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针对VB数值计算能力和图像处理能力不足,以及不利于系统开发的缺点,介绍基于VB和MatrixVB并利用四阶偏微分方程实现图像去噪的方法。利用VB作为主要编程语言,借助MatrixVB矩阵运算函数库建立了处理系统,实现了图像去噪功能。该方法将Matlab的强大计算功能与VB的Windows用户界面开发方面的优势结合起来,缩短了软件的开发周期。软件测试结果表明.计算方法正确,方法稳定可靠,算法设计优化,所开发的应用软件具有界面友好,计算速度快,系统资源消耗少,操作简便易行,能满足图像滤波的要求。  相似文献   
Recently, Hou et al. introduced a novel (2, n) privilege-based visual cryptography scheme (PVCS) with various privilege levels of shadow images. In this scheme, a shadow with a higher privilege contributes more recovered information, while a lower privileged shadow has the less recovery capability. Moreover, the visual quality of stacked result depends on the total sum of privilege levels for all involved shadows in reconstruction. Unfortunately, the PVC scheme has the inconsistency of the contrast of recovered image and the sum of privilege levels. Accordingly, an enhanced Hou et al.’s (2, n)-PVC scheme (EPVCS) is proposed to solve this inconsistency problem. However, the EPVCS is not a general solution to implement all PVCSs with arbitrary privilege levels, and it also has the unequal whiteness of shadows. In this paper, we first extend Hou et al.’s (2, n)-EPVCS with a correct privilege levels achieving the consistency of the contrast and the sum of privilege levels. Then we construct a (2, n)-PVCS to allow arbitrary privilege levels and provide the equal whiteness for each shadow.  相似文献   
The recent studies showing that gaze features can be useful in the identification of Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), have opened a new domain where Visual Attention (VA) modeling could be of great help. In this sense, this paper presents a report of the Grand Challenge “Saliency4ASD: Visual attention modeling for Autism Spectrum Disorder”, organized at IEEE ICME’19, aiming at supporting the research on VA modeling towards this healthcare societal challenge. In particular, this paper describes the workflow, obtained results, and datasets and tools that were used within this activity, in order to help on the development and evaluation of two types of VA models: (1) to predict saliency maps that fit gaze behavior of people with ASD, and (2) to identify individuals with ASD from typical development.  相似文献   
蓝牙HCI层数据通讯的实现   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
文章介绍了蓝牙主机控制器接口规范的内容,详细描述了HCI层数据通讯的硬件和软件的实现方法,硬件实现采用的Ericsson ROK 101 008蓝牙模块,软件采用MSComm控件实现串口通讯。  相似文献   
偏光片是液晶显示器的主要原材料之一,约占其制造成本的20%~30%,介绍了偏光片的基本结构和偏光片周边的镜面磨削工艺,该工艺是对裁切好的偏光片的周边进行精磨的工艺过程,使之达到要求的光洁度以及精确的尺寸和角度.  相似文献   
建立了发烟剂烟幕组分的采样方法和条件,采用直接刮样溴化钾压片制样技术,应用FTIR光谱仪和Quant Basic定量软件,对有机酸类发烟剂燃烧产物中的主要组分进行了定量分析,实现了烟幕组分的快速测定,并对烟幕中的己二酸组分进行了定量测定,测定结果符合微量分析的误差要求.  相似文献   
“电气工程基础”教学理念与方法研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
"电气工程基础"是电气学科大类中的一门重要专业基础课程,是承接基础课教学与专业课教学的关键环节.围绕"电气工程基础"课程在学科大类中的专业定位,本文从教学理念的层面和教学过程的设计方面进行了深入的探讨.结合课程组多年的教学实践,总结了本课程在教学方法以及现代教育技术应用方面的一些经验和体会.  相似文献   
Visual secret sharing, or the so-called visual cryptography, is a well-known scheme that encrypts a secret image into several meaningless share images, usually printed on transparencies, and decrypts as stacking some or all share images by the human visual system. More and more researches about visual secret sharing and its applications have been recently proposed. Unfortunately, the cheating attack in which malicious participants cheat the honest one(s) by forging a fake share image has existed. Since 2006, some cheating prevention schemes have been proposed but suffered from one or more disadvantages as follows: (1) maintaining extra share images used to verify the integrity of a share image prior to stacking, (2) introducing extra pixel expansion, (3) raising heavy computation cost, and (4) giving ambiguous cheating detection. In this paper, a multi-factor cheating–preventing scheme, aiming at exploiting the hybrid codebook to hide the additional verification images into the share images, has been proposed without suffering the above-mentioned deficiencies. Two-factor cheating–detection exploits the design of verification to both share images and stacked results to deter attackers’ cheating. The experimental results demonstrate the proposed scheme is feasible.  相似文献   
现有子空间跟踪方法较好地解决了目标表观变化和遮挡问题,但是它对复杂背景下目标跟踪的鲁棒性较差。针对此问题,该文首先提出一种基于Fisher准则的在线判别式字典学习模型,利用块坐标下降和替换操作设计了该模型的在线学习算法用于视觉跟踪模板更新。其次,定义候选目标编码系数与目标样本编码系数均值之间的距离为系数误差,提出以候选目标的重构误差与系数误差的组合作为粒子滤波的观测似然跟踪目标。实验结果表明:与现有跟踪方法相比,该文跟踪方法具有较强的鲁棒性和较高的跟踪精度。  相似文献   
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