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This paper presents the design of an adaptive fuzzy dynamic surface control for a class of stochastic MIMO discrete-time nonlinear pure-feedback systems with full state constraints using a set of noisy measurements. The design approach is described as follows. The nonlinear uncertainty is approximated by using the fuzzy logic system at the first stage, secondly the proposed adaptive fuzzy dynamic surface control is designed based on a new saturation function for full state constraints, thirdly the number of the adjustable parameters is reduced by using the simplified extended single input rule modules, and finally the simplified weighted least squares estimator is in a simplified structure designed to take the estimates for the un-measurable states and the adjustable parameters. The simulation provides that the proposed approach is effective for the improvement of the system performance.  相似文献   
This paper discusses the problem of adaptive sliding mode trajectory tracking control for wheeled mobile robots in the presence of external disturbances and inertia uncertainties. A new fast nonsingular terminal sliding mode surface without any constraint is proposed, which not only avoids singularity, but also retains the advantages of sliding mode control. In order to implement the trajectory tracking mission, the error dynamic system is divided into a second-order subsystem and a third-order one. First, an adaptive fast nonsingular terminal sliding mode control law of the angular velocity is constructed for stabilising the second-order subsystem in finite time. Then, another adaptive fast nonsingular terminal sliding mode control law of the linear velocity is designed to guarantee the stability of the third-order subsystem. Finally, a simulation example is provided to demonstrate the validity of the proposed control scheme.  相似文献   
From an anthropological viewpoint, “accessibility” is not so much a technological and design project as it is a cultural construction, a cognitive schema through which graphic designers and technologists imagine audiences and create appropriate graphic designs that will be “accessible” to that audience. The ethnographer's task is the specification of key actors, institutions and discourses active in the making and remaking of accessibility in a given context. In this article, we examine how Egyptian Web producers at the turn of millennium (1999–2001) sought to design Web portals that would allow the “typical” Egyptian to easily access the World Wide Web. We argue, first, that Egyptian Web producers are deeply influenced by national and international discourses that frame IT as a national mission for socioeconomic development. Second, we found that in the absence of clear definitions of the Web audience, Web producers imagined a “typical” Egyptian that contradicted their own experiences of users of the Web. Finally, we found that Egyptian Web producers largely borrowed pre-existing models, using design elements to “inflect” their sites with an Egyptian motif. However, the conceptual models of access and related design strategies created by Egyptian Web producers were out of touch with Egyptian social realities, contributing to a collapse of most Web portal projects.  相似文献   
In this paper, an adaptive control scheme, based on fuzzy logic systems, for pH control is addressed. For implementation of the proposed scheme no composition measurement is required. Stability of the closed-loop system is established and it is shown that the solution of the closed-loop system is uniformly ultimately bounded and under a certain condition, asymptotical stability is achieved. Effectiveness of the proposed controller is tested through simulation and experimental studies. Results indicate that the proposed controller has good performances in set-point tracking and load rejection and much better than that of a tuned PI controller.  相似文献   
唐勇  霍丽娜  吕梦雅 《计算机工程》2009,35(18):272-274
针对现有头发模型缺乏柔性的问题,提出一种改进的基于超螺旋模型的头发建模与仿真方法,将导引发丝构造成具有有限自由度的分段螺旋体,运用拉格朗日力学对发丝运动进行计算。通过改进卷发曲率和捻度的计算方法,并采用自适应控制结构对头发进行重组和细分,提高模拟过程的准确性和稳定性。实验结果证明,该方法可以获得较为逼真的动态模拟头发的效果。  相似文献   
This paper proposes an adaptive multimodal in‐vehicle information system for safe driving. The proposed system filters input information based on both the priority assigned to the information and the given driving situation, to effectively manage input information and intelligently provide information to the driver. It then interacts with the driver using an adaptive multimodal interface by considering both the driving workload and the driver's cognitive reaction to the information it provides. It is shown experimentally that the proposed system can promote driver safety and enhance a driver's understanding of the information it provides by filtering the input information. In addition, the system can reduce a driver's workload by selecting an appropriate modality and corresponding level with which to communicate. An analysis of subjective questionnaires regarding the proposed system reveals that more than 85% of the respondents are satisfied with it. The proposed system is expected to provide prioritized information through an easily understood modality.  相似文献   
We propose an approach to recognize trajectory-based dynamic hand gestures in real time for human–computer interaction (HCI). We also introduce a fast learning mechanism that does not require extensive training data to teach gestures to the system. We use a six-degrees-of-freedom position tracker to collect trajectory data and represent gestures as an ordered sequence of directional movements in 2D. In the learning phase, sample gesture data is filtered and processed to create gesture recognizers, which are basically finite-state machine sequence recognizers. We achieve online gesture recognition by these recognizers without needing to specify gesture start and end positions. The results of the conducted user study show that the proposed method is very promising in terms of gesture detection and recognition performance (73% accuracy) in a stream of motion. Additionally, the assessment of the user attitude survey denotes that the gestural interface is very useful and satisfactory. One of the novel parts of the proposed approach is that it gives users the freedom to create gesture commands according to their preferences for selected tasks. Thus, the presented gesture recognition approach makes the HCI process more intuitive and user specific.  相似文献   
由于干扰噪声常常是随机变化和非平稳的,传统的滤波方法很难消除.针对这一问题,选用自适应格型联合算法(GAL-NLMS).在Zynq-7000芯片PL部分实现了一个22阶的GAL-NLMS算法,在芯片的PS部分实现了驱动程序的设计和基于Qt的界面设计.处理速度达到175 Mbit/s,并在ZedBoard开发平台实现了宽带自适应噪声抵消系统.用被噪声干扰过的QPSK和16QAM调制信号对系统进行测试,结果表明系统有效.  相似文献   
有效抑制由血管或血管周围组织时变运动引起的非平稳杂波对于提高诊断超声彩色血流成像中血流动力学参数描述的准确性有着极其重要的意义。该文基于奇异值滤波技术提出一种改进的非平稳杂波自适应抑制方法。该方法逐次利用单个慢时多普勒回波采样矢量构建Hankel矩阵,然后根据奇异值分解后得到的正交Hankel主成份所代表的频域内容,动态选取高阶Hankel主成份重构多普勒血流信号,实现非平稳杂波的有效抑制。为验证算法的有效性,分别对多普勒回波仿真模型合成数据与利用彩色超声设备(Sonix RP)采集的颈动脉血流基带回波信号进行滤波处理,然后采用滞一自相关估计法计算血流平均速度与功率并进行成像。处理结果表明,相对于传统IIR滤波方法与多项式回归滤波技术,利用该文所提算法可对高强度、非平稳杂波进行充分抑制,提高血流估计精度,此外,该算法具有空间自适应性,无需人为设定阈值参数以估计杂波空间维数,与现有基于特征分解的自适应滤波方法相比,可以有效提高组织空间高强度时变运动时血流与组织的区分能力。  相似文献   
头部姿态估计是人类行为和注意力的关键,受到光照、噪声、身份、遮挡等许多因素的影响。为了提高非约束环境下的估计准确率和鲁棒性,该论文提出了树结构分层随机森林在非约束环境下的多类头部姿态估计。首先,为了消除不同环境的噪声影响,提取人脸区域的组合纹理特征,对人脸区域进行积极人脸子区域的分类,分类结果作为树结构分层随机森林的先验知识输入;其次,提出了一种树结构分层随机森林算法,分层估计多自由度下的头部姿态;再次,为了增强算法的分类能力,使用自适应高斯混合模型作为多层次子森林叶子节点的投票模型。在多个公共数据集上的多种非约束实验环境下进行头部姿态估计,最终实验结果表明所提算法在不同质量的图像上都有很好的估计准确率和鲁棒性。  相似文献   
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