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We present a methodology for compiler synthesis based on Mosses-Watt's action semantics. Each action in action semantics notation is assigned specific “analysis functions”, such as a typing function and a binding-time function. When a language is given an action semantics, the typing and binding-time functions for the individual actions compose into typing and binding-time analyses for the language; these are implemented as the type checker and static semantics processor, respectively, in the synthesized compiler. Other analyses can be similarly formalized and implemented. We show a sample language semantics and its synthesized compiler, and we describe the compiler synthesizer that we have developed.  相似文献   
未知钍—铀比的误差分析   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
王维达 《核技术》1993,16(4):240-243
研究了在任意Th、U含量和Th-U比覆盖整个范围(即0≤Th/U≤∝)时总α计数率对年剂量的转换因子及其误差。结果表明,当不测定Th-U比而只测量总α计数率时,最终引起的年龄误差对0≤Th/U≤∝来说为±5.1%-±8.3%,对1.1≤Th/U≤9.5来说只有±2.5%%-±4.1%。  相似文献   
本文对几种典型减振器做了一些分析,并根据我国主战坦克的特点提出了一种新的改进设计方案,在文中暂称为“复合作用”式减振器。它既能产生象摩擦减振器的摩擦阻尼,又能具有筒式减振器的小孔节流阻尼效果。两种阻尼的复合作用如调整适当,则对提高悬挂系统对地面情况的变化适应能力,改善车辆行驶平稳性和可靠性有很大的帮助。  相似文献   
长寿老人,高血压患者及健康学生头发中微量元素的分析   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
吴小凤  张钰蓉 《核技术》1989,12(4):243-245
Fusion is an essentially inexhaustible source of energy that has the potential for economically attractive commercial applications with excellent safety and environmental characteristics. The primary focus for the fusion-energy development program is the generation of centralstation electricity. Fusion has the potential, however, for many other applications. The fact that a large fraction of the energy released in a DT fusion reaction is carried by high-energy neutrons suggests potentially unique applications. These include breeding of fissile fuels, production of hydrogen and other chemical products, transmutation or burning of various nuclear or chemical wastes, radiation processing of materials, production of radioisotopes, food preservation, medical diagnosis and medical treatment, and space power and space propulsion. In addition, fusion R&D will lead to new products and new markets.Each fusion application must meet certain standards of economic and safety and environmental attractiveness. For this reason, economics on the one hand, and safety and environment and licensing on the other hand, are the two primary criteria for setting long-range commercial fusion objectives. A major function of systems analysis is to evaluate the potential of fusion against these objectives and to help guide the fusion R&D program toward practical applications. The transfer of fusion technology and skills from the national laboratories and universities to industry is the key to achieving the long-range objective of commercial fusion applications.  相似文献   
袁英民  万均 《铸造技术》2005,26(9):763-763,766
脲醛呋喃树脂中的含氮量,一般采用克氏定氮法,方法繁琐,费时较长,不利于快速分析的要求,本文利用气相色谱法对脲醛呋喃树脂中的氮含量进行分析测定,并建立了测定方法.方法简捷、快速、重现性好,加标回收率在100.8~109.0之间,准确度较高,可很好的满足工业生产中快速分析的要求.  相似文献   
Thermal sprayed aluminum and zinc provide long-term (> 20 years to first maintenance) corrosion control coatings. However, this application is usually more expensive than painting or galvanizing if thermal spraying (metallizing) is not integrated into the design and fabrication phases of new construction and repair projects. Aluminum and zinc metallized coatings are tough enough to withstand fabrication, transportation, and assembly operations. The improved capabilities and productivity of metallizing equipment for aluminum and zinc spraying are a major factor in their current cost competitiveness. The net result is that the cost difference between metallizing, paint, and galvanizing is getting closer every day. Even though the initial application cost of metallizing may be higher, the life cycle cost (LCC) and average equivalent annual costs (AEAC) are lower than paint coating systems. Metallizing LCCs, when properly engineered into the construction schedule, are equal to or less than paint coating LCCs. This article summarizes some metallizing considerations for installing improved corrosion control coating systems in new construction and in maintenance and repair of infrastructure. Editor’s Note: The following constants have been used to convert between English and Metric dimensions: 1ft2-0.0929 m2; 1lb/ft2-4.89 kg/m2; 1 mil=0.025mm. Presented at the 5th National Thermal Spray Conference (NTSC-93), Infrastructure Maintenance and Repair Session, 10 June 1993, Anaheim, CA.  相似文献   
介绍了生产线试运行过程中,用工艺分析软件解决所遇到的工艺问题,为工艺分析软件开拓了一个新的应用领域。  相似文献   
热压变形对灰口铸铁石墨形态的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
研究了灰口铸铁(HTl50)在900℃大压下量塑性变形后石墨的分布形态,结果表明:随着压下量的增加,石墨片逐渐趋于平行分布;变形过程中发生了碳的回溶,同时伴随着石墨片的断裂;石墨片体积分数及片间距随压下量的增加而逐渐减少。  相似文献   
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