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转向架交叉杆冷冲压动态显式有限元分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过交叉杆材料的拉伸实验,获得了交叉杆材料的应力—应变关系;在此基础上,用动态显式有限元法对机车车辆的转向架交叉杆冷冲压加工过程进行计算机模拟分析。在不同工艺参数下,如:不同的摩擦系数、不同的冲压速度等,对冲压过程中应力、应变和局部减薄量等进行了分析。模拟结果为减少调试和优化工艺参数提供了依据。  相似文献   
 受地形地质条件所限,宜兴抽水蓄能电站上库主坝为一修建在斜坡上的土石坝与高重力挡墙联合作用构成的混合坝型,这种坝型为国内外较少见,高45.9 m的重力挡墙在国内外也十分少有。高挡墙在土石坝堆石的强大推力作用下,如何在斜坡上保持稳定,一直为各方所关注。根据监测资料和三维有限元数值分析结果,得到作用在高重力挡墙后的土压力大小及其分布规律,确定典型剖面上土压力的作用位置和作用方向,验证太沙基关于挡墙后土压力不是作用在传统认为的下三分点,而是作用在0.4倍左右墙高位置的论断。在此基础上,根据设计和有关规范要求分析了高重力挡墙在水库运行条件下的抗滑、抗倾稳定安全度,同时,结合挡墙及其地基的内、外部变形和受力监测资料,对高重力挡墙的稳定性做出综合评价。  相似文献   
采用电子束物理气相沉积法(EB-PVD)在定向凝固Ni基高温合金DZ125基体上制备了NiCoCrAlY粘结层和YSZ陶瓷层,研究了高温拉压环境下热障涂层的失效模式,并对其进行了有限元分析。实验结果表明,热障涂层的失效与仅受热载荷作用下的有很大不同,仅有热载荷作用下的热障涂层裂纹多萌生于热氧化层(TGO)内部,进而扩展引起热障涂层的失效。而高温拉压试验后热障涂层体系存在两种裂纹,分别萌生于TGO/粘结层界面和粘结层/扩散层界面附近。有限元模拟结果显示TGO/陶瓷层和TGO/粘结层处存在应力状态的转变和应力值的突变,径向应力的突变导致了界面分离现象的产生,而轴向应力的突变加速了垂直于界面裂纹的扩展,并导致了试样的最终断裂。  相似文献   
To produce components of a power plant, working at temperatures of up to 750°C, investigations were carried out to develop a technology and carry out computer modelling of the method of combined argon-shielded arc and manual arc welding of experimental austenitic steels. The tests of the mechanical properties and metallographic analysis confirm the satisfactory characteristics of the strength and ductility properties of the welded joint and the absence of any susceptibility to hot cracking in welding new austenitic steels.  相似文献   

Enhancing the heat transfer to the material being welded, instead of the tool, will improve the welding thermal efficiency. Friction stir welding of 5?mm thick 6061-T6 aluminium alloy plates was carried out with the newly produced tools. It was found that the thermal efficiency increased by 4.2% using a tool with all the new design features (i.e. hollow, fluted and thermally insulated) compared to the conventional tool for aluminium welding. To assess the benefits of the new tool design on steel FSW, a finite element numerical simulation study was undertaken. In this case, the simulation results yielded a welding thermal efficiency increase of 10–15% using a thermally coated tool, thereby offering potential productivity gains.  相似文献   
根据截齿锻件的形状特点,制定其冷锻成形工艺方案,即制坯、预成形与终锻成形。采用镦粗预成形时,易发生局部失稳现象,无法获得合格的截齿锻件。针对该问题,提出正挤预成形的改进工艺方案,并进行三维有限元模拟,模拟结果表明改进方案合理可行。在此基础上,设计出截齿锻件模具实现了截齿锻件的批量生产。  相似文献   
以玛尔挡水电站面板坝工程为例,建立了不同河谷坡度方案下的面板坝三维有限元模型,研究不同河谷坡度下高面板堆石坝坝体的静动位移和应力分布情况,分析了河谷坡度对坝体应力变形特征的影响,探讨了地震工况下河谷坡度对坝体结构稳定性的影响。结果表明:河谷坡度为50°时堆石体内部将会出现较明显的应力拱效应现象,河谷边坡陡缓临界值近似为50°;坝体沉降与坡度变化之间呈负相关关系;地震作用未对拱效应存在下的坝体产生显著的不利影响。  相似文献   
In this article, the rational function approximation technique (RFAT) is applied to the hybrid finite‐element/boundary‐integral/multilevel fast multipole algorithm (FE/BI/MLFMA) to acquire wide‐band and wide‐angle backscatter radar‐cross‐section (RCS) by complex targets. The two approaches of using the rational function approximation technique, asymptotic waveform evaluation (AWE) and model‐based parameter estimation (MBPE), both have been investigated and compared by theoretical analysis and numerical experiments. The numerical results acquired by the developed computing algorithm of integrating the hybrid FE/BI/MLFMA with the RFAT are presented in the article, demonstrating that the rational function approximation technique can greatly speed up the hybrid FE/BI/MLFMA to acquire wide‐band and wide‐angle backscatter RCS by complex targets. © 2007 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Int J RF and Microwave CAE, 2007.  相似文献   
Since it has currently became essential to design more efficient and robust alternative techniques to solve hard optimisation problems in industry or science, and of easy use for practitioners, here a new way of developing simple Artificial Intelligence based Evolutionary Algorithms will be introduced. Our evolutionary computational implementation is a new idea in optimisation. Any evolutionary operators and their associated parameters from well-established evolutionary methods can be considered in such a way that the entire algorithm or intelligent agent-based software performs with very high efficiency without a prior need to investigate which method will be the best for a given optimisation problem.The implementation presented, named Flexible Evolution (FE), has capacity to adapt the operators, the parameters and the algorithm to the circumstances faced at each step of every optimisation run and is able to take into account lessons learned by different research works in the adaptation of operators and parameters. The FE uses Artificial Intelligence concepts to manage internal procedures to adopt decisions and correct the wrong ones. Our aim in this paper will be to give the keys to design these types of procedures, and more specifically, to find the way of achieving an optimum performance of the operators involved in the search, in our case by means of a function included in our algorithm called Sampling Engine. An early implementation has been already developed and tested in our previous works [66–68], so in this paper, new results of a second software implementation are presented comparing the results with those obtained by other methods, using well-known hard test functions.  相似文献   
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