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本文主要探讨特柔软型钢丝铠装复合电缆的设计,根据特殊用户实际应用情况,设计出大拉力、超柔软钢丝铠装电缆,设计过程中不仅考虑电缆所应有的电性能,同时还要考虑电缆高强度抗张情况和应用中处于反复收放状态,而且所设计的电缆还要满足恶劣环境.  相似文献   
This paper reports on the development of an MPI/OpenCL implementation of LU, an application-level benchmark from the NAS Parallel Benchmark Suite. An account of the design decisions addressed during the development of this code is presented, demonstrating the importance of memory arrangement and work-item/work-group distribution strategies when applications are deployed on different device types. The resulting platform-agnostic, single source application is benchmarked on a number of different architectures, and is shown to be 1.3–1.5× slower than native FORTRAN 77 or CUDA implementations on a single node and 1.3–3.1× slower on multiple nodes. We also explore the potential performance gains of OpenCL’s device fissioning capability, demonstrating up to a 3× speed-up over our original OpenCL implementation.  相似文献   
一种基于软阈值方法的改进A1/A2极化干涉分类算法   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在分析了极化干涉技术的发展现状和发展趋势的基础上,从极化干涉的特殊性入手,分析了干涉相干系数在极化干涉分类中的作用,并且系统分析了基于相干最优优化后的相干系数进行极化干涉分类过程的原理,总结了现有极化干涉分类算法在阈值选择方面存在的不足,阐述了硬阈值方法和软阈值方法的基本原理和它们之间的区别,最后提出基于软阈值方法的改进A1/A2非监督极化干涉分类算法,解决了极化干涉分类现有的分类空间中的阈值问题。实验表明这种方法能够得到更好的分类结果,做出了改进。  相似文献   
This paper describes a research approach based on the Actor-Network Theory (ANT) to interpret and understand the Korea’s strategy for the development of the ubiquitous city (u-city). Analyzing empirical materials from u-city development, this study traces and unpacks the interaction occurring around the u-city innovation and also identifies patterns of innovation, concentrating on negotiation and translation implementation. The findings imply that Korean approach has marginalized key issues relating to the development potential inherent in the combination of knowledge and technology and thus conflicts with broader development suggestions of participative design. Korean case reveals the essential role of participatory design in u-city development. U-city as a public utility should draw users’ perspectives, its design should be heavily grounded in users’ needs, and its design decisions should be based on a community consensus.  相似文献   
试论涪陵榨菜软实力的提升   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
涪陵榨菜属地理标志商标,是涪陵的重要软实力之一。认识涪陵榨菜的软实力,加大营销力度,提升涪陵榨菜的国际知名度,有利于推动涪陵榨菜健康与快速发展。文章从软实力的含义、涪陵榨菜硬实力和固有软实力的体现、提升涪陵榨菜软实力的途径与措施进行了论述。  相似文献   
In this short paper,we have treated the aerodynamic performance of micro downwind rotor with coning soft blades experimentally.The test wind rotor has the tip diameter of 1.5 m and three two-dimensional NACA0018 blades of 0.15 m chord whose material is light,soft and pliable foam plastic for perfect safety.From the wind tunnel test,it is realized that the performance is manageable by the coning angle of the rotor blade.In the present case,an improvement of the performance in lower wind speeds is achieved by...  相似文献   
倪玺 《低压电器》2010,(16):57-60
从三相异步电动机的应用控制出发,介绍了基于单片机控制的电机软启动器原理,给出了基于单片机控制的电机软启动器设计方法。用此方法设计启动器具有控制结构简单、可靠性高、实用性强等优点。  相似文献   
深层水泥搅拌桩是加固软上地基的一种有效方法,某核电站重件道路软土地基加固采用深层水泥搅拌桩进行处理,由于核电工程在施工质量、工期以及施工方法可靠性要求高。本文结合该核电站重件道路软土地基处理实践,介绍深层水泥搅拌桩的施工工艺、机械设备、质量控制与试验检验等方面的经验。  相似文献   
陈亮 《电力勘测》2011,(1):10-14
软土在我国广泛分布,其工程性质极差。本文结合实际工程,运用传统极限平衡法和FLAC3D数值计算方法,综合分析了深厚软土地基上新建煤场大面积堆载对邻近海堤地基稳定性的影响,提出了煤场与海堤之间最小的安全距离。  相似文献   
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