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基于机器视觉的制袋机裁切定位系统设计   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
目的针对圆角包装袋传统裁切工艺中存在的毛刺和废料问题,设计一种基于机器视觉的高精度制袋机裁切定位系统。方法利用LED背光源、低畸变镜头、CMOS黑白相机和工控机搭建视觉系统硬件平台,在Visual Studio开发环境中,基于OpenCV函数库设计视觉软件,用基于最小二乘法检测图像边缘,进而标定相机,提取包装袋圆角轮廓为特征信息。系统以特征信息为匹配模板对圆角位置进行精确定位,得到亚像素级角点位置,最终控制伺服系统执行误差补偿裁切。结果该定位算法可实现16 ms内精确定位圆角坐标,绝对误差小于±0.02像素点。结论基于机器视觉的定位系统具有运算速度快、定位精度高等特点,有效改进了传统制袋工艺,能够满足生产需求。  相似文献   
针对高维指标的系统效能分析(system effectiveness analysis,SEA)方法的应用难点,在系统数值仿真的基础上研究高维性能指标联合概率密度函数拟合,通过将联合概率密度函数应用于计算高维数值积分的蒙特卡罗平均值方法中,得到一种解决SEA中高维性能指标效能分析的蒙特卡罗数值方法,并用实例进行验证评估。结果表明:该方法是有效、实用的,能为SEA方法中涉及高维指标的分析提供一种行之有效的方法。  相似文献   
在分析计算机辅助公差设计现状的基础上,引入不匹配率,研究尺寸公差与形位公差在产品性能要求上的互相约束关系,从而提出包括尺寸公差和形位公差的综合公差优化设计模型。  相似文献   
服役建筑结构可靠性评估的可变荷载取值研究   总被引:10,自引:2,他引:8  
基于建筑结构设计基准期 ,采用后续服役期超越评估荷载概率等于设计使用期超越设计荷载概率的原则 ,对服役建筑结构的后续服役期内可变荷载取值进行具体讨论 ,并给出了楼面活荷载、风荷载和雪荷载相应的结论。  相似文献   
坝基深层抗滑稳定可靠度分析蒙脱卡罗方法   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
钱保国  吴彰敦 《红水河》2000,19(4):21-25
通过非线性有限元分析具有软弱夹层的重力坝坝基滑动破坏过程和失稳机理,论证了尾岩抗力体第二滑裂面应向下游倾斜,而不宜简单地取为直立。按建议的失稳模式,导出了主滑动面处于极限平衡的功能函数和状态方程。鉴于功能函数的复杂性,推荐应用改进的抽样蒙脱卡罗方法求解失效概率和可靠度。  相似文献   
对于可修复系统,以可用度作为可靠性标准更能反映客观实际.首次提出模糊可用度的定义及其基本计算式,就机械中常用的串并联系统导出了模糊可用度计算方法,并举例说明该方法实用可行。  相似文献   
涡流检测中轴对称场的快速计算   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
幸玲玲  盛剑霓 《计量学报》2000,21(4):296-301
本对涡流检测中解析求解轴对称场时遇到的无穷积分给出一种简单有效的数值积分方法,提出一种改进积分收敛性的方法,加速了无穷积分的截断,显提高了轴对称场的计算效率。几组典型数据的计算结果与FEM-BEM组合法计算结果的比较表明,本的方法是准确、快速的,这一计算方法的高效率使其可应用于涡流无损检测中缺陷的重构。  相似文献   
对钢筋混凝土剪力墙结构在小震和大震时发生墙肢根部剪切破坏的失效概率进行定量分析研究,揭示了剪力墙结构墙肢数与失效概率之间的关系,探讨了在大震时降低失效概率的方法并发现了这个方法的不足之处,根据相关分析建议限制采用单片剪力墙结构。  相似文献   
T. Zhang  H. Zhou  S. Wang 《Indoor air》2015,25(4):415-427
With an accidental release of an airborne pollutant, it is always critical to know where, when, and how the pollutant has been released. Then, emergency measures can be scientifically advised to prevent any possible harm. This investigation proposes an inverse model to identify the release location, the temporal rate profile, and the sensor alarming time from the start of a pollutant release. The first step is to implement the inverse operation to the cause–effect matrix to obtain the release rate profiles for discrete candidate scenarios with concentration information provided by one sensor. The second step is to interpret the occurrence probability of each solution in the first step with the Bayesian model by matching the concentration at the other sensor. The proposed model was applied to identify a single pollutant source in a two‐dimensional enclosure using measurement data and in a three‐dimensional aircraft cabin with simulated data. The results show that the model is able to correctly determine the pollutant source location, the temporal rate profile, and the sensor alarming time. The known conditions for input into the inverse model include a steady flow field and the valid temporal concentrations at two different locations.  相似文献   
Due to the uncertain fluctuations of renewable energy and load power, the state variables such as bus voltages and pipeline mass flows in the combined cooling, heating, and power campus microgrid(CCHP-CMG) may exceed the secure operation limits. In this paper, an optimal energy flow(OEF) model for a CCHP-CMG using parameterized probability boxes(p-boxes) is proposed to describe the higher-order uncertainty of renewables and loads. In the model, chance constraints are used to describe the secure operation limits of the state variable p-boxes, and variance constraints are introduced to reduce their random fluctuation ranges. To solve this model, the chance and variance constraints are transformed into the constraints of interval cumulants(ICs) of state variables based on the p-efficient point theory and interval Cornish-Fisher expansion. With the relationship between the ICs of state variables and node power, and using the affine interval arithmetic method, the original optimization model is finally transformed into a deterministic nonlinear programming model. It can be solved by the CONOPT solver in GAMS software to obtain the optimal operation point of a CCHP-CMG that satisfies the secure operation requirements considering the higher-order uncertainty of renewables and loads. Case study on a CCHP-CMG demonstrates the correctness and effectiveness of the proposed OEF model.  相似文献   
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