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介绍了一种用于天气雷达的C波段单注速调管的单脉冲发射机,对其设计思想和系统组成作了阐述,并通过与以往同等功率量级的CB天气雷达发射机设计方法的比较,给出了文中设计的改良和提高之处。文章从调制器触发方式、控制面板设计、集中式风冷设计以及结构优化设计等4个方面重点讨论了该发射机研制中的改进方法和实现效果。  相似文献   
Reliability and effectiveness are essential features of satellite transceivers for telemetry and telecommand applications. Modem performance has a strong impact on the success of a satellite mission, in particular, during critical scenarios as the early operation phase, the disposal of a satellite at the end of its life, or the deep‐space missions. In these specific mission critical scenarios, fast and correct data reception is even more important than high channel capacity. An unknown and fast variable channel condition, which can be caused by uncertain spacecraft attitude and large Doppler shift with respect to the data rate, requires efficient and innovative receiver architecture. This paper introduces a complete digital implementation of a transceiver for TM/TC application in low Earth orbit mission that is perfectly compliant with aforementioned requirements. Particular attention is dedicated to the definition and selection of the most appropriate frequency recovery technique; 2 open‐loop techniques that are derived from ML optimal estimator are presented and compared. Additionally, the performance of the proposed receiver is extensively studied and compared with an incoherent technique that is based on the double differential PSK modulation and is known to be suitable for sat‐com in critical scenarios.  相似文献   
根据人耳的听觉感知特性,提出了一种基于子带滤波的优化语音增强方法。基于临界频带设计滤波器将输入信号分成若干子带,依据估计出的每个子带的短时信噪比来对相应子带的时域信号逐帧进行独立的自适应处理后再合成。语音增强性能评估结果表明,有效地去除背景噪声的同时还抑制了音乐噪声,减少了语音的听觉失真,提高了增强语音的可懂度。  相似文献   
Strong current and large-scale application is the most important prospect of high Te superconductors (HTS). Practical HTS samples in various forms have been produced with high critical currents operated at economic cryogenic temperatures. Engineering applications of those HTS materials have been studied with various HTS prototype devices. The applicable HTS materials produced in different forms are verified in this paper with regard to their strong current characterizations, and the HTS applications are summarized along with the HTS prototypes made.  相似文献   
压电泵增频流量骤减现象的解释   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
压电泵属于容积的泵,理论上可通过提高工作频率增加泵单位时间出流量;而实际上随着频率增加,被动阀压电泵的流量有一个峰值,然后骤然下降,该现象的存在制约着压电泵的推广应用,有必要给出合理的解释。通过理论分析和实验测试得出:激励频率增加,压电振子振幅减小,只是导致该现象诱因,其根本原因是振子变形量减小。引起泵腔内外压力差降低,从而使阀片开度变小甚至不能开启。与此同时,频率提高,被动阀片振动的滞后性使得阀片截止性处于失效或半失效状态。泵的一个工作周期内泄漏量增加。设计了阀振动滞后性测试装置,以整体开启阀压电泵为模型作了测试。  相似文献   
分析了MOSFET误导通产生的原因,分别从原理和理论推导两个方面作了分析,主要考虑了开关管中寄生参数对开关特性的影响。通过求解误导通发生的条件,得到哪些参数会导致误触发,最后给出了仿真。文中还提出如何避免MOSFET误导通产生,以及改进方法,对减少实际应用中MOSFET破坏性损坏有一定意义。  相似文献   
随着信息技术的快速发展,美军为满足未来战争需要不断地规划研发新的通信卫星系统。文中主要讨论了美军卫星通信系统的现状和未来发展,归纳了相关的关键技术,最后总结了目前卫星通信的重要性并指出了今后研究的方向。研究美军在这一领域的新发展和成果,目的是为我国构建空间信息网络奠定必要的基础。  相似文献   
三相桥式全控整流实验装置的设计与研制   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
结合三相桥式全控整流电路的基本原理,研制出了触发电路以集成芯片KC04和KC41为中心的三相全控式整流装置,并具体介绍了每个功能模块的工作原理。该装置可用于发电机励磁仿真实验,实现励磁的全工况自动调节;还可应用于直流电机调速系统、同步电机传动系统、通用直流电源、UPS等,也是交流电机传动系统相控交交变频器的基本单元。自研制成功以来,运行状态良好。  相似文献   
Silver-clad (Bi,Pb)2Sr2Ca2Cu3O10+x long wires produced by powder-in-tube techniques, which have been recognized as the first generation of the High Temperature Superconducting (HTS) wires, are expected to apply widely especially in strong current applications. In this work, the processing, characterization and application of the silver-clad (Bi,Pb)2Sr2Ca2Cu3Ol0+x HTS wires are summarized. The HTS wires are fabricated using the combination of powder-in-tube technique, and the resulting wires are fully characterized by the means of chemical analyses, microstructural observation, electrical and magnetic measurements. The relationship among fabrication parameters, chemical and microstructural characteristics, and electrical and magnetic properties are analyzed. Applications of the HTS wires have also been introduced according to their strong current behaviors with various prototype devices made.  相似文献   
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