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Flapping wings continuously create and send vortices into their wake, while imparting downward momentum into the surrounding fluid. However, experimental studies concerning the details of the three-dimensional vorticity distribution and evolution in the far wake are limited. In this study, the three-dimensional vortex wake structure in both the near and far field of a dynamically scaled flapping wing was investigated experimentally, using volumetric three-component velocimetry. A single wing, with shape and kinematics similar to those of a fruitfly, was examined. The overall result of the wing action is to create an integrated vortex structure consisting of a tip vortex (TV), trailing-edge shear layer (TESL) and leading-edge vortex. The TESL rolls up into a root vortex (RV) as it is shed from the wing, and together with the TV, contracts radially and stretches tangentially in the downstream wake. The downwash is distributed in an arc-shaped region enclosed by the stretched tangential vorticity of the TVs and the RVs. A closed vortex ring structure is not observed in the current study owing to the lack of well-established starting and stopping vortex structures that smoothly connect the TV and RV. An evaluation of the vorticity transport equation shows that both the TV and the RV undergo vortex stretching while convecting downwards: a three-dimensional phenomenon in rotating flows. It also confirms that convection and secondary tilting and stretching effects dominate the evolution of vorticity.  相似文献   
This paper introduces a generic, transparent and compact model for the evaluation of the aerodynamic performance of insect-like flapping wings in hovering flight. The model is generic in that it can be applied to wings of arbitrary morphology and kinematics without the use of experimental data, is transparent in that the aerodynamic components of the model are linked directly to morphology and kinematics via physical relationships and is compact in the sense that it can be efficiently evaluated for use within a design optimization environment. An important aspect of the model is the method by which translational force coefficients for the aerodynamic model are obtained from first principles; however important insights are also provided for the morphological and kinematic treatments that improve the clarity and efficiency of the overall model. A thorough analysis of the leading-edge suction analogy model is provided and comparison of the aerodynamic model with results from application of the leading-edge suction analogy shows good agreement. The full model is evaluated against experimental data for revolving wings and good agreement is obtained for lift and drag up to 90° incidence. Comparison of the model output with data from computational fluid dynamics studies on a range of different insect species also shows good agreement with predicted weight support ratio and specific power. The validated model is used to evaluate the relative impact of different contributors to the induced power factor for the hoverfly and fruitfly. It is shown that the assumption of an ideal induced power factor (k = 1) for a normal hovering hoverfly leads to a 23% overestimation of the generated force owing to flapping.  相似文献   
针对直升机投雷一般采用单雷射击的现状,提出了采用直升机悬停双雷齐射的方法。通过对双雷齐射搜索面的组织、目标可能位置区域、齐射射击瞄准点的选取以及潜艇规避机动模型的分析,建立了潜艇纯机动规避情况下鱼雷命中概率仿真模型。仿真结果表明,与单雷射击相比,双雷齐射可有效提高对目标的发现概率,并能弥补单雷射击在大舷角时命中概率较低的不足,在相同发现概率条件下双雷齐射对目标的射击距离更远。  相似文献   
机器鱼辅助水下考古实验研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
王松  王田苗  梁建宏  孙键  林果 《机器人》2005,27(2):147-151,172
分析了水下考古对潜器的需求,从速度、机动性、与UUV的对比等方面阐述了SPC-II(Stability first, Propulsion secondary, Control the third)机器鱼水下作业的可行性,提出了基于盘旋下潜的机器鱼辅助水下考古实现方法.这种方法在实际考古中得到验证,弥补了SPC-II无法动力悬停的不足,并为下一步的研究提供参考.  相似文献   
Because of the periodically varying aerodynamic and inertial forces of the flapping wings, a hovering or constant-speed flying insect is a cyclically forcing system, and, generally, the flight is not in a fixed-point equilibrium, but in a cyclic-motion equilibrium. Current stability theory of insect flight is based on the averaged model and treats the flight as a fixed-point equilibrium. In the present study, we treated the flight as a cyclic-motion equilibrium and used the Floquet theory to analyse the longitudinal stability of insect flight. Two hovering model insects were considered—a dronefly and a hawkmoth. The former had relatively high wingbeat frequency and small wing-mass to body-mass ratio, and hence very small amplitude of body oscillation; while the latter had relatively low wingbeat frequency and large wing-mass to body-mass ratio, and hence relatively large amplitude of body oscillation. For comparison, analysis using the averaged-model theory (fixed-point stability analysis) was also made. Results of both the cyclic-motion stability analysis and the fixed-point stability analysis were tested by numerical simulation using complete equations of motion coupled with the Navier–Stokes equations. The Floquet theory (cyclic-motion stability analysis) agreed well with the simulation for both the model dronefly and the model hawkmoth; but the averaged-model theory gave good results only for the dronefly. Thus, for an insect with relatively large body oscillation at wingbeat frequency, cyclic-motion stability analysis is required, and for their control analysis, the existing well-developed control theories for systems of fixed-point equilibrium are no longer applicable and new methods that take the cyclic variation of the flight dynamics into account are needed.  相似文献   
We report a comprehensive scaling law and novel lift generation mechanisms relevant to the aerodynamic functions of structural flexibility in insect flight. Using a Navier–Stokes equation solver, fully coupled to a structural dynamics solver, we consider the hovering motion of a wing of insect size, in which the dynamics of fluid–structure interaction leads to passive wing rotation. Lift generated on the flexible wing scales with the relative shape deformation parameter, whereas the optimal lift is obtained when the wing deformation synchronizes with the imposed translation, consistent with previously reported observations for fruit flies and honeybees. Systematic comparisons with rigid wings illustrate that the nonlinear response in wing motion results in a greater peak angle compared with a simple harmonic motion, yielding higher lift. Moreover, the compliant wing streamlines its shape via camber deformation to mitigate the nonlinear lift-degrading wing–wake interaction to further enhance lift. These bioinspired aeroelastic mechanisms can be used in the development of flapping wing micro-robots.  相似文献   
针对小型无人直升机耦合建模问题提出了一种频域解耦辨识建模方法,该方法通过处理针对耦合辨识的实验数据得到指定频域范围内被辨识耦合的频域特性,对频域特性进行拟合从而获得耦合模型.提出了适用于多输入输出(MIMO)系统的频域特性计算方法,定义了一种复合相干函数并证明其能够用于表达在耦合通道辨识中输入输出的相关性.基于该方法,对一种小型无人直升机在悬停状态的纵横角动态耦合模型进行了辨识,并将耦合模型加入到直升机仿真模型中考察其对模型预测精度的影响.模型预测输出与实际输出的比较表明,相较于普通模型,考虑了耦合动态的仿真模型能够更为精确地预测实际输出.  相似文献   
悬停直升机的匹配检测   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
张军  赵洪钟  付强 《现代雷达》2002,24(1):33-36
详细分析了悬停直升机旋翼回波的特性,提出了一种多目标假设与匹配检验相结合的悬停直升机检测新算法。理论推导和仿真实验表明:该算法在信噪比较低的情况下依然有效。  相似文献   
针对反潜直升机使用吊声搜潜时需悬停探测的问题,基于反潜直升机悬停探测飞行过程、最短飞行路径准则和几何原理,规划反潜直升机悬停探测飞行路径,并考虑风对反潜直升机飞行状态的影响。对建立的飞行路径进行了数学求解与分析,最终给出悬停探测飞行数学模型。根据建立的悬停探测飞行数学模型,对单机圆形应召搜潜的飞行路径进行仿真验证,仿真结果表明,悬停探测飞行数学模型可以更加真实地模拟反潜直升机吊声搜潜的实际飞行路径。  相似文献   
A novel coaxial ducted fan structure aircraft is proposed to enable the aircraft near vertical walls at high altitudes. The state space equation of the system can be obtained by correlation deduction and identification of the whole prototype model. Based on the duct test bench experiment and computational fluid dynamics (CFD) simulation analysis, the expressions between the different distances $d_{rm{WE}} $ from the rotor center of the prototype to the wall and the thrust, reaction torque, and tilting moment of the system under hovering conditions are obtained. The influence of the wall effect of the prototype is incorporated into the system model to analyze the relationship between distance $d_{rm{WE}} $ and the comprehensive controllability of the system. The results show that the system comprehensive controllability vector of other channels changes little with the decrease of the distance $d_{rm{WE}} $, and only the controllability vector of the rolling channel increases significantly. At the same time, the tilting moment also increases significantly, which strengthens the tendency of the prototype to tilt towards the wall.  相似文献   
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