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The amphiphilic polymer can greatly improve the stability of produced liquid and thus makes it difficult to treat. It is of great necessity to study the stability of amphiphilic polymer flooding O/W crude oil emulsion. O/W crude oil emulsion tends to be more stable with increasing amphiphilic polymer concentration and decreasing holding temperature. Amphiphilic polymer flooding O/W crude oil emulsion is much more stable, especially when polymer concentration is above critical aggregation concentration. Aggregation formed by hydrophobic groups of the amphiphilic polymer is beneficial to the stability of amphiphilic polymer flooding O/W crude oil emulsions.  相似文献   
介绍了在面向对象的系统分析方法研究中出现的标准建模语言-UML,并结合工程实际,使用UML对水轮机的三维仿真设计系统进行了分析。  相似文献   
缝洞型碳酸盐岩是塔北地区哈拉哈塘油田主要储集层,油藏的储渗空间主要为规模不同的洞穴、溶蚀孔隙以及各级裂缝。缝洞连通性是油田勘探开发实践中高效井优选的重要依据,油田勘探开发实践证实,油藏呈现为由洞穴、孔洞和裂缝组成的相互连通的大型缝洞集合体的特征,且紧邻缝洞集合体的油藏开发情况差异非常大,油藏压力、日产量与累积产油量等都不同,给油田的开发带来困难。研究中针对缝洞型储层的强非均质性,提出裂缝强度量化描述、裂缝方向量化描述与动态资料相结合的研究思路与技术方法,通过三维油藏建模技术研究缝洞的连通性以及确定大型缝洞集合体的边界,结合实际生产情况,指导油藏高效开发井组部署。  相似文献   
针对复杂装备参数计算、武器装备体系综合评估的问题,提出基于可拓理论的装备参数聚合方法。通过分析现有指标聚合方法的特点,提出基于可拓理论建立装备参数聚合规则的需求。结合可拓变换的原理和典型案例,重点分析由装备个体到装备单元的聚合思路和方法,同时给出不同层次聚合的多种聚合关系式,并结合网络中心战思想,以电子信息装备体系为例建立8种装备参数聚合规则。结果表明,该研究可为武器装备体系作战能力评估提供一种新的思路。  相似文献   
In this paper, an Adaptive-Weighted Time-Dimensional and Space-Dimensional (AWTDSD) data aggregation algorithm for a clustered sensor network is proposed for prolonging the lifetime of the network as well as improving the accuracy of the data gathered in the network. AWTDSD contains three phases: (1) the time-dimensional aggregation phase for eliminating the data redundancy; (2) the adaptive-weighted aggregation phase for further aggregating the data as well as improving the accuracy of the aggregated data; and (3) the space-dimensional aggregation phase for reducing the size and the amount of the data transmission to the base station. AWTDSD utilizes the correlations between the sensed data for reducing the data transmission and increasing the data accuracy as well. Experimental result shows that AWTDSD can not only save almost a half of the total energy consumption but also greatly increase the accuracy of the data monitored by the sensors in the clustered network.  相似文献   
考虑WSN中节点的能耗分布情况,提出了一种改进的多级汇聚协议。首先建立分析模型评估了在WSN中采用多级汇聚机制时的能耗情况,证明在SINK附近的汇聚节点的能量增加很快,从而会耗尽能量,缩短整个网络的生存期。然后提出了一个改进的多级汇聚协议,通过改变通过减少离SINK附近的汇聚节点选择概率,可以均衡网络性能。仿真结果证明,该方法可以有效地降低能量,从而延长网络生存期。  相似文献   
There has been a renaissance of interest in the significance of enantiomeric composition in biological systems. Three chiral monoterpene alcohol aggregation pheromone components (ipsenol, ipsdienol, andcis-verbenol) commonly isolated from engraver beetles (Ips spp.) provide a paradigm for this theme as it relates to olfactory-guided insect behavior. The literature pertaining to this system is reviewed and the effects of the enantiomeric composition of these semiochemicals on theIps spp. community is explored on two trophic levels. Hypotheses generated from the well-studied aggregation pheromone production and response patterns forI. paraconfusus Lanier andI. pini (Say) are generalized to the North American species in the genus. Despite the progress withI. paraconfusus andI. pini, substantial deficiencies exist in our understanding of the role of enantiomeric composition in pheromonal/allomonal effects in different subgeneric groups, in the regulation and mechanisms of stereoselective biosynthesis of the monoterpene alcohols, and in the benefits derived by individual insects that produce relatively large proportions of inactive or interruptive enantiomers with attractive enantiomers.  相似文献   
随着新一轮电力市场化改革的深入,为了促进分布式储能有效参与电网调峰,提出了对其规模化聚合管理的思路;建立了分布式储能聚合商以竞价形式参与电网调峰调度的优化模型。在日前调度中,聚合商根据电力交易中心公布的次日调峰需求,通过对分布式储能行为特性预测,并按阶梯报价策略参与竞价;电力交易中心以最小化调峰调度成本为目标优化调度计划。在实时调度中,考虑了储能行为特性日前预测误差和电池损耗,聚合商以最大化自身利益为目标优化充放电出力,使得聚合商在满足日前中标出力的同时,利用市场电价差获利。仿真算例表明,分布式储能聚合商以竞价形式参与电网调度既能减少电网调峰调度成本,还可以达到削峰填谷的效果,储能设备的损耗成本是影响充放电出力的关键因素。  相似文献   
Fluorescence imaging in the spectral region beyond the conventional near‐infrared biological window (700–900 nm) can theoretically afford high resolution and deep tissue penetration. Although some efforts have been devoted to developing a short‐wave infrared (SWIR; 900–1700 nm) imaging modality in the past decade, long‐wavelength biomedical imaging is still suboptimal owing to the unsatisfactory materials properties of SWIR fluorophores. Taking advantage of organic dots based on an aggregation‐induced emission luminogen (AIEgen), herein microscopic vasculature imaging of brain and tumor is reported in living mice in the SWIR spectral region. The long‐wavelength emission of AIE dots with certain brightness facilitates resolving brain capillaries with high spatial resolution (≈3 µm) and deep penetration (800 µm). Owning to the deep penetration depth and real‐time imaging capability, in vivo SWIR microscopic angiography exhibits superior resolution in monitoring blood–brain barrier damage in mouse brain, and visualizing enhanced permeability and retention effect in tumor sites. Furthermore, the AIE dots show good biocompatibility, and no noticeable abnormalities, inflammations or lesions are observed in the main organs of the mice. This work will inspire new insights on development of advanced SWIR techniques for biomedical imaging.  相似文献   
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