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The antioxidant activities of crude methanolic extract (CME) and its fractions using ethyl acetate (EAF), hexane (HF) and water (WF) of black cumin seedcake were investigated. DPPH radical scavenging activity, β-carotene–linoleate bleaching, and inhibition of corn oil oxidation were used to evaluate the antioxidant capacity. The total phenolics were found to be 78.8, 27.8, 32.1 and 12.1 mg gallic acid equivalents (GAE)/g in EAF, CME, WF and HF, respectively. The CME and EAF exhibited the highest DPPH followed by WF and HF. The extract/fractions showed high effect on reducing the oxidation of β-carotene. The effect of extract/fractions on the oxidative stability of corn oil at 70 °C was tested in the dark and compared with butylated hydroxyanisole (BHA). The oil peroxide and anisidine values were generally lower with addition of PRFs in comparison to a control. The predominant phenolic compounds identified by HPLC–DAD in CME and WF of black cumin seedcake were hydroxybenzoic, syringic and p-cumaric acids.  相似文献   
为进一步研究RNM介导的△^12-脂肪酸脱饱和酶(FAD2)干扰基因对油菜内源以砚基因表达的影响,以油菜肌动蛋白(β-Actin)基因为内参照基因,提取转基因油菜幼嫩种子总RNA,通过半定量RT-PCR检测内源FAD2基因的相对表达量。结果表明,T1,T3代转基因种子中FAD2基因的相对表达量与对照相比明显降低。对T3代种子的油酸含量的分析表明,转基因油菜种子中油酸的含量比野生型增加了13.90到32.20个百分点,直接说明RNAi干扰体下调了FAD2基因的表达。因此,种子内源表达的FAD2基因被RNAi干扰体有效沉默,并且产生了能够稳定遗传两代的表型变化。  相似文献   
果汁是用新鲜或冷藏水果作为原料,经加工制成的成品或一类饮料产品.果汁经过滤后果肉组织 (包括膳食纤维、果胶、少量蛋白质等) 虽然有所损失,但是水溶性营养成分 (比如维生素C) 几乎都保留着,本文是从对果汁的贮藏保鲜的角度进行的综述.首先介绍了CO2是常温常压下无色无臭无毒有酸味的气体,并且溶于水生成碳酸,化学性质比较稳定,使用安全价格低廉等基本性质以及在食品 (果蔬及肉制品等) 保鲜中的应用,然后介绍了充入二氧化碳使环境处于低氧低pH的情况下,微生物生长繁殖受到抑制以及酶的活性降低这一贮藏的基本原理,接着介绍了自然气调法和置换气调法这两种充入二氧化碳的方法,并概括了CO2贮藏果汁的国内外研究进展,最后对这一贮藏技术进行了展望,表明进一步研究二氧化碳贮藏食品是有必要的.  相似文献   
The herbicide-tolerant transgenic rapeseed Topas 19/2 (synonym HCN92) has been approved for environmental release in Canada, Japan, Australia and the USA, and exported to a number of other countries as raw material. The purpose of this study was to establish event-specific qualitative and quantitative detection methods for Topas 19/2. The 3′-integration junction sequence spanning the host plant DNA and the integrated transgene of the Topas 19/2 event was isolated and identified. The event-specific qualitative detection method was established to produce an amplicon of 110 basepairs (bp) with an absolute detection limit of 10 initial template copies. The event-specific quantitative detection method was developed with the limit of detection (LOD) and limit of quantification (LOQ) being approximately 5 and 50 initial template copies, respectively. The developed real-time PCR systems were assessed using two mixed rapeseed samples with known Topas 19/2 contents. Expected results were obtained.  相似文献   
吲哚美辛对荷瘤小鼠抗肿瘤作用机制的实验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
陈春梅  张彩霞  刁尧  董薇 《同位素》2006,19(1):22-28
用微观放射自显影技术及免疫组化法探讨了非甾体类抗炎药吲哚美辛(IN)对Lewis肺癌的生长抑制作用机制。结果显示:与对照组相比,实验组IN的抑瘤率为55.05%;IN可显著下调Bcl-2蛋白的表达(t=6.154,P<0.001),对Bax蛋白的表达没有明显影响(t=2.101,P>0.05)。放射自显影结果显示,在肿瘤细胞的细胞膜、细胞浆及细胞核中均有黑色银颗粒分布,且在用药后12 h时肿瘤组织中的平均银颗粒数高于4、7、243、6 h时。以上结果表明,IN可抑制Lewis肺癌的生长,其机制与下调抗凋亡蛋白Bcl-2的表达及降低Bcl-2/Bax的比值有关;IN可进入到肿瘤细胞内发挥抗肿瘤作用。  相似文献   
通过利用公开发表的聚酯(PET)碳足迹研究报告和再生塑料生命周期分析研究论文所采用的研究案例及结果,就废弃PET4种常见的回收利用方式对碳减排和气候变化影响进行定性研究。从研究结论看,依据目前的技术条件,在所选择的4种回收处理方法中,物理(机械)法PET的再生利用是降低对气候变化影响和碳减排较好的选择。  相似文献   
Fish protein hydrolysates from three freshwater carps, Catla catla, Labeo rohita and Cirrhinus mrigala with different degree of hydrolysis (DH) (5%, 10%, 15% and 20%), were prepared using Flavorzyme enzyme and designated as HCF, HRF and HMF, respectively. The angiotensin I‐converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitory activity of hydrolysates was found to vary from 43 ± 2% to 71 ± 3%. Based on ACE inhibitory activity, HRF with DH‐15% was taken up for further study. The mode of ACE activity inhibition by HRF‐DH 15% was mixed type as revealed by Lineweaver–Burk plot. Sequential digestion of HRF‐DH 15% using pepsin and pancreatin decreased the ACE inhibitory activity from 76% to 63%. Partial purification of HRF‐DH 15% by size exclusion chromatography gave three different fractions designated as F‐1, F‐2 and F‐3 with the molecular mass in the range of 6456–407 Da. Fraction 2 had significantly higher ACE inhibitory activity than the other fractions.  相似文献   
 The growth and activity of two Lactococcus strains and one Leuconostoc strain in CO2-acidified and non-acidified refrigerated milk were evaluated separately and as a mixed culture to determine their suitability for use as a starter in the manufacture of Afuega’l Pitu, an acid-coagulated Spanish cheese, from refrigerated CO2-acidified milk. The growth of the strains studied and their production of organic acids were similar in CO2-acidified and non-acidified refrigerated or fresh milk, indicating that CO2 treatment does not affect the metabolic activity of the strains. However, refrigeration enhanced the production of acetaldehyde, ethanol and diacetyl in CO2-acidified and non-acidified milk. The level of diacetyl was also greater in refrigerated CO2-acidified milk than in refrigerated non-acidified milk. It was concluded that refrigerated milk acidified with CO2 can be satisfactorily used in the manufacture of Afuega’l Pitu cheese, and that this technique can be also used in the production of other acid-coagulated cheeses. Received: 1 July 1997 / Revised version: 1 September 1997  相似文献   
负载型非晶态Ni-B/SiO2合金对芥酸加氢催化性能研究   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3  
研究了负载型非晶态Ni B/SiO2 合金催化剂对芥酸加氢制备山嵛酸的催化性能。结果表明 ,Ni B/SiO2 对芥酸加氢具有很高的活性 ,且稳定性较高 ,其催化性能优于非负载Ni B非晶态合金和RaneyNi催化剂。  相似文献   
Although farming and consuming of soft‐shelled turtle has been practised for centuries, the aroma‐impact compounds in the meat have not been determined. Furthermore, matrix pH, usually changing during processing and storage stage, was rarely investigated for the influence on volatile profiles. To these aims, soft‐shelled turtle meat was subjected to different pH conditions and the potential volatile compounds were analysed under different extraction conditions by headspace solid‐phase microextraction (HS‐SPME). A total of forty‐three volatiles were identified; in which, nonanal, (E, E)‐2, 4‐heptadienal, octanal, decanal, hexanal, (E)‐2‐nonenal, heptanal, 1‐octen‐3‐ol and o‐xylene were assigned as aroma‐impact compounds by high relative odour activity value (ROAV). Overly basic or acidic pH significantly (< 0.05) facilitated the release of volatiles under moderate extraction conditions. The total volatilisation increased by 30.1% to 298% in pH‐shifted samples, while the highest one was found in pH 2 or pH 11. However, the results of principal components analysis (PCA) demonstrated that increased extraction time or temperature hindered the pH enhancement.  相似文献   
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