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应用黄金分割法优化计算二甲苯氯化反应的相对速度常数。与文献报道方法比较,参数调优法缩短了测定时间,并且可减小计算值与实测值偏差的平方和。 相似文献
CO(A1Π,v=0-e3Σ-,v=1)-HCl体系中的碰撞诱导量子干涉效应已经在静态池中被观测到,且测量到的干涉相位角分别是101°(J=12)和110°(J=13),此结果实际上是对各种可能碰撞参数和碰撞能量的加权平均.为探知被积分效应掩盖的动力学信息,分析微分干涉相位角对于碰撞参数(b)和碰撞相对速度(v)的依赖关系.结果表明,对物理上有意义的b和v,CO-HCl体系的微分干涉相位角分布在93°~116°范围,都是大于90°的钝角,说明不存在正干涉和负干涉相互抵消的问题,平均效应不严重. 相似文献
临界入口流量是旋流分离一体化设备设计和制造的主要数据,但目前对其机理没有明确的认识,使得临界入口流量的确定比较困难.分析认为,可利用入口流量和流速控制两相的相对速度,归纳出液气混合体系设备的临界入口流量和关联式,为有热质传递和分离一体化设备的设计和制造提供理论依据. 相似文献
Due to the special structure of offshore multiphase pipes, it is easy for severe slugging to occur in the riser at low gas-liquid velocity. Violent pressure fluctuations and dramatic changes of flow rate are the main characteristics of severe slugging, leading to the risk of serious damage. In this paper, the separator control is adopted to accurately control the separator liquid level and pressure under severe slugging flow conditions. This indicates that the separator liquid level control alone does not have a significant impact on the upstream flow, but it is beneficial for normal operation and pressure control of the separator. As the separator pressure increases, the peak pressure in the riser apparently diminishes, and the amplitude of pressure fluctuation gradually decreases, which means that severe slugging is inhibited. During the slug blowing out, the gas/liquid slipping in the riser intensifies. The long gas plug quickly flows through the riser, and then tends to morph into short and slowly flowing gas bubbles. The elimination effect of the pressure control strategy on severe slugging is related to the relative rate of the superficial gas/liquid flow. 相似文献
模式识别在预探井钻前储层预测中的应用 总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2
在开钻之前,预探构造上除了地震测网和地震剖面外,几乎再没有其它能够揭示地下储层性质的探测资料.鉴于钻前储层预测的巨大意义,本文将模式识别引入到这个领域,力图通过“由已知到未知”这一途径来预测预探井内的岩性分布.实际资料证实,这种方法具有明显的使用价值. 相似文献
利用四元数计算一般空间啮合的相对速度 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
只利用四元数的代数式和三角式,完成了一般条件下空间啮合相对速度的计算,完全不借肋其它数学工具。这是试图把四元数方法引入空间啮合原理研究的一种尝试。 相似文献