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小容量电器微小触头的磁力去毛刺工艺是在磁场的作用下、利用磁性磨料形成的的柔性磁刷,对触头相应表面产生一定的碰撞、滚压、滑擦、刻划,实现触头表面的抛光和去毛刺。采用ANSYS对磁路进行了分析和设计,对磨粒与工件进行了受力及运动分析,建立了磁力研磨试验平台,进行了相应的工艺性实验。试验结果表明,磁力研磨技术对触点的抛光作用明显,并能有效去除触头毛刺。  相似文献   
The synthesis of isomeric hydroxyphenyl-1,3-dithianes and the role of sulfur in them to generate different engineered solids based on non-bonded O···S contacts and O?H···S hydrogen bonds are presented. With an increasing number of OH groups and dithiane rings (e.g. 2, 3), the role of O?H···S interactions becomes less prominent and the strong O?H···O hydrogen bonds along with C?H···π and π–π stacking interactions dominate the packing arrangement of the hydroxyphenyl-1,3-dithianes.  相似文献   
张增全 《轧钢》2004,21(2):20-24
分析了目前我国棒线材市场优质合金钢棒线材稀缺形势下,用先进的新工艺技术改造合金钢棒线材生产线具有现实意义。这些新技术包括:连铸坯热送热装、脱头轧制和二次加热、精密轧制、低温精轧、单一孔型和"自由尺寸"轧制、直条棒材在线缓冷和刷毛刺、奥氏体不锈钢线材在线散卷固溶处理和盘卷在线环型炉固溶处理、不锈钢盘卷酸洗等技术。  相似文献   
用添加合金粉末埋弧焊工艺焊接16MnR钢   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
夏天东  李浩河 《焊接》1998,(10):9-15
用添加合金粉末埋弧焊工艺可以大线能量焊接16MnR钢,单道焊缝的熔深20mm,焊接熔敷速度大于26.6kg/h熔敷系数大于34.6g/h.A,焊缝和HAZ的显微组织良好,焊接接头常温力学性能达到国家标准要求。  相似文献   
铸渗法制造双金属耐磨复合材料   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
阐述了铸渗工艺及方法。同时采用载体法铸渗Cr-Fe、Mo-Fe和Ti-Fe等铁合金来提高球铁铸件表面的耐磨性。试验结果表明,球铁铸件铸渗后,表面形成一层约4mm厚的合金白口铁强化层,经磨粒磨损试验证实,该表层的耐磨性是球铁耐磨性的2.01倍。  相似文献   
马氏体—贝氏体合金球铁焊管机轧辊   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
试验研究了用马氏体贝氏体合金球铁代替 G Cr15 钢制作高频焊管机轧辊,介绍了该材质的工艺技术要点。结果表明:合金球铁轧辊较 G Cr15 钢轧辊寿命提高50% 以上,生产成本下降20% ~30% ,具有一定的经济效益。  相似文献   
This paper presents an extension of the reduced order finite element model to the case of circular elastohydrodynamic lubricated (EHL) contacts under isothermal Newtonian considerations. The line contact model was developed and validated in a previous work (Advances in Engineering Software, 2013; 56:51−62). The model is based on a finite element discretization of the EHL equations: Reynolds, linear elasticity and load balance with a reduced order model for the linear elasticity part. All equations are solved simultaneously in a fully-coupled framework using a damped-Newton procedure allowing fast convergence rates for the global solution. This model combines fast convergence rates, reduced memory requirements and negligible model reduction errors compared to the full model which makes it an attractive tool for EHL contact performance prediction.  相似文献   
Wahl  K.J.  Stepnowski  S.V.  Unertl  W.N. 《Tribology Letters》1998,5(1):103-107
We demonstrate the effects of shear modulation on the viscoelastic response of nanometer‐scale single‐asperity contacts under static and dynamic loading conditions. Contact stiffness and relaxation time are determined for contacts to poly(vinylethylene) using a scanning force microscope (SFM). Knowledge of the torsional stiffness κΘ of the SFM cantilever is not required to determine the relaxation time. The relaxation time was several orders of magnitude slower than the bulk relaxation time but decreased slowly to the bulk value as the sample age increased. Contacts showed no evidence of microslip. We show that the shear response observed during the making and breaking of the contacts provides information about the time evolution of the contact area that is not available in force vs. distance curve measurements. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   
合金铸铁凸轮轴氩弧重熔淬火硬化层的磨损试验研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
研究了合金铸铁凸轮轴氩弧重熔淬火后强化层的组织、耐磨性及磨损机理,试验结果表明,合金铸铁凸轮轴氩弧重熔硬化层具有较高的抗擦伤性能和疲劳磨损性能,优良的热稳定性和莱氏体枝晶显著细化是提高耐磨性的主要因素。  相似文献   
胡淑娥  于海龙 《轧钢》2003,20(4):21-24
采用Gleeble-1500热模拟试验机测试了2种微合金钢(Al、Al V)经1150℃加热、20%压缩变形条件下的显微组织状态,结果表明,Al、V复合强化的试验钢以2℃/s速度冷却时,钢中出现针状铁素体。冷却速度为5℃/s时出现贝氏体,而Al强化钢中出现针状铁素体的冷速要达到5℃/s,因此建议生产含V钢时冷速控制在1~5℃/s。  相似文献   
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