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认为固相表面短程引力场对其邻近气相分子有加速作用这个提法不妥,并假定在不发生吸附且忽略分子间作用力的条件下,用统计热力学的结果讨论了非刚性固相表面短程引力场作用下,固-气相界面的气体分布及其施于固相表面之压力。  相似文献   
Modeling mercury speciation is an important requirement for estimating harmful emissions from coal-fired power plants and developing strategies to reduce them. First-principle models based on chemical, kinetic, and thermodynamic aspects exist, but these are complex and difficult to develop. The use of modern data-based machine learning techniques has been recently introduced, including neural networks. Here we propose an alternative approach using abductive networks based on the group method of data handling (GMDH) algorithm, with the advantages of simplified and more automated model synthesis, automatic selection of significant inputs, and more transparent input–output model relationships. Models were developed for predicting three types of mercury speciation (elemental, oxidized, and particulate) using a small dataset containing six inputs parameters on the composition of the coal used and boiler operating conditions. Prediction performance compares favourably with neural network models developed using the same dataset, with correlation coefficients as high as 0.97 for training data. Network committees (ensembles) are proposed as a means of improving prediction accuracy, and suggestions are made for future work to further improve performance.  相似文献   
遥感技术在全球变化研究中的应用   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7       下载免费PDF全文
首先通过全球卫星遥感监测系统的介绍,阐述了遥感技术在全球环境数据获取中的重要性。然后概述了遥感技术在土地覆盖、痕量气体,湿地以及地表参数反演等全球变化研究热点问题中的应用及进展情况,遥感技术已渗入到全球变化研究诸多领域,成为全球变化研究计划的重要组成部分,从辅到主要手段乃至某些问题研究的唯一手段,遥感技术发挥着越来越重要的作用。  相似文献   
为了减少CO爆炸给国民经济造成的巨大损伤,提出了一种能够快速地监测环境空气中痕量CO的气体传感器。由于CO分子基频吸收谱带的吸收线强要比泛频带和组合频带的吸收线强高出2~3个数量级,选择激射中心波长为4.65μm中红外量子级联激光器(QCL)作为光源,同时再配合长光程Herriott气室提高了CO体积分数检测下限。同时,该传感器采用单光源双探测器差分光学结构,消除了电调制光源所带来的不稳定性。实验表明:该传感器CO体积分数检测下限为2×10-6,并且操作人员可以通过替换在不同波长下运行的中红外QCL来测量其它气体。  相似文献   
汽车尾气用催化剂载体研究现状及展望   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
汽车尾气催化净化器中,催化剂载体是实现高效尾气净化的一个关键因素。本文综述了对尾气净化催化剂载体的要求和研究现状。并提出导电型复合陶瓷是今后尾气净化载体材料研究和发展的一个新型方向。  相似文献   
报道了采用含硫化物废碱液净化处理AS煤气脱硫系统克劳斯尾气的中试研究结果。中试装置设计能力为200m^3/h,实际处理能力最高可达240m^3/h,试验表明,在pH值为8.5-9.0,反应温度为70摄氏度左右,采用含硫化物废碱液脱除AS系统克劳斯尾气中SO2,同时生成H2S是适合的,在试验条件下,SO2脱除率>98%,总硫脱除率>98%,由于尾气中CO2参与了系统的化学平衡,实际H2S转化率比理论值高,并使最终以硫磺形式从废碱液中回收硫化物成为可能,该技术对AS煤气脱硫系统用户来说,经济社会效益尤其明显。  相似文献   
The oxygen vacancy levels as a factor on different gadolinia-doped ceria interlayer (GDCi) films deposited on yttria stabilized zirconia (YSZ) electrolyte substrates by an atmospheric pressure plasma jet (APPJ) via precursor solution of nitrate salts are investigated. Focusing on the effect of carrier gases, scanning electron microscopy (SEM), Raman, and X-ray diffraction (XRD) are implemented for the materials characterization of the as-deposited GDCi films and sintered-GDCi films at various temperatures. The higher level of oxygen vacancies in GDCi films adhered on 8YSZ electrolyte are evidently analyzed using Ar as the carrier gas during the deposition, of which the interdiffusion resulted in the formation of (GDC + YSZ) solid solution for sintering over 1300?°C degraded the total conductivity. The deposition of GDCi films on 8YSZ by APPJ method using O2 carrier gas significantly improved the total conductivities of the whole electrolyte layers. Moreover, this study provides the useful insight into the oxygen vacancy levels on GDC films as interlayer (GDCi) to improve the values of open circuit voltage in LSM/GDCi/YSZ/Pt full-cell, as well as offering the efficiency of APPJ as one step deposition process.  相似文献   
Soret-driven species transport causes concentration non-uniformities in the immediate vicinity of ‘cold’ surfaces immersed in undersaturated vapor-containing streams. These concentration non-uniformities, in turn, alter corresponding condensation onset temperatures, often by as much as 30 K (i.e., ca. 3%) in previously studied, near-atmospheric pressure combustion systems [see, e.g., Rosner, D.E. and Nagarajan, R., 1985. Chemical Engineering Science 40 (2), 177]. Because high-pressures often cause remarkable increases in the relevant binary Soret factor, αT,12, we investigate here the importance of these vapor phase ‘transport’ effects for ‘compressed’ N2 streams containing dilute quantities of an alkane: C12H26 (n-dodecane) or C8H18 (n-octane). We invoke the virial equation of state (VES) to predict gas phase non-ideality, and its appreciable effect on previously available ideal gas Soret factors. Our illustrative numerical results, valid for, say, nominally 1000 K N2 streams up to pressures of over 100 atm, reveal that high-pressure Soret ‘shifts’ in Tdp can amount to ca. 80%, even at surface temperatures above the equilibrium freezing points of these condensates. We conclude that these high-pressure vapor phase transport phenomena will not only influence the interpretation of such hot gas/‘cold’ surface ‘dew-point’ measurements, they will significantly raise the temperatures at which containment or immersed surfaces must be maintained to avoid the ravages of corrosive or insulating inorganic condensates [Rosner, D.E., Chen, B.K., Fryburg, G.C., Kohl, F.J., 1979. Combustion Science and Technology 20, 87; Rosner, D.E., 1988a. Invited paper, Benjamin G. Levich Memorial Issue of Journal of Physico-Chemical Hydrodynamics 10 (5/6), 663]. In principle, the present theory could itself be used to study the pressure dependence of the binary Soret factor—at least for systems with well-characterized saturation vapor pressures.  相似文献   
微生物法处理含硫工业废气   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
指出了含硫工业废气传统处理方法的缺陷 ,介绍了微生物处理方法的优势所在 ;对微生物菌种的共同特征以及无机硫和有机硫脱除时菌种的选择依据进行了讨论 ,并对微生物法脱硫的机理进行了分析 ;评述了国内外生物滤池法、生物滴滤池法和生物吸收法等生物膜法脱硫的工艺及其工业化应用。指出了微生物法脱硫技术有待深入研究的问题、发展趋势和应用前景。  相似文献   
郝爱香 《现代化工》2013,33(6):32-35
生物法净化含硫化氢废气作为替代常规脱硫的新技术日益得到广泛的关注。着重介绍并比较了Shell-Paques工艺和Bio-SR工艺2种生物脱硫工业化技术;结合工业应用,评述了影响生物脱硫技术的2大核心因子,脱硫微生物菌种及生物反应器;最后指出了微生物法脱硫技术有待深入探索的问题与发展趋势。  相似文献   
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