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The organic electronic devices are often understood invoking the concept of ‘unintentional doping’. However, the applicability and usefulness of this controversial concept is not very clear and is under much recent debate. In this work, we revaluate the validity of this concept through careful experiments and detailed numerical simulations. Specifically, we use the Capacitance Voltage (CV) measurement of pentacene devices as a testbed to unravel the role of injecting electrodes and unintentional doping (if any). Indeed, our results indicate that the CV of pentacene capacitors can be solely understood in terms of properties of the contact electrodes. The unintentional doping, if present, has an inconsequential role in device performance. Our conclusions indicate that, often, an incorrect interpretation of CV results would lead to unphysical values of unintentional doping and have obvious implications towards the fundamental understanding of organic semiconductor device physics, modeling, and characterization; thus resolving many ambiguities in literature by providing a consistent interpretation through a coherent conceptual framework.  相似文献   
紫外探测相比红外探测的一个重要优势是背景干净,信噪比高.这一优势充分体现的前提是其日盲特性.本文利用光谱测试系统对制作的金属阴极真空紫外探测器的光谱响应进行测试,并将测试结果与传统的碲铷阴极紫外探测器的光谱响应曲线进行对比,比较了这两类器件的紫外日盲特性,发现金属阴极在日盲特性方面有一定的优势,最终指出该类型器件在某些特殊场合的潜在应用.  相似文献   
金属/氮化物肖特基势垒和欧姆接触研究进展   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
金属 /氮化物肖特基势垒和欧姆接触是蓝紫光光学器件及高温大功率电子器件中的关键工艺。氮化物半导体是一种极性材料 ,表面态密度较低 ,费米能级钉扎效应较弱 ,表面处理能显著影响接触特性。样品表面的沾污和氧化层也会使接触特性显著退化。宽禁带材料的杂质离化能高 ,重掺杂比较困难。深能级陷阱对载流子的俘获效应很强。这些因素都增加了接触的制作难度 ,促使人们寻求新的方案来改进接触特性。文中从金属 /半导体接触的物理模型出发来综述肖特基势垒和欧姆接触的研究进展 ,希望能给器件研究者提供新的思路。  相似文献   
P-on-n mercury cadmium telluride (MCT) heterostructures grown by MOCVD with As and In as n- and p-type dopants, respectively, are examined by measuring the Seebeck and Hall coefficients between 20 and 320K. The results are analyzed regarding doping and composition of the layers by least squares fitting the experimental profiles with the calculated temperature dependencies. The electron and hole densities of the layers are calculated taking into account Fermi-Dirac statistics, a nonparabolic conduction band, a parabolic valence band, a discrete acceptor level, and fully ionized donors. For the Seebeck coefficient, the relation we previously showed to be valid for p-type MCT1 is used. This relation relies on the thermoelectric effect in a temperature gradient resulting from the diffusion of nondegenerate carriers scattered by LO-phonons. It also fits the observed thermoelectric properties of n-type MCT in a wide temperature range. The doping and structural parameters determined from the thermoelectric measurements agreed very well with As and In profiles obtained from secondary ion mass spectroscopy measurements and the data obtained from analyses of infrared transmission measurements.  相似文献   
金属卤化物气体放电灯启动问题的探讨   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
本文介绍了分别改变灯内填充物含量即 NaI 和 ScI 含量的方法,探讨此变化与光源气体放电参数的关系,从而分析和研究金属卤化物灯的启动特性,从而寻求延长光源寿命的途径。  相似文献   
Experimental results are presented on via-hole etching in a thick (100 μm) film of polyethylene terephthalate (PET) with the help of a copper vapour laser (wavelength γ=510 nm, pulse duration 10 ns, repetition rate 8 kHz). The rate of via-hole formation is as high as 100 μms?1. The effective coupling of the polymer film to the laser radiation is due to the formation of highly absorbing graphitised regions in the bulk of the film, which is initially transparent at the laser wavelength. The side walls of the hole can be metallised by simultaneous decomposition of a Pd(acac)2 spun-on layer as a precursor for subsequent electroless Ni deposition. The activation of the inner surface of the hole is achieved as a result of the precursor vapour entering the hole during laser etching. The metallised via-hole provides a good electrical interconnection of the two sides of the PET film.  相似文献   
In this paper, the application of standard capacitance DLTS to high-resistivity (HR) silicon is investigated both theoretically and experimentally. As will be demonstrated, typical artefacts occur, which are related to the low doping density of the material (order of a few times 1011 to 1012 cm-3). The high series resistance of a HR-Si diode gives rise to the so-called Q-effect, yielding a reduction of the DLTS peak amplitude, which is particularly pronounced at room temperature and for p-type material. A second effect is the occurrence of non-negligible re-emission during the filling pulse, which causes the Arrhenius plot to deviate from a straight line and is particularly important for repulsive trapping centres. Methods will be discussed to reduce or correct for these phenomena. They will be illustrated by the practical example of the interstitial Fe donor-level in p-type HR-Si.  相似文献   
We investigate differences in Si doping of GaAs and AIGaAs between group-V sources. Si2H6 and SiH4 doping dependence on growth temperature, V/III ratio, total flow rate, growth rate, and off angle of substrate orientation was examined using tertiarybu-tylarsine (TBAs), monoethylarsine (EtAs), and arsine with a horizontal atmospheric pressure reactor. With either dopant source, Si incorporation for films grown using TBAs or EtAs was always higher than that using arsine. Using silane, dependence of Si incorporation on growth temperature and total gas flow velocity is different between group-V sources. Using disilane, dependence on V/III ratio and total gas flow velocity is different between group-V sources. These results imply that gas phase reactions play an important role. From the kinetic simulation of the decomposition of group-V sources, we verified that the concentrations of AsH3, AsH2, and AsH in vapor near the substrate are quite different among group-V sources. AsH2 is dominant reactant when using TBAs. We propose that H2AsSiH3 (silylarsine) is formed by the reaction between AsH2 radical and SiH4 and silylarsine should contribute Si incorporation reactions, resulting in high Si incorporation efficiency with TBAs and EtAs. We also suggest that AsH3 inhibits Si incorporation.  相似文献   
新时期,企业需要什么样的思想政治工作?是什么影响了企业思想政治工作的执行力?怎样提高企业思想政治工作的执行力?结合当今企业思想政治工作中经常遇到的问题进行分析;提出企业思想政治工作应实现十个转变,以增强适宜性,提高执行力。  相似文献   
We present the design and fabrication of a 60 GHz medium power amplifier monolithic microwave integrated circuit with excellent gain‐flatness for a 60 GHz radio‐over‐fiber system. The circuit has a 4‐stage structure using microstrip coupled lines instead of metal‐insulator‐metal capacitors for unconditional stability of the amplifier and yield enhancement. The gains of each stage of the amplifier are modified to provide broadband characteristics of input/output matching for the first and fourth stages and to achieve higher gains for the second and third stages to improve the gain‐flatness of the amplifier for wideband.  相似文献   
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