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综框动态性能CAT系统基于计算机技术、复模态分析技术和脉冲激励技术 ,主要由数据采集、数据处理和测试结果输出显示等部分组成。通过专用模拟台架实现对综框工作安装状态边界条件下振动特性的测试 ,得到综框的固有频率、阻尼比和振型 ,并可显示振型动画。系统为一种虚拟仪器 ,经多年应用证明 ,其功能强、精度高、成本低且操作与维护简便 ,为测定无梭织机综框的动态特性 ,通过调整织机的工作频率 ,避免共振提供了必要的技术手段  相似文献   
探讨一种基于PXI总线的织机经纱张力测试系统的运行效果.织机经纱张力测试系统由PXI主机、传感器、数据采集器、调理适配器及虚拟仪器软件组成,传感器采集主轴转角信号、主轴零位信号、经纱张力信号.介绍了测试系统的工作原理、测试方法,并对多台喷气织机的经纱张力进行了测试.结果表明,与传统的电阻应变仪及其他系统相比,该测试系统建立系统快、编程简单、可靠、系统抗干扰强、测量精确、通用性强.  相似文献   
基于NI公司的LabVIEW软件平台,采用C/S结构,开发了实时通信功能,实现了服务端对客户端的文字信息的传输和警报音频文件的播放,结果表明,实现了预期的目的,值班室对分队的信息传递又多了一种有效的手段.  相似文献   
介绍了V带换代产品窄V带的两种制式及其优缺点,并从技术性能及经济性进行了比较,指出了V带传动装置改用窄V带的3种使用方法。  相似文献   
With the gradually widely usage of the air conditioning(AC) loads in developing countries, the urban power grid load has swiftly increased over the past decade.Especially in China, the AC load has accounted for over30% of the maximum load in many cities during summer.This paper proposes a scheme of constructing a virtual peaking unit(VPU) by public buildings’ cool storage central AC(CSCAC) systems and non-CSCAC(NCSCAC)systems for the day-ahead power network dispatching(DAPND). Considering the accumulation effect of different meteorological parameters, a short term load forecasting method of public building’s central AC(CAC) baseline load is firstly discussed. Then, a second-order equivalent thermal parameters model is established for the public building’s CAC load. Moreover, the novel load reduction control strategies for the public building’s CSCAC system and the public building’s NCSCAC system are respectively presented. Furthermore, based on the multiple-rank control strategy, the model of the DAPND with the participation of a VPU is set up. The VPU is composed of large-scale regulated public building’s CAC loads. To demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed strategy, results of a sample study on a region in Nanjing which involves 22 public buildings’ CAC loads are described in this paper. Simulated results show that, by adopting the proposed DAPND scheme, the power network peak load in the region obviously decreases with a small enough deviation between the regulated load value and the dispatching instruction of the VPU. The total electricity-saving amount accounts for7.78% of total electricity consumption of the VPU before regulation.  相似文献   
With the gradually widely usage of the air conditioning(AC) loads in developing countries, the urban power grid load has swiftly increased over the past decade.Especially in China, the AC load has accounted for over30% of the maximum load in many cities during summer.This paper proposes a scheme of constructing a virtual peaking unit(VPU) by public buildings’ cool storage central AC(CSCAC) systems and non-CSCAC(NCSCAC)systems for the day-ahead power network dispatching(DAPND). Considering the accumulation effect of different meteorological parameters, a short term load forecasting method of public building’s central AC(CAC) baseline load is firstly discussed. Then, a second-order equivalent thermal parameters model is established for the public building’s CAC load. Moreover, the novel load reduction control strategies for the public building’s CSCAC system and the public building’s NCSCAC system are respectively presented. Furthermore, based on the multiple-rank control strategy, the model of the DAPND with the participation of a VPU is set up. The VPU is composed of large-scale regulated public building’s CAC loads. To demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed strategy, results of a sample study on a region in Nanjing which involves 22 public buildings’ CAC loads are described in this paper. Simulated results show that, by adopting the proposed DAPND scheme, the power network peak load in the region obviously decreases with a small enough deviation between the regulated load value and the dispatching instruction of the VPU. The total electricity-saving amount accounts for7.78% of total electricity consumption of the VPU before regulation.  相似文献   
远程教学中三维图形的定制与展示   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
讨论了在远程教学中利用三维图形的一种途径 ,并实现了一个数学函数图形定制系统 .该系统可根据用户输入数据实时地为用户生成所要观察的三维图形 ,并将其立即展示给用户 .  相似文献   
《Fusion Engineering and Design》2014,89(9-10):2294-2298
ITER standards Tesini (2009) require hardware mock-ups to validate the Remote Handling (RH) compatibility of RH class 1- and critical class 2-components. Full-scale mock-ups of large ITER components are expensive, have a long lead time and lose their relevance in case of design changes. Interactive Virtual Reality simulations with real time rigid body dynamics and contact interaction allow for RH Compatibility Assessment during the design iterations.This paper explores the use of interactive virtual mock-ups to analyze the RH compatibility of heavy component handling and maintenance. It infers generic maintenance operations from the analysis and proposes improvements to the simulator capabilities.  相似文献   
为研究考虑剪切变形的变截面梁杆结构几何非线性问题,应用Timoshenko梁理论,采用位移、转角独立插值的方法,获取考虑剪切影响的惯性矩二次变化变截面梁单元的形函数;从严格的虚功增量方程出发,建立同时考虑轴力、剪切、弯曲效应及其耦合项的平面变截面梁柱单元几何非线性增量平衡方程,得到惯性矩二次变化变截面梁单元大位移切线刚度阵;与经典算例进行对比,验证了本文方法的精确性与有效性.  相似文献   
刘征 《移动信息》2024,46(9):275-277
在数字化时代背景下,虚拟数字人作为一种创新的数字资产,正逐渐得到了广泛的关注。“Uniclone”项目致力于虚拟数字人及其内容的规模化、商业化发展。项目通过独特的“一店一展一厂”运营模式,有效连接 B 端、G 端和 C 端, 实现了内容的高效生产与个性化的消费体验。此外,利用人工智能技术,Uniclone 不仅提升了虚拟数字人的交互性与真实感,还为用户开辟了数字资产创造与增值的新途径。  相似文献   
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