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A number of surface modification methods using mechanical, chemical, electrochemical or physical processes have commonly been employed to treat adherend surfaces and improve adhesion in various bi- or multi-layered systems which play a key role in many advanced technologies. Results reported in this review paper deal more particularly with components of polymer-metal systems and provide typical examples of surface analysis obtained by x-ray photoelectron spectrometry (XPS), ion scattering spectrometry (ISS), low-energy electron induced x-ray spectrometry (LEEIXS), optically stimulated electron emission (OSEE) and Fourier transform infra-red spectrometry (FTIR). These examples concern, on the one hand, metallic adherends (aluminum, stainless steel, zinc-coated steel, gold) the surfaces of which were modified by cleaning, etching, oxidation, conversion or chemical grafting and, on the other hand, bonded joints (polyester-steel and epoxy-aluminum systems) which were delaminated using a peel test and a three-point flexure test, respectively.  相似文献   
从国外引进的低液位组合结晶器,内置水套,石墨环镶嵌在结晶器四周内壁上,分上下两级水道。在铸造中,由于水质原因会造成喷水水眼堵塞,人为因素也会造成石墨环损坏,结晶器缺陷会造成铸造缺陷,严重时会生产不合格产品。从生产实践出发,对结晶器故障诊断、排除及日常维护技术进行了研究。  相似文献   
近10年来,美国凯撒铝及化学公司对公司经营业务作了大的战略调整,剥离上游业务,集中发展铝加工产品,且将主要力量集中航空铝材的发展与生产。自2004年以来投资1.05亿美元对特雷特伍德轧制厂的厚板生产系统作了大规模的改扩建,新增3台辊底式固溶处理炉、1台重型拉伸矫直机、1条超声波探伤线,以及其他必要的辅助装备。经过这次改扩建厚板的生产能力翻了一番,成为全球第二大航空铝合金厚板厂。该公司与世界主要民用及军用飞机制造企业都签订了长期供货合同。提出了:“创一流企业,更好、更快、更灵活地为用户服务,想用户所想,急用户所急”的经营理念口号。  相似文献   
针对采用瑞士SOLO工业炉技术生产的国产底装料立式多用炉,进行了性能测试、工艺试验和典型件生产试验.结果表明,国产底装料立式多用炉具有气氛转换快,控制精度高等优点,适应多种热处理工艺和高质量、各种批量热处理生产.  相似文献   
Expandable graphite (EG) coating and ammonium polyphosphate-pentaerythritol-melamine (APP-PER-MEL) coating were prepared. Thermal degradation and char formation of the coatings were investigated by differential thermal analysis (DTA), thermogravimetry (TG), X-ray diffraction (XRD), scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS). The results have shown that the anti-oxidation and fire-resistant properties of expandable graphite coating containing EG with size of 74 μm are better than those of APP-PER-MEL coating. The static immersion test was applied to study water resistance of the coatings, and the fire protection test and mechanical test were used to analyse heat insulation and mechanical properties of coatings before and after water immersion. The fire-resistant and mechanical properties of APP-PER-MEL coating were severely damaged by water immersion, whereas EG coating containing 8.5% EG with size of 74 μm could retain the good fire resistance even after 500 h water immersion.  相似文献   
用发生炉煤气进行快速热风烤窑的应用王善波,王志军(山东荣成市玻搪工程有限公司264309)ProducerGasUsedforFastHeatingupTankFurnace¥WangShanbo;WangZhijun(ShandongRongche...  相似文献   
轻质碳酸钙生产节能探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
钟慧斌 《广州化工》1995,23(3):43-46
本文从轻质碳酸钙厂的碳化、脱水、烘干过程,如何挖掘节能潜力,提高经济效益,列出较详细的各种不同工艺参数,并绘制出不同工艺参数与能耗关系曲线图,进行耗能与经济效益对比分析。  相似文献   
本文利用漫反射傅立叶交换红外光谱法、扫描电镜法和溶度参数法研究了J-116结构胶粘剂和QY8911树脂之间的相容性.  相似文献   
A simplified mathematical model leading to a closed form of solution is developed for estimation of nitric oxide emission from a coal fired circulating fluidized bed (CFB) furnace. The furnace is divided into two sections: a lower section below and an upper section above the secondary air injection level. Reactions in the cyclone and the return leg are neglected. Furnace dimensions, coal feed rate, coal composition and furnace temperature are inputs to the model which was validated against several pilot scale and commercial units. Experimental results from two pilot plants and two commercial power plants agree with model predictions. A sensitivity analysis was carried out using the model to examine the effect of different operating parameters and coal properties on the overall NO emission from the furnace. It was found that excess air and furnace temperature are most important factors influencing the NO emission level. The primary to secondary air ratio influences the NO emission level reasonably. Properties of coal are other factors which affect the NO emission to a large extent. The model, though it invovles some simplification, predicts the overall emission of NO with a level of accuracy accepted in commercial operation.  相似文献   
成套节电技术在工业电阻炉中的应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
介绍了采用全纤维、双炉台、高发射率涂料、保护增强涂料、定向增强辐射加热元件、自动炉门压紧机构、移动罩式等技术制造的节能电阻炉的结构特点和节能原理。结果表明 ,用此技术制造的炉子减少了炉衬的蓄热损失和散热损失 ,提高了电炉加热能力和炉口的密封程度 ;该炉炉温均匀性好 ,升温速度快 ,节能效果显著 ,在此炉中进行轴承钢球化退火的单位能耗仅为 2 10kW·h/t左右。  相似文献   
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