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Recently, two polymorphisms (rs1884052 and rs3778099) of estrogen receptor α (ER-alpha) gene were identified as being associated with primary quantitative bone mineral density (BMD) in a genome-wide association (GWA) study in Framingham cohorts. In this study we aimed at investigating the association of rs1884052 and rs3778099, and another polymorphism (rs2234693) located at intron 1 of the ER-alpha gene with BMD, body mass index (BMI), glucose, triglyceride, and total cholesterol (CHO) levels in Chinese Hans. We recruited 425 consecutive adult volunteers who had a physical examination in the Jinan Maternity and Child Care Hospital. We did not observe significant association of rs1884052 and rs3778099 with BMD, BMI, glucose, triglyceride, and total cholesterol (CHO) levels. For rs2234693, increased levels of BMD for hip, spine or whole-body regions were consistently observed in TT/TC genotype carriers than in CC genotype carriers, although the board line significance diminished after adjusting for age and gender. However, significant association of rs2234693 with glucose and CHO levels were observed in our sample. Subjects with TC/CC genotypes were associated with an increased level of glucose (p = 0.013) and CHO (p = 0.032) levels than subjects with TT genotypes. In conclusion, we did not confirm the association of rs1884052 and rs3778099 with BMD originally discovered in a GWA study; however, we made novel discoveries that rs2234693 was associated with glucose and CHO levels in Chinese Hans. Y. Chen and X. Jiang have contributed equally.  相似文献   
主要论述了高密度聚乙烯(PE-HD)/黏土纳米复合材料的制备因素对结构形态的影响及其性能的研究进展。当前的研究表明,黏土有机化处理和使用相容剂能改善材料的插层和剥离结构;PE-HD基体对结构的影响比较复杂,一方面,随着聚合物相对分子质量的增加,聚合物分子链的尺寸增加,分子链长的聚合物更难进入到黏土夹层间,不利于黏土的剥离;另一方面,黏度随相对分子质量的增加而增加,黏度的增加在熔融加工过程中可提高熔体的剪切力,有利于聚合物进入堆叠的纳米黏土层间,使得片层分离而达到剥离结构;黏土加入量过高不利于得到剥离结构;在加工工艺上,母料法比直接混合法得到的插层效果好,选择合适的设备、对螺杆进行优化设计以提高剪切效果,有利于得到插层和剥离结构的PE-HD/黏土纳米复合材料。PE-HD/黏土纳米复合材料的性能研究表明,由于黏土没达到完全剥离和均匀分散,纳米复合材料的脆性增加,韧性降低,且随黏土含量的增加脆性增加,这与PE-HD和黏土界面相间的相互作用密切相关;黏土粒子分散程度越高,其与熔体接触面积越大,PE-HD分子链运动受阻,材料弹性提高;纳米复合材料中黏土层作为二维异向成核剂,可以提高材料的结晶速率,使结晶温度升高,黏土含量过大会降低结晶度;黏土分散不均会造成复合材料的气体渗透性降低;一方面,片层的阻透效应可提高材料热稳定性,另一方面,有机改性黏土的催化作用又会使PE降解而降低其热稳定性,当黏土含量适中时,黏土片层均匀分散,阻透性能起主要作用,但随着黏土含量的增加,催化作用迅速加强并成为主要因素,使复合材料热稳定性降低;此外,燃烧过程中形成焦烧物可提高PE-HD/黏土纳米复合材料的阻燃性。  相似文献   
A green polymer self‐etching strategy for fabricating superhydrophobic surfaces exhibiting low and high adhesion is proposed by using hot‐pressing and exfoliation on a pair of low density polyethylene (LDPE) films. It is demonstrated that the hot‐pressing temperature has significant influence on the surface morphology of LDPE. Effective hot‐pressing temperature for low‐adhesive superhydrophobicity ranges from 109 to 161 °C. Bird's‐nest like micro‐/nanostructures are observed in the unzipped LDPE surfaces compressed at 109 °C, which shows excellent water repellency. LDPE surface compressed at 108 °C demonstrates superhydrophobicity with high adhesion, i.e., a water droplet cannot roll off even when the surface is turned upside down. Furthermore, superhydrophobic vessels are processed and applied to transport water and microdroplets of water losslessly.


This article studies the effect of market microstructure noise on volatility estimation in the frequency domain. We propose a bias‐corrected periodogram‐based estimator of integrated volatility. We show that the new estimator is consistent and the central limit theorem is established under a general assumption of the noise. We also provide a feasible procedure for computing the bias‐corrected estimator in practice. As a byproduct, we extract a consistent frequency‐domain estimator of the long‐run variance of market microstructure noise from high‐frequency data.  相似文献   
霍庆城  黄仁亮  齐崴  苏荣欣  何志敏 《化工学报》2016,67(10):4406-4412
微生物燃料电池(MFC)是一种利用微生物将有机物中的化学能直接转化成电能的装置,通过改善阳极特性可以有效提高微生物燃料电池的产电性能。通过恒电流法电沉积制备了氧化石墨烯/聚3,4-乙烯二氧噻吩(GO/PEDOT)复合材料修饰碳毡(CF)阳极。通过循环伏安法和交流阻抗法考察了电极特性。将其应用到微生物燃料电池中,对其产电性能进行评价。结果表明,GO/PEDOT-CF电极具有较大的比表面积和优良的电化学性能;以GO/PEDOT-CF为阳极的微生物燃料电池,产电性能良好,其最大功率密度和最大电流密度达到1.138 W·m-2和4.714 A·m-2,分别是未修饰阳极的4.80倍和5.51倍。因此,GO/PEDOT复合材料是一种优良的阳极修饰材料,可有效提高MFC的产电性能。  相似文献   
研究了各种不同抗静电剂对高密度聚乙烯(HDPE)吹塑专用料抗静电性能、力学性能及成型加工性能的影响,最终选择了抗静电母料作为HDPE吹塑专用料的抗静电剂.应用测试表明,抗静电母料改性HDPE吹塑专用料的抗静电性能优异且综合性能良好,完全满足某弹药部件的使用要求.  相似文献   
高密度聚乙烯(HDPE)/改性尼龙(MPA)共混物经注塑用具有阻透性能的容器,该类容器可用于贮存以烃类作溶剂的农药、涂料等。研究了成型工艺、配方、成型设备及模具对容器阻透性能的影响。  相似文献   
The control of crystal size distribution (CSD) is investigated in a 1.5 L laboratory cooling KCl crystallizer using fines dissolution rate as the manipulated variable. The controlled variable was either the fines suspension density in the fines withdrawal loop, measured by an innovative double‐sensor turbidity meter manufactured in‐house, or the chord length distribution (CLD) measured by the Focused Beam Reflectance Measurement (FBRM®) probe (model: Par‐Tec® 100, Lasentec®, Redmond, WA). It was shown that effective control of mean crystal size and fines suspension density in the presence of setpoint and disturbance changes is feasible with both control schemes. The double sensor turbidity sensor proved to be very rugged even in the presence of insoluble clay background particles. The FBRM® probe was more sensitive and capable of detecting particle breakage and flocculation.  相似文献   
The placement of mine tailings at depth in the marine environment is reviewed. This review considers first the engineering aspects of a pipeline system which transports tailings slurry from a process plant to the coast and then to a location at a depth of typically 200 m on the continental slope. Next, the fluid dynamic behaviour of the tailings, once discharged from the end of the pipe, are discussed, and a numerical model is presented which simulates the fate of both the dissolved and solids component of the tailings slurry in the marine environment. This latter model can be used to estimate the environmental impact of a proposed deep sea tailings placement system.  相似文献   
The electro‐rheological (ER) behaviour of suspensions in silicone oil of phosphoric ester cellulose particles (average particle size 17.77 µm) was investigated at room temperature with electric fields up to 2.5 kV mm−1 with the aim of developing anhydrous ER suspensions applicable over a wide temperature range. Anhydrous ER suspensions dispersing cellulose particles which were treated by phosphoric ester reaction of 2 mol phosphoric acid and 4 mol urea were measured; not only were the electrical characteristics such as dielectric constant, current density and electrical conductivity studied but also the rheological properties on the electric fields and volume fraction of dispersing particles. Anhydrous ER suspensions dispersing phosphoric ester cellulose particles showed very low current density, conductivity and very high performance of ER effect (τA/ τ0 ≈ 1030) on the 2.5 kV mm−1 electric field, and the yield stress (τy) had a quadratic dependence on electric fields. © 2000 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   
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