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We explore the compliance approach for K
evaluation of a cracked three point beam (TPB) of functionally graded material (FGM). We suggest an equivalent beam of variable height for cracked FGM beams which includes the homogeneous beam for the linear, quadratic and cubic variations in elastic modulus
along the beam span. The efficacy of equivalent beams is demonstrated numerically on a 250 × 41 × 6 mm FGM beam with modulus
varying from 210 – 315 GPa under 5000 N load. 相似文献
In this study, by using a standard quartz replace of sandy soil particles, the effect of soil particle size (0.1–0.25 mm, 0.6–1.0 mm) on the electrochemical corrosion behavior of X70 pipeline steel in sandy soil corrosive environment simulated by 3.5 wt% sodium chloride (NaCl) was investigated through polarization curve and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) technology. The results indicated that the polarization resistance of X70 steel decreased with decreasing particle size. For all polarization curves, the right shift of cathodic branch with decreasing particle size, suggesting that the cathode oxygen reduction process is accelerated. The corrosion of X70 steel is controlled by the process of cathode diffusion and oxygen reduction. This can be attributed to the effect of gas/liquid/solid three‐phase boundary (TPB) zone on cathodic process of X70 steel, and the corrosion rate is mainly determined by the cathodic reaction. EIS of X70 steel consisted of two capacitive loops with 7, 60 and 90 days buried corrosion, and the charge transfer resistance of X70 steel increased with increasing particle size. 相似文献
Henriette Wallén Warner Türker Özkan Timo Lajunen 《Accident; analysis and prevention》2009,41(4):816-819
The aim of the present study was to examine if there are any cross-cultural differences between Swedish and Turkish drivers’ rating of the variables in the theory of planned behaviour (TPB) with regard to complying with the speed limit. A sample of 219 Swedish and 252 Turkish drivers completed a questionnaire including questions based on the theory of planned behaviour (i.e. regarding attitude, subjective norm, perceived behavioural control, intention and behaviour). The results show that country differences in drivers’ intention to comply with the speed limit as well as their self-reported compliance could be explained by differences found in their attitude, subjective norm and perceived behavioural control. Furthermore, drivers who live in a country with fewer road traffic fatalities (i.e. Sweden), compared with drivers who live in a country with more road traffic fatalities (i.e. Turkey), reported a more positive attitude towards complying with the speed limit, a more positive subjective norm, a higher perceived behavioural control, a higher intention and a larger proportion of the time spent complying. 相似文献
《Behaviour & Information Technology》2012,31(2):156-172
Smart TV (STV), a new digital television service, has been rapidly developing, particularly in Korea. With the conceptual model of interactivity, this study empirically investigates the effects of perceived interactivity on the motivations and attitudes towards STV in Korea. The model is created to validate the relationship of perceived interactivity to performance, attitude and intention. Further, the model examines the mediating roles of perceived interactivity in the effect of performance on attitude towards STV. Empirical evidence supports the mediating role of perceived interactivity. Implications of the findings are discussed in terms of building a theory of interactivity and providing practical insights into developing a user-centred STV interface. 相似文献
Liquid dispersion, depending on the length of gas/liquid/solid three-phase boundary (TPB) zone of dispersed liquid on a metal surface, is an important property of liquid state influencing corrosion behavior of metals in gas/liquid/solid multiphase corrosion systems. The effect of TPB length on the cathode and corrosion process was studied using steady state polarization technique, electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) and linear polarization resistance (LPR) technique. It was found that both the cathodic limiting current density and corrosion current density linearly increased with increasing the TPB length, indicating that the cathodic and corrosion process in gas/liquid/solid multiphase corrosion systems not only depended on the thickness of liquid layer but also strongly depended on the dispersed liquid state on a metal surface. In addition, a model is developed to establish the relationship between the cathodic limiting current density and the TPB length. The simulation result is in good agreement with the experimental findings. The model is also useful for evaluating the effect of liquid dispersion on atmospheric corrosion rates. 相似文献
This paper presents a survey investigating the effects of age, gender and conformity tendency on Chinese pedestrians’ intention to cross the road in potentially dangerous situations. A sample of 426 respondents completed a demographic questionnaire, a scale measuring their tendency towards social conformity, and a questionnaire based on the theory of planned behavior (TPB). This questionnaire measured people's intentions to cross the road in two different road crossing situations, their attitude towards the behavior, subjective norms, perceived behavioral control, anticipated affect, moral norms, and perceived risk. The two scenarios depicted (i) a situation where the crossing was consistent with other pedestrians’ behavior (Conformity scenario) and (ii) a situation where the road crossing was inconsistent with other pedestrians (Non-Conformity scenario). Pedestrians reported greater likelihood in crossing the road when other pedestrians were crossing the road. People who showed greater tendencies towards social conformity also had stronger road crossing intentions than low conformity people for both scenarios. The predictive model explained 36% and 48% of the variance in the Non-Conformity and Conformity scenarios, respectively. Attitude, subjective norm, perceived behavioral control, and perceived risk emerged as the common predictors for both situations. The results have a number of theoretical and practical implications. In particular, interventions should focus on perceptions of risk that inform road users that crossing with other pedestrians against the signal is also unsafe and prohibited, and may lead to negative outcomes. 相似文献
This study explored factors that affect consumer acceptance of e-book use by applying a model that incorporates the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) as the theoretical basis of the hypotheses. The model differentiated external factors—compatibility, relative advantage, self-efficacy, and subjective norms—from internal factors—perceived ease of use, perceived usefulness, satisfaction with e-book usage, and intention to continue using e-books. The study (n = 1030) found statistically significant support for the hypothesized model, indicating that the tested relationships between the revised TAM and user intention to continue using e-books were positive and statistically significant. The study’s findings provide potentially significant implications that can be used to develop guidelines and a framework for assessing e-book users’ behavior. 相似文献
Although millions of dollars have been spent on building mobile banking systems, reports on mobile banking show that potential users may not be using the systems, despite their availability. Thus, research is needed to identify the factors determining users' acceptance of mobile banking. While there has been considerable research on the technology acceptance model (TAM) that predicts whether individuals will accept and voluntarily use information systems, limitations of the TAM include the omission of an important trust-based construct in the context of electronic/mobile commerce, and the assumption that there are no barriers preventing an individual from using an IS if he or she chooses to do so. Based on literature relating to the theory of planned behavior (TPB) and the TAM, this study extends the applicability of the TAM in a mobile banking context, by adding one trust-based construct (“perceived credibility”) and two resource-based constructs (“perceived self-efficacy” and “perceived financial cost”) to the model, while paying careful attention to the placing of these constructs in the TAM's existing nomological structure. Data collected from 180 users in Taiwan were tested against the extended TAM, using the structural equation modeling approach. The results strongly support the extended TAM in predicting users' intentions to adopt mobile banking. Several implications for IT/IS acceptance research and mobile banking management practices are discussed. 相似文献
This study examines the moderating effects of perceived communication, satisfaction and trust on the intention-behaviour gap and the perceived behavioural control (PBC)-behaviour gap in the theory of planned behaviour (TPB) model, using a quantitative research method. A nationwide panel-only online survey was conducted, resulting in 1011 usable responses from organic food consumers in Australia. Data were analysed statistically using SPSS v.25 and SmartPLS 3 software, and the hypotheses were tested using the partial least squares-based structural equation modelling (PLS-SEM) technique. The findings confirm that perceived communication, satisfaction and trust positively and significantly enhance purchase behaviour and lessen gaps in the intention-behaviour and PBC-behaviour relationships in the TPB model. This study also validates the TPB model and finds statistically significant results in support of all of its 14 hypotheses. It is the first such study to examine the intervention efficacy or moderating effects of perceived communication, satisfaction and trust on the intention-behaviour and PBC-behaviour gaps in the TPB model. Examining the mediational effect of behavioural intention in the TPB model and including the Australian context are among its other contributions. Organic food producers and marketers aiming for sustained, positive changes in consumer behaviour are encouraged to consider the findings and implications of this study. 相似文献
以消费者的绿色服装购买行为作为研究内容,旨在从心理学角度发现绿色服装购买意愿的影响因素,并探讨行为意愿和影响因素之间的关系.以计划行为理论为依据建立理论模型并设计调查问卷,选取北京、上海、大连3所城市的在校大学生作为调研对象,运用结构方程模型方法,借助SPSS17.0和AMOS7.0软件进行数据分析,得出研究结果.研究结果有助于国内外绿色服装的生产经营商了解国内的市场,也在一定程度上丰富了我国在绿色服装消费领域的学术研究. 相似文献