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This paper presents a model of heterogenous diffusion in capillary porous materials during the process of drying. The governing heat and mass transfer equations have been established using the liquid as well as vapor flow. Two models have been presented. Model 1 does not consider the heat conduction while the model 2 has been established by considering the conduction. The developed models and the numerical solutions of the resulting differential equations can take into account the moisture and temperature dependent thermophysical properties of the product. All equations have been established in spherical coordinates but the programme written for the purpose of calculations can be used for other geometries also. Numerical calculations have been performed for gas concrete and tiles using model 1, while model 2 has been used for gas concrete only because of the lack of data for thermophysical properties of the tile. For gas concrete it was seen that conduction has only marginal effect on the drying process and the numerical predictions of the drying process were reasonably accurate.  相似文献   
软X射线不仅能引起红细胞表面电荷的变化,同时也能导致淋巴细胞和血小板表面电荷下降,表现为照射后它们的电泳率下降。低剂量范围内,这种电荷的变化是暂时性的,照后4小时降到最低点,24小时后恢复到对照的水平。细胞电泳率的下降与辐射剂量相关。淋巴细胞是一个复杂的细胞群,正常状态下,按细胞在电场中泳动速度的快慢,可分为两个组分:快峰为T细胞,慢峰为B细胞。软X射线照射以后,T和B细胞的电泳率皆减慢,频数分布峰值下降,离散度加大。血小板成分单一,电泳率较一致。 从照射浓集的血小板再加回自身血浆中电泳率的下降较照射血浆再加到血小板中的电泳率下降大得多;受照射的血小板在磷酸缓冲液中电泳率下降较在血浆悬液中严重得多;2000 rad照后,悬浮于血浆中的血小板电泳率能恢复,而悬浮于磷酸缓冲液中则不能恢复,三个方面来看,血浆中可能存在抗辐射因子。超氧化物岐化酶能有效地预防血小板电泳率的下降,从而可阻止血小板的凝聚。  相似文献   
Titanium Dioxide, TiO2, is a photocatalyst with a unique characteristic. A surface coated with TiO2 exhibits an extremely high affinity for water when exposed to UV light and the contact angle decreases nearly to zero. Inversely, the contact angle increases when the surface is shielded from UV. This superhydrophilic nature gives a self-cleaning effect to the coated surface and has already been applied to some construction materials, car coatings and so on. We applied this property to the enhancement of boiling heat transfer. An experiment involving the pool boiling of pure water has been performed to make clear the effect of high wettability on heat transfer characteristics. The heat transfer surface is a vertical copper cylinder of 17 mm in diameter and the measurement has been done at saturated temperature and in a steady state. Both TiO2-coated and non-coated surfaces were used for comparison. In the case of the TiO2-coated surface, it is exposed to UV light for a few hours before experiment and it is found that the maximum heat flux (CHF) is about two times larger than that of the uncoated surface. The temperature at minimum heat flux (MHF) for the superhydrophilic surface is higher by 100 K than that for the normal one. The superhydrophilic surface can be an ideal heat transfer surface. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
This study investigates the ozonation of CI Reactive Black 5 (RB5) by using the rotating packed bed (RPB) and completely stirred tank reactor (CSTR) as ozone contactors. The RPB, which provides high gravitational force by adjusting the rotational speed, was employed as a novel ozone contactor. The same ozone dosage was separately introduced into either the RPB or the CSTR for the investigation, while the experimental solution was continuously circulated within the apparatus consisting of the RPB and CSTR. The decolorization and mineralization efficiencies of RB5 in the course of ozonation are compared for these two methods. Moreover, the dissolved and off‐gas ozone concentrations were simultaneously monitored for the further analysis. As a result, the ozone mass transfer rate per unit volume of the RPB was significantly higher because of its higher mass transfer coefficient and gas–liquid concentration driving force. Furthermore, ozonation kinetics was found to be independent of the gravitational magnitude of an ozone gas–liquid contactor. Therefore, the results suggest employing RPBs as ozone‐contacting devices with the advantage of volume reduction. The experimental results, which can be used for further modeling of the ozonation process in the RPB, also show the requirement of correct design for the RPB. Consequently, the present study is useful for the understanding of practical application of RPBs. Copyright © 2004 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   
The extraction equilibria of various di- and tripeptides with di-2-ethylhexylphosphoric acid (D2EHPA) were studied at low pH values. The complex extracted to organic phase consisted of one molecule of peptide and two molecules of D2EHPA dimer. The extraction constants of the peptides correlated well with the distribution coefficients of peptides between 1-octanol and water, which is a measure of hydrophobicity. The permeation rates of peptides through an emulsion liquid membrane were examined by using D2EHPA as a carrier, Span 80 as an emulsifier and kerosene as a diluent. The rates varied considerably with peptide type, depending upon the hydrophobicity.  相似文献   
In this study, the mass transfer efficiencies of a novel horizontal rotating packed (h‐RPB) bed and the conventional disc‐type rotating biological contactor (RBC) were studied at four speeds and seven submergences. Pall rings of two different sizes (25, 38 mm), superintalox saddles and a wiremesh spiral bundle were used as packings in the h‐RPB. Volumetric gas–liquid mass transfer coefficients were determined by unsteady state absorption of atmospheric oxygen in de‐aerated water. Power consumption per unit liquid volume has been found for all geometries tested. The oxygen transfer efficiency values for the h‐RPB were found to be 2–5 kg kWh?1 and for the disc RBC were found to be 1–2 kg kWh?1. The performance of the h‐RPB was also compared with other gas–liquid contactors such as surface aerators. The study proves that the h‐RPB is a energy efficient alternative to conventional contactors. Copyright © 2005 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   
In various medium‐to‐large‐scale fire test equipments like the ISO room corner test (RC), and more recently, the single burning item test (SBI) the mass flow rate measurement of the combustion gases plays a key role in the determination of the heat‐release rate and smoke‐production rate. With the knowledge of the velocity profile and the temperature of the flow, the mass flow rate is obtained by measuring the velocity on the axis of the duct. This is done by means of a bi‐directional probe based on the pitot principle. However, due to the variation of the mean temperature and the temperature gradient in any cross section of the duct, introduced by ever changing combustion gas temperatures, the velocity nor the density profile are constant in time. This paper examines the resulting uncertainty on the mass flow rate. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
A gypsum wall assembly was exposed to an intense real‐scale compartment fire. For the wall assembly, temperatures were measured at the exposed face, within the stud cavity, and at the unexposed face during the fire exposure. Total heat flux gauges were used to measure the temporal variation of the energy incident on the walls, and cameras, both visual and infrared, were used to image the unexposed face of the wall assembly during the fire exposure. The behaviour of the wall assembly under the fire load is discussed as are current model results for a simulation of the fire test. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
The transport of chromium(VI) through a flat‐sheet supported liquid membrane containing Cyanex 921 as a carrier has been investigated. The permeation of the metal is investigated as a function of various experimental variables: hydrodynamic conditions, concentration of chromium(VI) and HCl in the feed phase, carrier concentration and diluent in the membrane and strippant concentration in the stripping phase. The mass transfer coefficient and the thickness of the aqueous boundary layer were calculated from the experimental data. Furthermore, the selectivity of Cyanex 921‐based flat‐sheet supported liquid membrane towards different metal ions and the behaviour of the system against other carriers are presented. Copyright © 2003 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   
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