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解文方 《纺织高校基础科学学报》1993,(3)
根据直接作用模型,采用DWBA方法,对~(10)B的快中子非弹性散射的一组实验数据进行分析,获得了与实验数据比较符合的结果及一组参数.由所得的参数计算了~(10)B(n,n')~(10)B~* 0.717 MeV激发态和入射中子能量在7.54 MeV~20 MeV区间的非弹性散射的积分截面和角分布,补充了实验缺少的数据. 相似文献
加氢反应器接管裂纹的疲劳扩展分析 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
全性,该扩展方程的计算结果具有较好的准确性和可靠度,可用于该钢种的裂纹疲劳扩展预测和安全评估 相似文献
全性,该扩展方程的计算结果具有较好的准确性和可靠度,可用于该钢种的裂纹疲劳扩展预测和安全评估 相似文献
This paper reports on two nuclear astrophysics experiments performed in collabora- tion with Ruhr University. In a 12C+2C fusion reaction, the 12C(12C, a)20e and 12C(12C, p)23Na reactions were studied in the energy range of E = 2.10 MeV to 4.75 MeV using -y-ray spectroscopy. The deduced astrophysical S(E)* factor exhibited a new, strong resonance at E -= 2.14 MeV, which lay at the high-energy tail of the Gamow peak. The resonance increased the reaction rate of the ~-channel by a factor of five near T = 8 ~ l0s K. The electron screening in d(d, p)t was stud- ied for a series of deuterated metal, insulator and semiconductor targets. Compared with the measurements performed with a gaseous D2 target, a large effect was observed in most metals, while a comparatively small effect was found in the insulators and semiconductors. Subsequently the temperature dependence of the electron screening in the d(d, p)t reaction was studied for the deuterated metals Pt and Co. Enhanced electron screening decreased with increasing tempera- ture. These data represent the first observations of the temperature dependence of a nuclear cross section. 相似文献
The core snubber, as a passive protection device, can suppress arc current and absorb stored energy in stray capacitance during the electrical breakdown in accelerating electrodes of ITER NBI. In order to design the core snubber of ITER, the control parameters of the arc peak current have been firstly analyzed by the Fink-Baker-Owren (FBO) method, which are used for designing the DIIID 100 kV snubber. The B-H curve can be derived from the measured voltage and current waveforms, and the hysteresis loss of the core snubber can be derived using the revised parallelogram method. The core snubber can be a simplified representation as an equivalent parallel resistance and inductance, which has been neglected by the FBO method. A simulation code including the parallel equivalent resistance and inductance has been set up. The simulation and experiments result in dramatically large arc shorting currents due to the parallel inductance effect. The case shows that the core snubber utilizing the FBO method gives more compact design. 相似文献
中国核电发展战略研究 总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8
叶奇蓁 《电网与水力发电进展》2010,26(1):3-9
中国能源资源品种丰富,人均占有量较少;能源资源结构不尽合理;能源资源分布与生产力布局不平衡。核电作为清洁能源,其基本特性决定了在应对能源挑战中有能力发挥无可替代的重要作用,我国在现阶段发展核电是调整能源布局的有效途径。中国核电已形成规模化批量化发展格局。二代改进型压水堆核电站随着技术的发展和运行经验的反馈.逐步引入新的成熟技术,使核电站的安全性得到进一步的提高。更应积极消化吸收第三代核电技术,使其安全目标更高、技术更先进。加快开发快中子增殖堆核电站、构建核燃料循环体系.可以将铀资源的利用率由普通的热堆的不足1%。提高到60%~70%,从而有效防止铀资源枯竭的威胁。 相似文献
为了研究不同冷冻方式对淡水鱼品质的影响,以鮰鱼、鲈鱼、鳜鱼为研究对象,采用-30?℃平板、-80?℃冰箱和-80?℃液氮分别对鮰鱼、鲈鱼、鳜鱼进行冷冻处理,考察了不同冷冻方式对鮰鱼、鲈鱼和鳜鱼的解冻损失率、加压失水率、蒸煮损失率、pH值、色泽、韧性、微观组织结构、水分分布等指标。结果表明:经过-30?℃平板冷冻、-80?℃冰箱和-80?℃液氮处理后,同种淡水鱼解冻损失率、加压失水率、蒸煮损失率呈现下降趋势,其韧性呈现增大趋势,pH值无显著性变化,细胞间隙呈现下降趋势;对于同种淡水鱼,-30?℃平板冷冻组的白度最高,-80?℃冰箱和-80?℃液氮组间无显著差异(P>0.05);低场核磁共振结果表明,对于同种淡水鱼,相对其他两种冷冻方式,-30?℃平板冷冻处理组样品的不可移动水(T22)含量下降,自由水(T23)含量显著升高(P<0.05);对于不同淡水鱼,经同种冷冻方式处理后其相关指标间差异性较小。从冷冻速率和品质考虑,选择-80?℃冰箱和-80?℃液氮处理更有利于保持淡水鱼的品质。 相似文献
CNP650型压水堆的主管道作为反应堆压力容器堆芯冷却剂的通道,是连接反应堆压力容器、主泵和蒸汽发生器的大型厚壁承压管道.主管道焊接施工是核岛主设备安装的关键路径,是核电建设的重点与难点.焊接工艺评定所提供的数据与焊接经验,对确保主管道焊接施工一次成功,起着非常重要的作用.泰山核电二期扩建工程CNP650型核电站主管道手工焊接工艺评定从模拟现场焊接施工的条件、焊接过程管理、理化试验、焊接变形等方面进行控制,以获得符合技术规范对熔敷金属无损检测、理化性能的要求.焊接工艺评定过程控制为主管道焊接施工提供先决条件. 相似文献