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针对稳健的加载样本矩阵求逆(LSMI)波束形成算法,给出了一种新的求解方法,获得了加载电平的准确计算公式,而且得出最优加载量为负值,且与约束参数的选取无关.为了改善LSMI波束形成算法的抗干扰性能,提出利用线性干扰参数约束(LJC)来实现,其中对LJC-LSMI波束形成算法进行了建模和求解,得到了最优加权矢量的表达式,并给出了具体的求解方法.仿真分析验证了算法的正确性和有效性,结果表明LJC-LSMI相对于LSMI具有较强的干扰抑制能力,相对于线性约束最小功率(LCMP)波束形成算法具有稳健的波束指向性能. 相似文献
随着目标探测和识别手段的快速发展,弹道导弹在飞行中段被发现和拦截的概率大大提高,必须丰富干扰掩护手段以提高其突防概率。利用弹道目标姿态角和ISAR成像质量的联系性,提出了基于伴飞式干扰机的姿态欺骗方法。介绍了ISAR成像理论和伴飞式干扰模型,进行了干扰功率的分析,在干扰机具有一定空间自由性的基础上推导了最佳干扰姿态角。利用得到的最佳干扰姿态角进行干扰机的释放参数反解,最后以真实对抗场景进行了干扰持续时间的分析。仿真结果表明,该方法能长时间在ISAR上产生比真实目标图像更清晰好认的干扰像。 相似文献
根据现代电子对抗试验环境需要,设计一种基于STM32F103VBT6微处理器为控制核心的便携式噪声干扰机。文中给出该系统设计思想,并对其微控制系统的硬件设计进行了详细介绍。与以前采用工控机、PC机设计方法相比,该便携式噪声干扰机具有体积小、重量轻、操作简单、使用方便及成本低等特点。采用人性化的人机交互设计,使系统现场调试更加简便,同时提高了整机的易操作性。 相似文献
In this paper, the detection capabilities and system performance of an energy harvesting (EH) Internet of Things (IoT) architecture in the presence of an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) eavesdropper (UE) are investigated. The communication protocol is divided into two phases. In the first phase, a UAV relay (UR) cooperates with a friendly UAV jammer (UJ) to detect the UE, and the UR and UJ harvest energy from a power beacon (PB). In the second phase, a ground base station (GBS) sends a confidential signal to the UR using non-orthogonal multiple access (NOMA); the UR then uses its harvested energy to forward this confidential signal to IoT destinations (IDs) using the decode-and-forward (DF) technique. Simultaneously, the UJ uses its harvested energy to emit an artificial signal to combat the detected UE. A closed-form expression for the probability of detecting the UE (the detection probability, DP) is derived to analyze the detection performance. Furthermore, the intercept probability (IP) and throughput of the considered IoT architecture are determined. Accordingly, we identify the optimal altitudes for the UR and UJ to enhance the system and secrecy performance. Monte Carlo simulations are employed to verify our approach. 相似文献
The jamming detection approach based on fuzzy assisted multicriteria decision‐making system (JDA) is proposed to detect the presence of jamming in downstream communication for Cluster based Wireless Sensor Network (CWSN). The proposed approach is deployed in cluster head (CH). The JDA functions in two aspects: First, the CH periodically measures the jamming detection metrics namely Packet Delivery Ratio (PDR) and Received Signal Strength Indicator (RSSI) of every node in the cluster to determine the behavior of the sensor nodes. In order to determine the behavior of members in the cluster, the CH compares the measured PDR with the PDR threshold. If the measured PDR is lesser than the PDR threshold, then CH applies the TOPSIS method on the PDR and RSSI metrics to determine the presence of jamming. These metrics are considered as the criteria and the nodes or the members are considered to be the alternatives. Next, the fuzzy logic is applied on the results obtained from the TOPSIS method to optimize the jamming detection metrics and identify the presence of jamming accurately. The proposed jamming detection approach detects well and arrives at 99.6% jamming detection rate as shown in simulation. 相似文献
现代雷达对抗形势复杂多变,体系与体系的作战已成为基本特点,而体系整体性能关乎着战场的主动权乃至最终的胜负。通过优化体系中雷达与干扰波束资源可以提升整体性能,获得在空间、时间域优效的低截获探测性能,然而空时域协同波束联合优化是一个复杂多参数耦合的非凸问题。该文针对空时域多任务动态场景,建立了以雷达探测性能为优化目标,以干扰性能以及能量限制为约束条件的优化模型。为求解该模型,该文提出了基于迭代优化的空时协同波束联合设计方法,即以雷达发射、接收、多干扰机发射波束交替迭代优化。其中,针对多干扰机协同优化的不定矩阵二次约束二次规划(QCQP)问题,该文基于可行点追踪-连续凸逼近(FPP-SCA)算法,在SCA算法的基础上,通过引入松弛变量与惩罚项,保证算法在合理松弛度下的可行性,解决了矩阵不定情况下难以获得可行解的问题。仿真表明,在一定的干扰机能量约束下,该文所提方法在保证雷达高性能探测目标且不受干扰情况下,同时实现了多干扰机在空时域干扰对方每个平台以掩护我方雷达探测的效果;相比传统算法,在动态场景中基于FPP-SCA算法的协同干扰具有更优效果。 相似文献
为研究对抗条件下火箭助飞鱼雷的射击效率,根据火箭助飞鱼雷典型对潜作战过程,以命中概率作为射击效率的评定指标建立了基于对抗的命中概率模型,研究了潜艇使用噪声干扰器对抗来袭鱼雷的对抗模型,分析了火箭助飞鱼雷反对抗策略,通过仿真计算,定量分析了主要因素对火箭助飞鱼雷命中概率的影响。仿真结果表明,噪声干扰器对抗条件下,射击距离和潜艇航速是影响命中概率的主要因素,目标信息的完整程度对命中概率的影响很大,旨在为实战条件下水面舰艇部队提高使用火箭助飞鱼雷的有效性及反潜作战能力等方面提供了参考。 相似文献
针对目前对地面一次性使用有源干扰机研究不全面的情况,对外军地面一次性使用有源干扰机现状与发展进行分析。介绍外军此类干扰机的典型装备现状,对其主要特点及在通信干扰与雷达干扰中的应用情况进行分析,通过反映干扰攻击与防御之间的博弈关系,展望其未来发展趋势。该研究可为地面一次性使用有源干扰机的技术研发与工程应用提供参考依据。 相似文献