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本文采用热水浸提、醇沉法提取苔干多糖,对苔干多糖提取工艺和一般理化性质进行了研究。选择浸提固液比、温度和时间作为单因素进行梯度实验,确定其条件范围,再通过正交实验L9(34)进一步确定苔干水溶性粗多糖最佳提取工艺条件。结果表明最佳提取工艺为:固液比1:40、浸提温度90℃、浸提时间3h、反复浸提2次。理化性质结果表明提取的苔干多糖中含有多肽或氨基酸,为蛋白质复合多糖。  相似文献   
国产DCS在造纸行业的应用不多,尤其是在洗选漂工段更少应用,本文从项目背景、项目概况及项目实现等方面详细介绍了浙江中控的JX-300X在造纸业洗选漂工段上的应用。  相似文献   
为了了解普洱茶茶褐素的组成,对从普洱茶中提取的茶褐素进行了分离。通过比较不同树脂对茶褐素的吸附与解吸能力,选择AB-8大孔树脂对普洱茶茶褐素进行分离,得到TBs P1和TBs P2两个组分;进一步利用DEAE-52纤维素柱对TBs P1组分进行分离,得到6个组分;对茶褐素组分TBs P1、TBs P2以及TBs P1分离得到的6个组分的总糖、总酚和蛋白质的含量进行了分析,并进一步对各组分的单糖组成进行了分析。结果表明:不同组分的茶褐素其总糖、总酚和蛋白质的含量有一定的区别,TBs P1分离得到的4个主要组分单糖组成相似,含量不同,与从普洱茶生产原料晒青毛茶中提取的水溶性色素的单糖组成和含量有较大的差异。   相似文献   
High power ultrasonic energy at 20%, 40% and 60% amplitude was applied on whey protein suspension at concentrations of 100, 150 and 200 g kg?1 for 5, 15 and 25 min to improve its foaming quality. Ultrasound‐treated whey protein suspension at 200 g kg?1 showed improvement in terms of increased foaming capacity by 18%, foam stability by 35%, consistency index by 18%, storage modulus by 17%, loss modulus by 26% and viscosity by 21% compared with untreated whey protein. For maximally ultrasound‐treated samples of 60% amplitude treated for 25 min, the improved whey protein foams also had a 46% increase in the number of more evenly distributed fine bubbles which had a size smaller than 0.0025 mm3 as imaged using X‐ray microtomography.  相似文献   
Retrogradation of gelatinised starch is the main phenomenon that influences the texture of MiGao (rice cake). The hardness of the MiGao increased during stored at 25 °C for 5 days. Rapid visco analyser (RVA), Fourier transform infrared (FT‐IR) spectroscopy and X‐ray were quantified to analysis the retrogradation behaviour of MiGao. The most significant change in the pasting curve was the increase in peak viscosity over time measured with an RVA. FT‐IR indicated changes in crystallinity of the MiGao crumb. The X‐ray diffraction patterns could be classified as typical of A‐type starch for the fresh MiGao. With aging, the B‐type structure increases, while the A‐type structure remains virtually unchanged. All the results suggested that the main mechanism underlying the changes in properties is suggested to be slow amylopectin crystallisation.  相似文献   
AH,B,X的甜味分子识别及其理论扩展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
AH,B,X甜味三角理论是目前最有效的甜味学说,它成功解释了三氯蔗糖等强力甜味剂的作用机理,对食品工业具有重要的现实指导意义。但它同时也存在一些缺陷。对此,本在AH,B基团的性质、疏水基团X的性质、分子内氢键、空间要求等方面对其进行扩充,以期使之更为完善。  相似文献   
This paper examines some of the special considerations which apply to the development of such software for minicomputers. These are treated under the following general categories:
  • loading and throughput
  • the external interfaces of the system software
  • the internal structure of the system software
  • developing the software
.  相似文献   
A variety of xenobiotics are taken in the diet and they can interfere with regulatory pathways of drug metabolizing enzymes in humans. This can result in food-drug interactions, which is undesirable clinical situation where drug pharmacokinetics are influenced by dietary compounds. Xenobiotics-mediated food-drug interactions include the induction of drug metabolizing cytochromes P450. The expression of the most important inducible cytochromes CYP1A and CYP3A4 are regulated by xenoreceptors PXR and AhR.We examined extracts from 17 different flavoured ready to drink teas (RDTs) for their capabilities to activate PXR and AhR receptors and to induce CYP3A4 and CYP1A genes. Primary cultures of human hepatocytes and cancer cell lines HepG2 and LS174T were used as in vitro models. Gene reporter assays, RT-PCR and Western blots were performed.We identified three RDTs that induced CYP3A4 mRNA and protein, implying a potential for food-drug interactions. Several RDTs slightly elevated CYP1A1 expression or activated AhR.  相似文献   
新型无甲醛固色剂X对直接和活性染料的固色性能研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究了一种新型无甲醛固色剂X的合成以及它对直接染料和活性染料的浸渍法和浸轧法固色,得出各自的最佳固色工艺和固色效果.  相似文献   
在当今的数字时代,Nginx 已成为 Linux 系统上最为普及的 Web 应用服务器,占据的市场份额排第一名。由于 Nginx 在确保用户服务质量方面的作用较关键,因此,对 Nginx 性能的优化显得尤为重要。Nginx 服务器虽然广泛部署于 X86 和 ARM 两种主要的硬件架构上,但迄今为止,针对这两种架构下 Nginx 性能调优的对比分析尚为空白。该研究旨在填补这一缺口,通过对比这两种架构的系统参数自动调优效果,明确指出 X86 和 ARM 在不同场景(动态与静态请求处理)的性能差异:在动态请求处理场景中,X86 架构的第 99 百分位延迟比 ARM 低 515 ms,性能提升高达 287%。而在静态请求处理时,ARM 架构的第 99 百分位延迟比 X86 低 220 ms,性能提升高达 60%。这一发现突出了 X86 和 ARM 架构在处理不同负载时的特定优势,并明确指出了不同硬件架构对 Nginx 性能优化策略的显著影响。因此,系统管理员在针对不同硬件架构进行 Nginx 性能优化时,必须考量架构特有的静态与动态请求之间的性能差异和迭代效率,以确保最佳性能表现。  相似文献   
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