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幽默是语言文化发展到一定阶段的产物,是人类智慧的结晶,它以诙谐的手法和深刻的寓意,展现语言文化的魅力。文化差异视角下的英汉幽默语的比较研究,主要从文化背景对幽默语内容、对象、目的、特点的影响以及思维方式在幽默语表达手法上的体现两个方面进行比较研究,以进一步分析英汉幽默语的差异,减少沟通障碍。  相似文献   
赵本山的小品妇孺皆知,蜚声海外,被观众誉为"红笑星"、"小品王"、"东方卓别林"、"中国笑星"等美誉。本文试从奥斯汀言语行为理论的角度来分析其幽默,解读其如何在言语行为的每个层面上制造幽默、展示语言魅力。  相似文献   
运用汉斯.威密尔提出的目的论作为全文的理论基础框架,选用典型的英语语言幽默实例展开分析,来探求一些切实可行的幽默的翻译策略。整个翻译行为的目的是决定翻译过程最重要的准则。因此,在翻译英语言语幽默时,只要翻译策略能够达到在目标语读者中引发笑声的最终目的,这种翻译策略才有效可行。  相似文献   
作为60年代中期流行于美国的一个重要文学流派,黑色幽默体现了二战后西方文学发展的一种倾向。《第二十二条军规》是约瑟夫.海勒最重要的作品,也是黑色幽默的代表作。这部伟大的小说展现在人们眼前的是一幅没有丝毫感伤成分的战争画卷,充满血腥、官僚政治及其荒谬与疯狂的犹如梦魇般的喧嚣。作者借小说中典型人物的荒诞与无能来批判军中官僚主义的腐败无能。  相似文献   
钱钟书与王小波作品中的幽默艺术既有相同性又有差异性。相同性表现在:他们以独到的视角观察社会,以理性的思考探究现象的本质,以讽刺幽默的语言揭露现实社会的矛盾与悲剧,字里行间既流露出含蓄蕴藉,同时又有哲理思辨。差异性表现在:二人的幽默无论是表现手法、语言,还是其中所蕴含的思想都存在明显差异。通过对二人幽默艺术的分析,可以为幽默艺术在当代杂文作品中的应用提供参考。  相似文献   
Practical jokes belong to the category of disparagement humor and they have been extensively investigated by social scientists for decades. Nevertheless, the available empirical results pertain mostly to human-to-human situations and little is known on the effects of pranks in the computer-mediated environment (CME). As CME encourages different patterns of reactions and behaviors than non-CME, the present study provides an experimental evaluation of consumer responses to brands that use practical jokes in their social media communication. The results reveal that high-disparagement pranks may significantly hurt brand perceptions and decrease brand affect. This effect is better predicted by prior brand attitudes than usage (i.e., the more favorable predisposition to a brand, the higher probability that a high-disparagement prank will produce a lower brand affect). No significant impact of low-disparagement pranks was found on subsequent brand responses. The findings will help scholars and practitioners in understanding this new phenomenon and in maximizing returns from humor online.  相似文献   
米兰·昆德拉小说创作的独特之处体现在三个方面:一是作品的思想性,他认为“思想”是借以进行“存在之思”的必经之路;二是作品的复调艺术,文体杂糅与时空轮回是昆德拉式复调艺术的表现形式,也是其特色所在;三是作品的幽默艺术,题材的幽默化设置和人物与背景关系的幽默化设置是昆德拉式幽默艺术的两条实现途径。  相似文献   
本文就什么是广告中的幽默策略、为什么运用幽默策略及运用的表现手法展开了阐述。"幽默策略"作为国际广告界公认的"法宝",我们要大胆借鉴和尝试,努力结合我们传统文化中的优秀元素进行创新。在中国商品经济处于起始和制度法规不完善状态时,我们的广告只能成为经济发展的推动力,而不是群魔乱舞的混乱阻力。我们并不缺乏"幽默感",只是历史的车轮让我们多了几分踌躇和谨慎。现今的中国人已不再被历史所束缚,我们的文化、思想、经济已翻开了崭新的一页。  相似文献   
滑稽与诙谐是当今幽默广告中两大基本的喜剧性因素,二者虽互有联系,但滑稽显,而诙谐隐,在实现喜剧效果、传达信息的过程中二者实有诸多不同的特征、形式与功用。文章侧重视觉表现的角度,对其进行讨论,以期抛砖引玉引起同仁的更多思考与探讨,也冀望更多中外优秀幽默广告的不断面世。  相似文献   
Humor in advertising is known to enhance product liking, but this attitude change is often considered nonpredictive of product choice. Previous research relied exclusively on explicit self-report measures to assess attitudes and purchase intentions. The present research shows that unobtrusive association of a product with humor can affect persuasion through implicit attitude change. Participants viewed humorous and nonhumorous cartoons in a mock-up magazine. One of two products was consistently presented in the vicinity of the humorous cartoons, whereas the other product was consistently presented in the vicinity of the nonhumorous cartoons. The results of an evaluative priming task showed enhanced evaluations of products paired with humor (Experiment 1, 2, and 3). Furthermore, these enhanced evaluations mediated the relation between association with humor and product choice (Experiment 2 and 3). Paradoxically, products paired with humor were also less recognized than the control products (Experiments 2 and 3). In summary, the present research demonstrates that mere association with humor enhances product evaluations and product choice in a way that is dissociated from the accessibility of the product in memory. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   
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