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为了解决单帧低分辨率图像获得高分辨率图像的问题,提出了一种基于非局部均值滤波的单帧图像超分辨率算法,将图像超分辨率重建视为反问题,建立正则化模型,充分考虑图像的局部结构信息和自然图像中不同尺度的相似性冗余,加入非局部滤波.实验结果表明,文中算法从单帧图像重建的图像边缘轮廓和纹理较传统算法清楚,有效抑制了人工伪影,同时对噪声具有鲁棒性.在视觉效果及峰值信噪比上都取得良好的结果.  相似文献   
Membranes consisting of two layers, one of which has a concentration-dependent permeability, may show anisotropic fluxes. In other words, the flux under a given concentration difference has a different magnitude if the direction of the concentration difference is reversed but its magnitude is unchanged. This paper develops a simple theory of this effect and verifies aspects of this theory experimentally.  相似文献   
Anisotropically conductive adhesives were developed by magnetic alignment of conductive nickel particles in a non-conductive epoxy matrix. Conductivity occurs in the direction of the magnetic field applied to the adhesive film. The effects of magnetic and conducting nickel filler type (i.e. powders, filaments, flakes, and fibers), resin viscosity, and the magnitude of aligning magnetic field on the electrical properties of the resulting anisotropic adhesive were investigated. The electrical resistance of the anisotropic adhesive was measured using the four-point probe method. The resistance of the filled adhesive decreased with increasing viscosity and the intensity of the magnetic field.  相似文献   
张彪  许传龙  王式民 《化工学报》2016,67(Z1):312-317
利用光全散射法,在独立模式下通过测量可见光不同波段下的光谱消光值反演几种常见粒径分布,其中正问题利用反常衍射近似(ADA)计算得到估计值,测量值通过Mie理论计算得到,反问题利用截断奇异值分解(TSVD)的正则化方法,并结合粒径分布非负和粒径分布积分和为1两个约束条件优化反演结果,通过数值模拟证明了带约束的TSVD方法在粒径分布的反演中具有更高的反演精度、稳定性和抗噪性。  相似文献   
In this article, a method of predicting colour appearance (from colorimetric attributes to colour‐appearance attributes, i.e., forward model) using an artificial neural network is presented. The neural network model developed is a multilayer feedforward neural network model for predicting colour appearance (FNNCAM for short). The model was trained by LUTCHI colour‐appearance datasets. The Levenberg–Marquardt algorithm is incorporated into the back‐propagation procedure to accelerate the training of FNNCAM and the Bayesian regularization method is applied to the training of neural networks to improve generalization. The results of FNNCAM obtained are quite promising. © 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Col Res Appl, 25, 424–434, 2000  相似文献   
改进的BP网络模型及其在日径流预测中的应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
尝试了基于MATLAB6.5的人工神经网络工具箱在水文日径流预测中的应用,并采用贝叶斯正则化方法改进BP网络算法,从而提高了BP网络的推广能力。将该模型应用于大渡河流域日径流的预测,取得了较好的预测效果。  相似文献   
In this paper we discuss the edge-preserving regularization method in the reconstruction of physical parameters from geophysical data such as seismic and ground-penetrating radar data. In the regularization method a potential function of model parameters and its corresponding functions are introduced. This method is stable and able to preserve boundaries, and protect resolution. The effect of regularization depends to a great extent on the suitable choice of regularization parameters. The influence of the edge-preserving parameters on the reconstruction results is investigated and the relationship between the regularization parameters and the error of data is described.  相似文献   
This article analyzes the optimal choice of the tilt angle for the solar panel in order to collect the maximum solar irradiation. In this paper, the collector surface is assumed to be facing toward equator. The study is based upon the measured values of daily global and diffuse solar radiation on a horizontal surface. It is shown that the optimal angle of tilt (βopt) for each month, allows us to collected the maximum solar energy for Madinah site. Annual optimum tilt angle is found to be approximately equal to latitude of the location. It is found that the loss in the amount of collected energy when using the yearly average fixed angle is around 8% compared with the monthly optimum tilt βopt.  相似文献   
This research is concerned with the thermoelastic deformation of a porous anisotropic right cylinder subjected to a thermal field independent of the axial coordinate. The case of a material with a plane of elastic symmetry which contains the axis of cylinder is considered. The solution of the problem is expressed in terms of solutions of some generalized plane strain problems. It is shown that the temperature field produces extension, torsion, and a plane strain. For this kind of anisotropy, an infinitesimal twist produces a variation of volume fraction field. The method is used to study the deformation of an inhomogeneous circular cylinder.  相似文献   
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