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Many problems in mathematics and engineering lead to Fredholm integral equations of the first kind, e.g. signal and image processing. These kinds of equations are difficult to solve numerically since they are ill-posed. Therefore, regularization is required to obtain a reasonable approximate solution. This paper presents a new regularization method based on a weighted H1 seminorm. Details of numerical implementation are given. Numerical examples, including one-dimensional and two-dimensional integral equations, are presented to illustrate the efficiency of the proposed approach. Numerical results show that the proposed regularization method can restore edges as well as details.  相似文献   
A new method for preparing SnO2 whiskers by the decomposition of SnC2O4 is suggested. A Whisker-like morphology of a SnC2O4 precipitate was attained via the gradual addition of an oxalic acid solution to a hot SnCl2 aqueous solution (T > 50C). In comparison, when the solution temperature was either lower than 50C or when ethanol was used as the solvent, the SnC2O4 precipitate showed an angular and relatively isotropic morphology. The morphology of the SnC2O4 precipitate remained even after its thermal decomposition into SnO2 at 400C indicating that SnC2O4 precipitation is a key step in preparing the whiskers. The formation mechanism of SnO2 whiskers was explained by the supersaturation during the precipitation of SnC2O4.  相似文献   
可再生能源需要性能优良的储能电池与之配套,因此,研究和开发价廉、高效率的储能系统是十分必要的。本文通过介绍钒氧化还原液流电池的原理和特点,指出钒电池是一种潜力巨大的新型环保储能电池。同时介绍钒电池制备和应用时的三大技术关键及一定的解决方法。  相似文献   
在Triton X-100存在下的pH 10的Na2B4O7-NaOH缓冲介质中,研究了1-吡淀-3-[4-(苯基偶氮)苯基]-三氮烯(PYPAPT)与汞离子(Hg2 )的显色反应,建立了微量汞的测定方法。Hg2 与PYPAPT形成1∶2的红色络合物,络合物最大吸收波长位于518 nm,表观摩尔吸光系数为1.42×105L.mol-1.cm-1,Hg2 质量浓度在0~0.64 mg/L范围内符合比尔定律。方法用于铅锌矿样中微量汞的测定,RSD小于2.6%,测定结果与AAS法相符。  相似文献   
Objective To observe the effect of FTY720 and ICAM-1 mAb mono and combination therapy in cardiac silo-transplantation in rats. Methods Rats were randomly assigned to 9 groups, heart allo-transplantation were performed in abdominal site with micro-surgical technique. Recipients with allografts were treated with different doses of FTY720 and(or) ICAM-1 mAb. Graft survival, histopathology andlevel of serum IL-2, IFN-γ, IL-4, IL-10were investigated. Results Low doses of FTY720 (lmg/kg) combined with ICAM-1 mAb achieved synergistic effect in the prolongation of cardiac graft survival, combination index(CD =0.67. Conclusion Concomitant therapy of FTY720 and ICAM-1 mAb achieved a synergistic effect in the prolongation of heart allograft survival in rats.  相似文献   
Research on Poly(Styrene-Crylicacid)-Suported Neodymium Complex Catalytic Copolymerization of Styrene and 4-Vinylpyridine  相似文献   
于兆斌 《宽厚板》2005,11(5):25-27
本文研究了热处理工艺对2.25C r1M oR钢组织和力学性能的影响。结果表明,该钢在780℃时可获得良好的强韧化效果和较高的抗回火脆性能力,在此基础上得到了该钢板生产制造的热处理工艺参数。实践证明,该工艺合理可行。  相似文献   
以 3-三氟甲基 - 4-氨基 - 5 -巯基 - 1 ,2 ,4-三唑为原料 ,分别与 2 - ,3- ,4-吡啶甲酸及α-萘乙酸在 POCl3催化下反应 ,制得 4种新的 3-三氟甲基 - 6-取代均三唑并 [3,4- b]- 1 ,3,4-噻二唑( 3a~ 3d) ,并利用 EA,IR,1H NMR等确定了其结构  相似文献   
Igor S. Pandzic   《Graphical Models》2003,65(6):385-404
We propose a method for automatically copying facial motion from one 3D face model to another, while preserving the compliance of the motion to the MPEG-4 Face and Body Animation (FBA) standard. Despite the enormous progress in the field of Facial Animation, producing a new animatable face from scratch is still a tremendous task for an artist. Although many methods exist to animate a face automatically based on procedural methods, these methods still need to be initialized by defining facial regions or similar, and they lack flexibility because the artist can only obtain the facial motion that a particular algorithm offers. Therefore a very common approach is interpolation between key facial expressions, usually called morph targets, containing either speech elements (visemes) or emotional expressions. Following the same approach, the MPEG-4 Facial Animation specification offers a method for interpolation of facial motion from key positions, called Facial Animation Tables, which are essentially morph targets corresponding to all possible motions specified in MPEG-4. The problem of this approach is that the artist needs to create a new set of morph targets for each new face model. In case of MPEG-4 there are 86 morph targets, which is a lot of work to create manually. Our method solves this problem by cloning the morph targets, i.e. by automatically copying the motion of vertices, as well as geometry transforms, from source face to target face while maintaining the regional correspondences and the correct scale of motion. It requires the user only to identify a subset of the MPEG-4 Feature Points in the source and target faces. The scale of the movement is normalized with respect to MPEG-4 normalization units (FAPUs), meaning that the MPEG-4 FBA compliance of the copied motion is preserved. Our method is therefore suitable not only for cloning of free facial expressions, but also of MPEG-4 compatible facial motion, in particular the Facial Animation Tables. We believe that Facial Motion Cloning offers dramatic time saving to artists producing morph targets for facial animation or MPEG-4 Facial Animation Tables.  相似文献   
在阳离子表面活性剂CTMAB存在下,2-(2′-苯并噻唑偶氮)-1,8-二羟基-3,6-苯二磺酸与钛(Ⅳ)在pH3.5~4.5范围内发生高灵敏的显色反应,形成一种蓝色的三元胶束络合物,其最大吸收波长位于650nm,表观摩尔吸光系数ε=1.22×105·L·cm-1。络合物中钛(Ⅳ)与显色剂的组成比为1:2,钛含量在0~8.0μg/25mL范围内符从比尔定律。间用于铝合金中微量钛的测定,结果满意。  相似文献   
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