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《Journal of dairy science》2022,105(10):8016-8035
Few models have attempted to predict total milk fat because of its high variation among and within herds. The objective of this meta-analysis was to develop models to predict milk fat concentration and yield of lactating dairy cows. Data from 158 studies consisting of 658 treatments from 2,843 animals were used. Data from several feed databases were used to calculate dietary nutrients when dietary nutrient composition was not reported. Digested intake (DI, g/d) of each fatty acid (FA; C12:0, C14:0, C16:0, C16:1, C18:0, C18:1 cis, C18:1 trans C18:2, C18:3) and absorbed amounts (g/d) of each AA (Arg, His, Ile, Leu, Lys, Met, Phe, Thr, Trp, Val) were calculated and used as candidate variables in the models. A multi-model inference method was used to fit a large set of mixed models with study as the random effect, and the best models were selected based on Akaike's information criterion corrected for sample size and evaluated further. Observed milk fat concentration (MFC) ranged from 2.26 to 4.78%, and milk fat yield (MFY) ranged from 0.488 to 1.787 kg/d among studies. Dietary levels of forage, starch, and total FA (dry matter basis) averaged 50.8 ± 10.3% (mean ± standard deviation), 27.5 ± 7.0%, and 3.4 ± 1.3%, respectively. The MFC was positively correlated with dietary forage (0.294) and negatively associated with dietary starch (?0.286). The DI of C18:2 (g/d) was more negatively correlated with MFC (?0.313) than that of the other FA. The best variables for predicting MFC were days in milk, FA-free dry matter intake, forage, starch, DI of C18:2, DI of C18:3, and absorbed Met, His, and Trp. The best predictor variables for MFY were FA-free dry matter intake, days in milk, absorbed Met and Ile, and intakes of digested C16:0 and C18:3. This model had a root mean square error of 14.1% and concordance correlation coefficient of 0.81. Surprisingly, DI of C18:3 was positively related to milk fat, and this relationship was consistently observed among models. The models developed can be used as a practical tool for predicting milk fat of dairy cows, while recognizing that additional factors are likely to also affect fat yield.  相似文献   
医学诊断中集成学习技术的研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
何鸣  李国正  袁捷 《计算机工程与应用》2006,42(28):218-220,224
计算机辅助医学诊断是机器学习技术的一个重要实践,但是在医学诊断中一个重要影响因素来自于数据集中的冗余特征。为了消除诊断中冗余特征对集成学习方法的精度的影响,文章提出了一种PCA-FS-Bagging算法,利用主成份分析进行特征变换来解决这个问题,算法在三个医学诊断数据集上与其它算法比如单个支持向量机、支持向量机Bagging集成等进行了性能比较,结果显示了PCA-FS-Bagging算法具有较好的性能。  相似文献   
Ubiquitylation is an important process of post-translational modification. Correct identification of protein lysine ubiquitylation sites is of fundamental importance to understand the molecular mechanism of lysine ubiquitylation in biological systems. This paper develops a novel computational method to effectively identify the lysine ubiquitylation sites based on the ensemble approach. In the proposed method, 468 ubiquitylation sites from 323 proteins retrieved from the Swiss-Prot database were encoded into feature vectors by using four kinds of protein sequences information. An effective feature selection method was then applied to extract informative feature subsets. After different feature subsets were obtained by setting different starting points in the search procedure, they were used to train multiple random forests classifiers and then aggregated into a consensus classifier by majority voting. Evaluated by jackknife tests and independent tests respectively, the accuracy of the proposed predictor reached 76.82% for the training dataset and 79.16% for the test dataset, indicating that this predictor is a useful tool to predict lysine ubiquitylation sites. Furthermore, site-specific feature analysis was performed and it was shown that ubiquitylation is intimately correlated with the features of its surrounding sites in addition to features derived from the lysine site itself. The feature selection method is available upon request.  相似文献   
Aiming at the problems of the low detection rate of traditional intrusion detection systems and the long training and detection time of intrusion detection systems based on deep learning,an adaptive binning feature selection algorithm using the information gain is proposed,which is combined with LightGBM to design a fast network intrusion detection system.First,the original data set is preprocessed to standardize the data;then the redundant features and noise in the original data are removed through the adaptive binning feature selection algorithm,and the original high-dimensional data are reduced to the low-dimensional data,thereby improving the accuracy of the system and reducing the training and detection time;finally,LightGBM is used for model training on the training set selected by the characteristics to train an intrusion detection system that can detect attack traffic.Through verification on the NSL-KDD data set,the proposed feature selection algorithm only takes 27.35 seconds in feature selection,which is 96.68% lower than that by the traditional algorithm.The designed intrusion detection system has an accuracy rate of 93.32% on the test set,and its training time is low.Compared with the existing network intrusion detection system,the accuracy rate of the proposed system is higher,and its model training speed is faster.  相似文献   
针对负荷预测模型迭代训练过程中存在误差积累的问题,提出结合叠式双向门控循环单元(SBiGRU)、完整自适应噪声集成经验模态分解(CEEMDAN)和误差修正的组合预测模型. 建立SBiGRU模型学习在气温、日期类型影响下负荷序列的时序特征,误差特征体现在SBiGRU模型预测产生的误差序列中;使用CEEMDAN算法将误差序列分解为数个本征模态函数(IMF)分量与趋势分量,对每项分量再次建立SBiGRU模型进行学习与预测,并对各分量的预测值进行序列重构,得到误差的预测结果;对预测结果进行求和以修正误差. 模型评估结果表明,组合模型的预测准确精度为98.86%,与SBiGRU、BiRNN、支持向量回归等方法相比,该模型具有更好的精度.  相似文献   
为了增强集成系统中各分类器之间的差异性,提出了一种使用旋转森林策略集成两种不同模型分类器的方法,即异构多分类器集成学习算法.首先采用旋转森林对原始样本集进行变换划分,获得新的样本集;然后通过特定比例选择分类精度高的支撑矢量机或分类速度较快的核匹配追踪作为基本的集成个体分类器,并对新样本集进行分类,获得其预测标记;最后结合两种模型下的预测标记.该算法通过结合两种不同分类器模型,实现了精度和速度互补,将二者混合集成后改善了集成系统泛化误差,相比单个模型集成提高了系统分类性能.对UCI数据集和遥感图像数据集的仿真实验结果表明,文中算法相比单一分类器集成缩短了运行时间,同时提高了系统的分类准确率.  相似文献   
针对蛋白质相互作用(protein-protein interaction,PPI)网络的信息不完善和高噪声问题,提出一种融合多生物数据的二分图聚类集成方法以检测网络中的功能模块.该方法结合了基因本体论(gene ontology,GO)、基因表达谱数据以及多种基础聚类算法,用一种新的二分图来组织多种基础聚类算法的中间结果,并结合对称非负矩阵分解(non-negative matrix factorization,NMF)算法挖掘其中功能意义上最一致蛋白质功能模块,同时,该算法能处理蛋白质功能重叠问题.实验结果表明:所提算法整体优于基准比较方法,是一种融合多种生物信息源和不同的聚类方法的有效途径.  相似文献   
为有效控制工程机械驾驶室内噪声,利用集合经验模态分解(ensemble empirical mode decomposition, EEMD)后的本征模函数作为稳定独立成分分析(independent component analysis, ICA)算法中的多个虚拟通道,提出了基于EEMD和ICA相结合的驾驶室内噪声盲源分离方法。通过分析仿真信号验证了EEMD-ICA方法研究复杂非平稳信号可行。结合相干分析、时频分析方法研究推土机驾驶室内噪声特性。结果表明,柴油机的1/2阶、1阶转动频率是驾驶室内相关零部件的振动辐射噪声的主要激励来源,柴油机的燃烧噪声也是室内噪声的来源。通过相干分析与时频分析相结合的技术可较准确实现噪声源定位,结合测试对象的相关常识可实现对噪声类型判别、噪声传入途径等复杂的问题进行研究,为进一步实现驾驶室内噪声治理、故障诊断,提供经济实用的分析手段。  相似文献   
惠丰  张敏华  马静 《化工进展》2012,31(8):1677-1684
Gibbs系综蒙特卡罗方法(简称GEMC)作为一种计算纯物质及混合物相平衡的模拟手段已经发展得较为成熟。本文描述了GEMC方法的基本原理和发展概况,介绍和评价了与GEMC方法紧密相关的力场,以第六届工业流体性质模拟挑战赛结果为例说明了GEMC模拟方法的有效性,并分类评述了国内外GEMC方法用于纯物质和混合物物系相平衡数据计算的发展情况。同时指出了GEMC方法的局限性,并展望了其未来的发展 趋势。  相似文献   
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