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为提高5G通信下行信道的传输稳定性,提升传输控制系统存在的控制效果,设计并开发了基于聚合等级的5G通信下行信道传输控制系统。改装DSP协处理器、通信数据采集器以及信道传输控制器,完成硬件系统的优化。根据信道的空间结构和工作原理,构建通信下行信道模型,判定通信下行信道实时状态。在该模型下,采集通信下行信道的实时传输数据,根据信道的聚合等级,分配信道传输资源。最终从信道增强、发送/接收端、传输干扰、传输速度等方面,实现系统的传输控制功能。通过系统测试实验得出结论,设计系统的传输速率控制误差、信道传输丢包量和信道拥塞概率均有所降低,即设计系统在传输控制功能方面更具优势。  相似文献   
Asymmetric traffics cause downlink–uplink asymmetric interference. It can lead to a critical unbalance between a downlink and an uplink channel qualities in cell edge areas. This paper proposes an enhanced handoff scheme including an efficient uplink channel estimation method. The proposed handoff scheme determines an appropriate handoff-timing and handoff-direction according to an estimated uplink channel quality and a measured downlink channel quality. In the proposed scheme, an uplink or downlink, whose quality dominantly affects a link failure, becomes the main handoff-criterion. An efficient uplink channel estimation method is also proposed to exploit an uplink channel quality in handoff. The proposed method estimates an uplink signal strength from the measured downlink signal strength and predicts an uplink interference based on the interference-level information from neighbor base stations. We propose two different uplink estimation modes such as the simple and the precise modes. The simple estimation mode calculates the uplink channel quality for the overall bandwidth for a general handoff process. The precise estimation mode finds the best uplink band for the handoff user who wants an elaborate handoff process. In the elaborate handoff, a target base station allocates the best uplink band to a handoff user to provide the better uplink channel quality. Simulation results show that the proposed uplink estimation method can accurately compute the uplink channel quality of neighbor cells where the estimation error rate is less than 0.7% The simulation results also show that the proposed handoff scheme reduces handoff-call-dropping probability by up to 69% compared to LTE-Advanced system. In addition, the end-to-end delay of the proposed scheme can be better than that of LTE-Advanced system by 26%.  相似文献   
孟娟  李绪志  肖立 《微计算机信息》2007,23(21):209-210,194
本文针对多星、多站、变速率、大数据量的科学卫星数据下行传输规划问题,在开机时间约束条件下,考虑任务权重,建立了多卫星规划调度模型,提出了基于贪心算法的求解模型,并以两颗科学卫星的调度问题为例,对模型和算法进行了验证.  相似文献   
We consider a broadcast channel in which the base station is equipped with multiple antennas and each user has a single antenna, and we study the design of transceivers based on Tomlinson–Harashima precoders with probabilistic quality of service (QoS) requirements for each user, in scenarios with uncertain channel state information (CSI) at the transmitter. Each user's QoS requirement is specified as a constraint on the maximum allowed outage probability of the receiver's mean square error (MSE) with respect to a specified target MSE, and we demonstrate that these outage constraints are associated with constraints on the outage of the received signal-to-interference-plus-noise-ratio (SINR). We consider four different stochastic models for the channel uncertainty, and we design the downlink transceiver so as to minimize the total transmitted power subject to the satisfaction of the probabilistic QoS constraints. We present three conservative approaches to solving the resulting chance constrained optimization problems. These approaches are based on efficiently solvable deterministic convex design formulations that guarantee the satisfaction of the probabilistic QoS constraints. We also demonstrate how to apply these approaches in order to obtain computationally efficient solutions to some related design problems. Our simulations indicate that the proposed methods can significantly expand the range of QoS requirements that can be satisfied in the presence of uncertainty in the CSI.  相似文献   
陆克思  姚建国 《电视技术》2015,39(20):22-25
针对多用户多输入多输出系统,讨论了一种多用户下行链路使用广义空间调制传输多用户信号的方案。该方案利用广义空间调制(GSM, generalized spatial modulation)技术,发送端和接收端均不需要知道信道状态信息,系统结构比较简单。同时,能有效消除信道间干扰,获得较优的系统性能。仿真分析表明,该方案在克服传统多用户MIMO系统缺点的同时,能获得较低的系统误码率。  相似文献   
该文针对多用户OFDMA移动通信下行系统,提出了基于能效优化的用户调度和资源分配方法。所提方法在满足用户服务质量(QoS)要求的前提下,以最大化系统能效为准则建立优化模型,假设在发射端完全已知信道状态信息(CSI)的情况下,充分利用系统内在的分集,给出了用户调度与速率分配的策略,有效地提高了系统的能量使用效率。仿真结果表明,所提算法的性能在较低复杂度前提下能够取得接近最优算法的性能。  相似文献   
该文基于一种全新的基于OFDM的星载交换方案,给出了此星载交换方案的星地下行链路跨层设计工作流程和相关实现方法,此方法根据星地下行链路信号发射功率上限、关于每个地面设备的当前点波束星地下行链路信道状态、每个星地下行链路传输业务目的地、业务类型、业务传输速率要求等参数,实现在属于不同地面设备的各个星地下行链路传输业务之间自适应分配子载波并自适应配置每个子载波的调制制式,生成每个传输业务与子载波的对应关系,充分利用链路资源并满足传输业务的QoS要求。  相似文献   
该文针对存在信道估计误差的有限反馈多用户多输入多输出(MIMO)传输性能进行分析。基于量化微元逼近理论得出了多用户迫零波束赋型系统容量的下界;该下界表明:存在信道估计误差时,随着码本尺寸的增大,高信噪比条件下系统容量趋于一有限值;并且,信道估计误差越大,系统容量随码本尺寸收敛越早。进一步分析了采用多用户选择分集的系统容量性能,分析表明,当用户数量趋于无穷大时,和容量有界。该文结果和现有文献的结论不同,并经由仿真结果进行验证。  相似文献   
The downlink power control problem in W-CDMA is studied using a new near optimum power control scheme (model). The downlink cell capacity is given for both the old given by Gejji and our new model. A capacity increase of 7.5% for the special case = 0 (no orthogonality between users) and a generalization of the old model are obtained using the new model.  相似文献   
下行多用户MIMO-OFDMA/SDMA系统动态资源分配   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
该文对下行多用户MIMO-OFDMA/SDMA系统动态资源分配算法进行了研究,在满足各种约束条件的前提下,以最大化系统吞吐量为目标建立了相应的优化模型。由于最优解难以获得,将整个优化过程分两步完成,第1步定义了一个用于度量配置多根天线的用户空间兼容性的指标,并根据该指标提出了相应的调度算法;第2步提出了两种次优的资源分配算法。仿真结果表明,所提算法优于传统的随机调度算法,与功率复用策略结合时,所提算法的性能接近于基于用户选择的最优分配算法的性能。  相似文献   
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