules are comparatively less susceptible to shadow problem and power degradation resulting from the aging of solar cells. This paper presents a simulation model for the sizing of stand-alone solar PV systems with interconnected arrays. It considers the electricity generation in the array and its storage in the battery bank serving the fluctuating load demand. The loss of power supply probability (LPSP) is used to connote the risk of not satisfying the load demand. The non-tracking (e.g., fixed and tilted) and single-axis tracking aperture arrays having cross-connected modules of single crystalline silicon solar cells in a (6×6) modular configuration are considered. The simulation results are illustrated with the help of a numerical example wherein the load demand is assumed to follow uniform probabilistic distribution. For a given load, the numbers of solar PV modules and batteries corresponding to zero values of LPSP on diurnal basis during the year round cycle of operation are presented. The results corresponding to the surplus and deficit of energy as a function of LPSP are also presented and discussed to assess the engineering design trade offs in the system components.Furthermore, a simple cost analysis has also been carried out, which indicates that for Delhi the stand-alone solar PV systems with fixed and tilted aperture arrays are better option than those with single-axis tracking aperture (with north–south oriented tracking axis) arrays.  相似文献   
T6114天然气发动机的使用和维护   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
简要阐明了T6114天然气发动机使用过程中的注意事项,如CNG气质、机油及冷却液的选用,发动机的正确操作等,重点介绍电控燃气系统的维护保养及故障诊断,特别是如何检查与清除系统故障码。  相似文献   
Cold heavy oil production with sand (CHOPS) is the process of choice for unconsolidated heavy oil reservoirs with relatively high gas content. The key challenge of CHOPS is that the recovery factor tends to be between 5% and 15%, implying that the majority of the oil remains in the ground after the process is rendered uneconomic. Continued cold production (without sands) is not productive for a post‐CHOPS reservoir because of the low oil saturation and depleted reservoir pressure in the wormhole regions. There is a need to develop viable recovery processes for post‐CHOPS reservoirs. Here, different follow‐up processes are examined for a post‐CHOPS heavy oil reservoir. In post‐CHOPS cold water flooding, severe water channeling is ineffective at displacing high viscosity heavy oil. Hot water flooding improves the sweep efficiency and produces more oil compared with cold water flooding. However, the swept region is limited to the domain between the neighboring wormhole networks, and the energy efficiency of the process is relatively poor. Compared with the hot water flooding case, steam flooding achieves higher oil production rates and lower water use. A cyclic steam stimulation strategy achieves the best performance regarding oil production rates and water usage. Based on our results, it is observed that thermally based techniques alone are not capable to recover the oil economically for post‐CHOPS reservoirs. However, it is suggested that techniques with combined use of thermal energy and solvent could potentially yield efficient oil recovery methods for these reservoirs. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
为进一步促进铅阻尼器在工程中的应用,针对常见的排架结构,研制了一种铅剪切阻尼器,通过低周往复加载试验,逐个分析阻尼材料铅的有效剪切面积、受剪区厚度、剪切截面形式、加载位移幅值、加载频率、加载次数等因素对阻尼器耗能性能的影响。试验结果表明,设计的阻尼器的阻尼力—位移滞回曲线饱满,耗能性能良好,符合双线性力学模型,并对试验中两个典型型号的阻尼器进行了数值模拟分析,通过对比数模值和试验值,证明了数值计算模型的实用性,为阻尼器在结构体系中的减震应用奠定了基础。  相似文献   
分析了若干独立非负随机变量调和平均值的概率密度函数在零点附近的变化特性.在此基础上,分析了单载波分块传输系统中采用频域迫零均衡时的误符号率性能,给出了高信噪比时采用MPSK调制和MQAM调制时的误符号率的闭合表达式,并通过计算机仿真验证了理论分析结果.理论分析和数值仿真结果表明在瑞利衰落信道下,采用迫零均衡的SCBT系统在高信噪比时的平均误符号率与信道多径数目无关.  相似文献   
杨建生 《电子与封装》2009,9(11):12-16,20
文中采用传统的表面贴装技术进行焊接,研讨μBGA的PCB装配及可靠性。弯曲循环试验(1000με~-1000με),用不同的热因数(Qη)回流,研究μBGA、PBGA和CBGA封装的焊点疲劳失效问题。确定液相线上时间,测定温度,μBGA封装的疲劳寿命首先增大,接着随加热因数的增加而下降。当Qη接近500s·℃时,出现寿命最大值。最佳Qη范围在300s·℃~750s·℃之间,此范围如果装配是在氮气氛中回流,μBGA封装的寿命大于4500个循环。采用扫描电子显微镜(SEM),来检查μBGA和PBGA封装在所有加热因数状况下焊点的失效。每个断裂接近并平行于PCB焊盘,在μBGA封装中裂纹总是出现在焊接点与PCB焊盘连接的尖角点,接着在Ni3Sn4金属间化合物(IMC)层和焊料之间延伸。CBGA封装可靠性试验中,失效为剥离现象,发生于陶瓷基体和金属化焊盘之间的界面处。  相似文献   
一种改进的QR码图像二值化算法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对光照不均的QR码图像进行全局二值化处理后,会出现全白或全黑的误差区域,在局部二值化过程中会出现伪边界情况,并且计算时间也会变长。针对光照不均的QR码图像提出了一种改进的基于背景灰度的二值化算法。首先,根据二维码源图像大小进行分块处理,使用灰度估算公式对分块的灰度值进行计算。其次,使用联合插值算法产生背景灰度水平图像,然后用背景灰度水平图像替代源图像得到校正图像。最后,采用Ostu算法对校正图像进行二值化。实验结果表明,该算法能有效的校正光照不均的QR图像,并得到一个良好的二值化图像。  相似文献   
针对以往无线电报务训练装置硬件成本要求高和码字识别率低等问题,设计了一种基于PC的无线电报务训练装置,它具有发报和收报训练功能,对码字识别效率较高。同时,在码字识别算法上,采用了快速傅里叶变换(FFT)算法对装置进行频域识别,有效提高了抗干扰性。分别采用最大类间方差法和机器学习法,有效提高了码字识别的适应能力和准确性。  相似文献   
Due to the interactions among coupled spatio-temporal subsystems and the constant bias term of affine chaos, it is difficult to achieve tracking control for the affine coupled spatiotemporal chaos. However, every subsystem of the affine coupled spatio-temporal chaos can be approximated by a set of fuzzy models; every fuzzy model represents a linearized model of the subsystem corresponding to the operating point of the controlled system. Because the consequent parts of the fuzzy models have a constant bias term, it is very difficult to achieve tracking control for the affine system. Based on these fuzzy models, considering the affine constant bias term, an H∞ fuzzy tracking control scheme is proposed. A linear matrix inequality is employed to represent the feedback controller, and parameters of the controller are achieved by convex optimization techniques. The tracking control for the affine coupled spatio-temporal chaos is achieved, and the stability of the system is also guaranteed. The tracking performances are testified by simulation examples.  相似文献   
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