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目的 对丰富的青铜器纹样资源进行整理与组织,满足设计师利用青铜器纹样进行创意设计的需求,助力传统文化输出。方法 对青铜器纹样的装饰母题、装饰艺术和语义进行解析,对设计师借助文化资源数据库获取设计原型和设计知识的行为与思维过程进行探索,从而提炼元数据标签,确定可视化元素,建立包括1154条青铜器纹样数据在内的数据库。结果 面向创意设计的青铜器纹样数据库,实现了对青铜器纹样数据的多维信息呈现,为设计师提供了一个快速学习和获取青铜器纹样原型与知识的平台,有助于设计师了解数据中隐藏的特征、关系和模式。结论 青铜器纹样数据库的可视化方式符合设计师的认知舒适性,为打造针对设计师群体的数字文化资源专业平台提供了新的思路。 相似文献
胎圈用钢丝青铜镀层中Sn含量的测定 总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0
根据国际标准ISO/TC17/SC17《胎圈钢丝》中规定青铜镀层中Sn的质量分数≤ 3% ,而胎圈钢丝镀层厚度都较薄 ,因此 ,选用Sn(Ⅳ ) -十六烷基三甲基溴化铵 -苯芴酮三元络合物光度法测出镀层中Sn的含量。通过实验证明 ,所拟分析方法稳定可靠 ,能准确测出镀层中Sn的含量 相似文献
化学置换镀锡青铜工艺研究 总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3
胎圈钢丝的化学置换镀锡青铜已列入“十五”金属制品科技发展建议。介绍置换镀锡青铜的原理及镀层成分控制措施 ,在镀液中降低Sn2 + 含量、增加镀液的酸度有利于镀液的稳定 ,加入添加剂也可提高镀液的稳定性。对提高镀层的结合强度 ,镀层的防变色处理方法及该工艺技术规范也作了说明 相似文献
Brahim Boufrou Gilbert Desgardin Bernard Raveau 《Journal of the American Ceramic Society》1991,74(11):2809-2814
A new ceramic for capacitors, which exhibits flat dielectric curves with relative permittivity values (ɛ) as high as 3000 (Y7R or X7R class), has been synthesized. Use of a niobate, K0.2 Sr0.4 NbO3 (KSN), with a tetragonal tungsten bronze structure (TTB), as a major phase for the fabrication of such ceramics is shown for the first time. Nevertheless, the addition of perovskites as minor agents—PbMg1/3 Nb2/3 O3 (PMN)—is necessary to obtain stable temperature. Moreover, the use of lithium salts as sintering agents has been shown to be important for the fabrication of these ceramics. 相似文献
对多元磷青铜合金进行不同程度的冷变形,绘制出合金的加工硬化曲线。通过对不同温度退火后试样的抗拉强度、硬度、伸长率及导电率进行测试和组织观察,确定合金的再结晶温度。结果表明,经冷塑形变形后,Cu-Sn-P-Fe-Ni合金呈现出典型的加工硬化特性。随着加工率的增加,合金的抗拉强度呈先增大后趋于稳定的趋势,而断后伸长率和电导率呈相反变化规律。在相同的退火时间下,随着退火温度的增加,Cu-Sn-P-Fe-Ni合金的强度呈先缓慢减小,再剧减,最后趋于稳定的变化规律;为节约效能缩短时间,确定Cu-Sn-P-Fe-Ni合金经80%变形后的再结晶退火制度为440 ℃×5 h。 相似文献
Corrosion properties of friction-stir processed cast NiAl bronze 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Friction-stir processing (FSP) was adopted to modify the microstructure of a cast Cu-9Al-4.5Ni-4Fe NiAl bronze alloy (NAB). After FSP, the initial coarse microstructure of the cast NAB was transformed to a fine structure, and the porosity defects were eliminated. The microstructure modification changed the corrosion behavior of the NAB in a 3.5% NaCl solution. In a static immersion corrosion test, the FSP NAB exhibited significantly greater corrosion resistance compared to the cast counterpart. The polarization curve and electrochemical impedance spectroscopic (EIS) results indicated that the FSP NAB showed slightly lower electrochemical corrosion resistance. 相似文献
具有黑漆古褐漆古表层的8种铜镜样品表面X射线衍射分析(XRDA)结果表明,在相近的2θ角位置上都有4~5个较宽的弥散峰,而基体的XRDA结果都无弥散峰。结果表明弥散峰是样品表层中具有3~5nm的SnO2微晶所引起的。而已穿透腐蚀的黑漆古铜镜残片研细的XRDA结果尚具有基体的强衍射峰,表明黑漆古表层不单含有金属氧化物(主要是SnO2),还存在未被腐蚀而被SnO2所包裹的原合金大小不等的颗粒。 相似文献
The repair welding of UNS C95700 manganese–aluminum bronze plates was done using different filler metals. The microstructure and mechanical properties of welds were studied. The main microstructural constituents were α, β and κ phases with different morphologies. The addition of manganese decreased the percentage of α phase in the microstructure of weldments from 80% (Mn-free weld) to 57% (12.5% Mn weld, mass fraction). The morphology of κ phase was lamellar in high nickel specimens and it was changed to a globular morphology for high manganese welds. Although the application of high manganese filler metal yielded the higher tensile and bending strengths of weldment compared with the weld using high nickel filler material, the optimum mechanical properties of repair welds were obtained using a non-alloy filler material (ERCuAl-A2) for the underlay and high manganese filler metal (ERCuMnNiAl) for filling passes. This weld presented an increase of 39% in tensile strength compared with the base metal, and no cracking was observed after bending test. 相似文献
邹积强 《石油化工腐蚀与防护》2002,19(5):26-28,60
大连西太平洋石油化工有限公司重油加氢脱硫 (简称ARDS)装置CP - 0 1白铜复水器使用 2 .5个月就开始发生失效泄漏 ,通过材质成分分析、金相检查、能谱分析和X射线衍射等手段 ,确定投用前未做硫酸亚铁成膜处理是导致S2 -引起白铜腐蚀的主要原因。由于CP - 0 1复水器是双道制 ,因此可以轮换对复水器进行涂层和阴极保护防腐蚀补救处理 相似文献