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水与可持续发展   总被引:3,自引:5,他引:3  
论述了水在可持续发展中的地位。当今存在的4大水问题,评估了未来的水形势,提出了解决水问题的途径。  相似文献   
Wildland fires burn large areas of the earth's land surface annually, causing significant environmental damage and danger to human health. In order to mitigate the effects, and to better manage the incidence of such fires, fire behaviour models are used to predict, among other things, the likelihood of ignition, the rate of spread, and the intensity and duration of burning. A key input parameter to these models is the amount of water in the vegetation, described as the fuel moisture content (FMC). A number of studies have shown that vegetation indices (VI) calculated from red and NIR reflectances may be used to map spatial and temporal variation in FMC in a range of fire-prone environments, with varying degrees of success. Strong empirical relationships may be established between VI and FMC over grasslands, yet over shrublands and forests, the relationships are weaker. If FMC is to be estimated with greater accuracy and consistency than is currently achieved, it is necessary to fully understand the relative contribution that spatial and temporal variation in the various biophysical and geometrical variables make to reflectance variability at the leaf and canopy level.This paper uses a modelling approach to investigate the sensitivity of reflectance data at leaf and canopy level to variation in the biophysical variables that are used to compute FMC. At the leaf level, the results show that the sensitivity of reflectance to variation in leaf water and dry matter content, used to compute FMC, is greatest in the SWIR and NIR, respectively. Variation in FMC has no effect in the visible wavelengths. At the canopy level, the results show that the sensitivity of reflectance to variation in leaf water and dry matter content is heavily dependent upon the type of model used and the range of variation over which the variables are tested. In the longer wavelengths of the SWIR, the competing influence of variable leaf area index, fractional vegetation cover, and solar zenith angle is shown to be greater than that at the shorter wavelengths of the SWIR and NIR. Empirical relationships between the normalised difference water index (NDWI) and FMC are shown to be weaker than that with canopy water content. However, when the range of the variables under study is more limited, useful empirical relationships between FMC and remotely sensed VI may be established.  相似文献   
用重心插值配点法对轴向均布荷载下压杆稳定问题进行了研究。采用重心Lagrange插值多项式建立未知函数的微分矩阵,采用配点法将压杆稳定问题的控制方程表示为代数方程组。通过求解代数方程组系数矩阵的特征值和特征向量,得到了精度很高的后屈曲挠度数值和临界载荷数值。实例证明,这种方法原理简单,易于程序实现。  相似文献   
聚脲改性聚酰胺多胺环氧氯丙烷涂布抗水剂的研究   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
制备了高含固量,稳定性好的聚脲改性聚酰胺多胺环氧氯丙烷,通过实验研究了其作为涂布抗水剂的应用工艺及作用机理,分析了多种因素对产品性能和贮存稳定性的影响。  相似文献   
对轧钢生产线除尘风机带水的原因进行了分析,针对带水原因,提出有针对性的改进措施,使得带水现象得以消除,改善了作业环境,达到了环保要求。  相似文献   
Photocatalysts with perovskites for hydrogen production from aqueous solution were reviewed. Among the most of metal oxide photocatalysts, the family of ABO3 Perovskite-type oxide shows higher photocatalytie activity, especially alkaline earth titanate and alkali tantalate. Therein, sodium tantalate showed the highest activity for water splitting. The reasons for the high photocatalytic activity of ABO3 perovskties are considered to the diverse and flexible crystal structure. The photocatalytic activity of ABO3 perovskties can be improved by doping other element at A site, B site or O site and loading CO-catalysts such as NiO and Pt. In this paper, the mechanism of photocatalytic water splitting, the structure of ABO3 perovsktie, and Perovskite-type photocatalysts were reviewed.  相似文献   
为了研究路基内部应力状态和含水率变化对回弹模量的影响,建立了路基土回弹模量的预估模型。根据室内三轴重复加载试验结果,研究了应力依赖性控制指标的选择,结果表明:体应力变化时,回弹模量不具有单调变化的规律,所以不宜作为应力依赖性的控制指标;而利用围压和偏应力作为控制指标时则能全面的反映回弹模量的变化规律。根据土水特征曲线,利用基质吸力表征含水率的影响,构建应力依赖性和水敏感性的耦合模型,并通过试验结果的拟合验证,发现该模型能够较好地反映回弹模量随应力水平和含水率变化的规律。  相似文献   
分析SZL系列快装热水锅炉水循环系统故障的原因,根据工作实践和相关理论,提出改进意见.  相似文献   
结合调研测试的实际工程,根据实际工程中地埋管地源热泵系统中水系统的形式及特点,归纳了设计、运行管理、设备故障等几个方面的水系统常见的问题。探讨了地埋管地源热泵水系统的设计问题,指出某些工程水系统存在的问题及解决思路;分析水系统故障的原因及表现,通过对水系统运行状态的观察与测试,从机组COP及系统能效比的角度分析水系统故障的影响:对于运行管理方面,提出相应的水系统形式的运行建议,为优化地埋管地源热泵的设计及运行管理提供了相应参考。  相似文献   
Spider-silk inspired functional fibers with periodic spindle-knots and the ability to collect water in a directional manner are fabricated on a large scale using a fluid coating method. The fabrication process is investigated in detail, considering factors like the fiber-drawing velocity, solution viscosity, and surface tension. These bioinspired fibers are inexpensive and durable, which makes it possible to collect water from fog in a similar manner to a spider's web.  相似文献   
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