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为减少朝鲜语古籍中的小文字错检和漏检问题,提出了一种基于HRCenterNet模型改进的朝鲜语古籍文字检测方法.首先,将HRCenterNet中Bottleneck模块的3×3卷积运算替换为Involution算子,即将Bottleneck模块替换为Involution - Bottleneck模块.其次,通过引入ECA(efficient channel attention)注意力机制扩展Involution - Bottleneck模块,并由此提出了基于IENeck模块的HRCenterNet改进模型.最后,利用朝鲜语古籍数据集对改进的HRCenterNet模型和原模型分别进行了训练,并测试了其在不同IOU下的准确率、召回率以及F1等指标.实验结果表明,在IOU ≥ 0.6时,改进的HRCenterNet模型在朝鲜语古籍数据集上的准确率、召回率和F1指标均优于原模型,且IOU值越高模型的检测效果越好.这表明改进的HRCenterNet模型显著优于原模型,可应用于朝鲜语古籍文字的检测中. 相似文献
严祥熙孔祥鲲卞博锐刘晓春刘少斌 《微波学报》2019,35(2):48-53
设计了一款极化和角度不敏感的宽带频选吸波体,在X 波段实现了宽带透射窗口以及包含L波段在内的宽频带吸收。该频选吸波体采用频率选择表面与电磁超材料吸波体相结合的方式,通过级联加载多层耦合型频率选择表面和双层高阻表面完成总体结构设计。理论上,利用等效电路法对多层耦合型频率选择表面及整体结构展开分析,论证频选结构和频选吸波体的谐振机理。数值仿真结果显示,该频选吸波体可以实现8.1~11.7GHz频段内的宽频带透射,以及1.18~4 GHz、15~18 GHz 频段内的宽频带吸收,其中透射窗口的插入损耗不大于3 dB。将该频选吸波体作为平面雷达天线罩与微带天线相结合,分析天线的辐射性能和散射特性。研究结果显示,天线在工作频带内保持了良好的辐射性能,而在带外实现了RCS 的有效缩减,达到了天线系统的隐身目的。 相似文献
柔性工作流动态行为建模方法 总被引:13,自引:2,他引:11
针对现有工作流动态行为建模柔性差的问题,研究工作流动态行为的柔性定义方法。将活动的动态行为分为自身行为、嵌套行为和协作行为。自身行为实际上是活动的状态转移的过程,通过ECA规则描述活动的状态转移图可实现自身行为的定义;活动间协作行为实质上是参与活动间状态变化关联的过程,通过定义活动间状态的关联关系并用ECA规则描述协作语义,可实现对嵌套和协作行为的细粒度柔性定义。文中提出的可扩展方法适用于复杂或特殊环境下的流程建模。 相似文献
Priority assignment in real-time active
databases 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Rajendran M. Sivasankaran John A. Stankovic Don Towsley Bhaskar Purimetla Krithi Ramamritham 《The VLDB Journal The International Journal on Very Large Data Bases》1996,5(1):19-34
Active databases and real-time databases
have been important areas of research
in the recent past. It has been recognized
that many benefits can be gained by
integrating real-time and active database technologies.
However, not much work has been
done in the area of transaction processing in real-time active
databases. This paper deals with an important aspect
of transaction processing
in real-time active databases, namely the problem of
assigning priorities to
transactions. In these systems, time-constrained
transactions trigger other
transactions during their execution. We present three policies for assigning
priorities to parent, immediate and deferred transactions executing on a
multiprocessor system and then evaluate the policies through simulation. The
policies use different amounts of semantic information about transactions to
assign the priorities. The simulator has been validated against the results of
earlier published studies. We conducted experiments in three settings: a task
setting, a main memory database setting and a disk-resident database
Our results demonstrate that dynamically changing the priorities of
transactions, depending on their behavior (triggering rules), yields a
substantial improvement in the number of triggering transactions that meet
their deadline in all three settings.
Edited by Henry F. Korth and Amith Sheth.
Received November 1994 / Accepted March 20, 1995 相似文献
基于ECA规则的工作流过程建模 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
本文介绍了以树型结构定义工作流过程模型的方法和步骤,并根据节点之间事件、状态的依赖关系导出相应的ECA规则,阐述了如何得到和实现以ECA规则表示的工作流过程模型建立一个基于事件触发规则的工作流执行过程. 相似文献
主动数据库技术在即时消息传递中的应用模型 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
为了提高即时消息传递(InstantMessaging-IM)系统的实时性和可靠性,引入主动数据库技术(aDBS)。简单介绍了aDBS的基本概念和功能结构,引入该技术对传统IM系统的模型进行改进,提出了一个新的IM体系结构;分析列举了新模型中数据库应该具有的主动功能,最后就一些具体实现问题进行了分析。IM系统的部分功能由逻辑控制层面转移到经过优化的数据库层面,对于提高系统的实时处理效率和保障数据一致性,具有有效的作用。 相似文献
Today, work collaboration is normal practice in developing modern products. Engineering collaborative work involves a number of team members that need to share and exchange design ideas while working with engineering analysis tools such as mechanical computer aided engineering systems. This work presents the M-Sync prototype system that uses an active database approach to enable exchange of engineering information among distributed team members in a timely manner. The distributed data is fully accessible by the local member and is automatically synchronised between different places using a database management system that support event-condition-action (ECA) database rules. Only updates introduced at one location are distributed to other locations, thereby minimizing information transfer and enhancing performance. Members working at different locations can therefore work in a peer-to-peer (P2P) manner and interactively manipulate the same set of information at the same time. 相似文献
电子封装无铅化技术进展(待续) 总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5
介绍了两种用于电子封装行业的无铅技术—无铅焊料和导电胶连接技术,以及这两种技术的比较和应用,指出了无铅技术的若干前沿问题。 相似文献
主动规则的并发控制与死锁处理 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
在基于规则的主动数据库系统中 ,被触发规则通常以事务模式运行 ,这些并行事务由规则耦合方式确定其开始处理时刻和可串行化提交次序 .本文根据并行事务对于共享数据对象的锁继承和锁剥夺关系 ,提出了一个并发控制算法 ,并基于事务树 (森林 )给出一个有效的死锁检测算法和具有最小代价的死锁恢复算法 . 相似文献